SmbFileInputStream.javaAPI DocJCIFS 1.3.17 API8298Tue Oct 18 15:26:24 BST 2011jcifs.smb


public class SmbFileInputStream extends InputStream
This InputStream can read bytes from a file on an SMB file server. Offsets are 64 bits.

Fields Summary
private long
private int
private int
private int
private byte[]
Constructors Summary
public SmbFileInputStream(String url)
Creates an {@link} for reading bytes from a file on an SMB server addressed by the url parameter. See {@link jcifs.smb.SmbFile} for a detailed description and examples of the smb URL syntax.

url An smb URL string representing the file to read from


        this( new SmbFile( url ));
public SmbFileInputStream(SmbFile file)
Creates an {@link} for reading bytes from a file on an SMB server represented by the {@link jcifs.smb.SmbFile} parameter. See {@link jcifs.smb.SmbFile} for a detailed description and examples of the smb URL syntax.

file An SmbFile specifying the file to read from

        this( file, SmbFile.O_RDONLY );
SmbFileInputStream(SmbFile file, int openFlags)

        this.file = file;
        this.openFlags = openFlags & 0xFFFF;
        this.access = (openFlags >>> 16) & 0xFFFF;
        if (file.type != SmbFile.TYPE_NAMED_PIPE) {
   openFlags, access, SmbFile.ATTR_NORMAL, 0 );
            this.openFlags &= ~(SmbFile.O_CREAT | SmbFile.O_TRUNC);
        } else {
        readSize = Math.min( file.tree.session.transport.rcv_buf_size - 70,
                            file.tree.session.transport.server.maxBufferSize - 70 );
Methods Summary
public intavailable()
This stream class is unbuffered. Therefore this method will always return 0 for streams connected to regular files. However, a stream created from a Named Pipe this method will query the server using a "peek named pipe" operation and return the number of available bytes on the server.

        SmbNamedPipe pipe;
        TransPeekNamedPipe req;
        TransPeekNamedPipeResponse resp;

        if( file.type != SmbFile.TYPE_NAMED_PIPE ) {
            return 0;

        try {
            pipe = (SmbNamedPipe)file;
  , pipe.pipeType & 0xFF0000, SmbFile.ATTR_NORMAL, 0 );
            req = new TransPeekNamedPipe( file.unc, file.fid );
            resp = new TransPeekNamedPipeResponse( pipe );
            pipe.send( req, resp );
            if( resp.status == TransPeekNamedPipeResponse.STATUS_DISCONNECTED ||
                    resp.status == TransPeekNamedPipeResponse.STATUS_SERVER_END_CLOSED ) {
                file.opened = false;
                return 0;
            return resp.available;
        } catch (SmbException se) {
            throw seToIoe(se);
public voidclose()
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.

IOException if a network error occurs

        try {
            tmp = null;
        } catch (SmbException se) {
            throw seToIoe(se);
public intread()
Reads a byte of data from this input stream.

IOException if a network error occurs

        // need oplocks to cache otherwise use BufferedInputStream
        if( read( tmp, 0, 1 ) == -1 ) {
            return -1;
        return tmp[0] & 0xFF;
public intread(byte[] b)
Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.

IOException if a network error occurs

        return read( b, 0, b.length );
public intread(byte[] b, int off, int len)
Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.

IOException if a network error occurs

        return readDirect(b, off, len);
public intreadDirect(byte[] b, int off, int len)

        if( len <= 0 ) {
            return 0;
        long start = fp;

        if( tmp == null ) {
            throw new IOException( "Bad file descriptor" );
        // ensure file is open openFlags, access, SmbFile.ATTR_NORMAL, 0 );

         * Read AndX Request / Response

        if( file.log.level >= 4 )
            file.log.println( "read: fid=" + file.fid + ",off=" + off + ",len=" + len );

        SmbComReadAndXResponse response = new SmbComReadAndXResponse( b, off );

        if( file.type == SmbFile.TYPE_NAMED_PIPE ) {
            response.responseTimeout = 0;

        int r, n;
        do {
            r = len > readSize ? readSize : len;

            if( file.log.level >= 4 )
                file.log.println( "read: len=" + len + ",r=" + r + ",fp=" + fp );

            try {
SmbComReadAndX request = new SmbComReadAndX( file.fid, fp, r, null );
if( file.type == SmbFile.TYPE_NAMED_PIPE ) {
    request.minCount = request.maxCount = request.remaining = 1024;
                file.send( request, response );
            } catch( SmbException se ) {
                if( file.type == SmbFile.TYPE_NAMED_PIPE &&
                        se.getNtStatus() == NtStatus.NT_STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN ) {
                    return -1;
                throw seToIoe(se);
            if(( n = response.dataLength ) <= 0 ) {
                return (int)((fp - start) > 0L ? fp - start : -1);
            fp += n;
            len -= n;
   += n;
        } while( len > 0 && n == r );

        return (int)(fp - start);
protected se)

        IOException ioe = se;
        Throwable root = se.getRootCause();
        if (root instanceof TransportException) {
            ioe = (TransportException)root;
            root = ((TransportException)ioe).getRootCause();
        if (root instanceof InterruptedException) {
            ioe = new InterruptedIOException(root.getMessage());
        return ioe;
public longskip(long n)
Skip n bytes of data on this stream. This operation will not result in any IO with the server. Unlink InputStream value less than the one provided will not be returned if it exceeds the end of the file (if this is a problem let us know).

        if (n > 0) {
            fp += n;
            return n;
        return 0;