Methods Summary |
public boolean | areAllItemsEnabled()
public java.lang.Object | getChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition)Gets the data associated with the given child within the given group.
public long | getChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition)Gets the ID for the given child within the given group. This ID must be
unique across all children within the group. The combined ID (see
{@link #getCombinedChildId(long, long)}) must be unique across ALL items
(groups and all children).
public android.view.View | getChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, boolean isLastChild, android.view.View convertView, android.view.ViewGroup parent)Gets a View that displays the data for the given child within the given
public int | getChildrenCount(int groupPosition)Gets the number of children in a specified group.
public long | getCombinedChildId(long groupId, long childId)Gets an ID for a child that is unique across any item (either group or
child) that is in this list. Expandable lists require each item (group or
child) to have a unique ID among all children and groups in the list.
This method is responsible for returning that unique ID given a child's
ID and its group's ID. Furthermore, if {@link #hasStableIds()} is true, the
returned ID must be stable as well.
public long | getCombinedGroupId(long groupId)Gets an ID for a group that is unique across any item (either group or
child) that is in this list. Expandable lists require each item (group or
child) to have a unique ID among all children and groups in the list.
This method is responsible for returning that unique ID given a group's
ID. Furthermore, if {@link #hasStableIds()} is true, the returned ID must be
stable as well.
public java.lang.Object | getGroup(int groupPosition)Gets the data associated with the given group.
public int | getGroupCount()Gets the number of groups.
public long | getGroupId(int groupPosition)Gets the ID for the group at the given position. This group ID must be
unique across groups. The combined ID (see
{@link #getCombinedGroupId(long)}) must be unique across ALL items
(groups and all children).
public android.view.View | getGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean isExpanded, android.view.View convertView, android.view.ViewGroup parent)Gets a View that displays the given group. This View is only for the
group--the Views for the group's children will be fetched using
{@link #getChildView(int, int, boolean, View, ViewGroup)}.
public boolean | hasStableIds()Indicates whether the child and group IDs are stable across changes to the
underlying data.
public boolean | isChildSelectable(int groupPosition, int childPosition)Whether the child at the specified position is selectable.
public boolean | isEmpty()
public void | onGroupCollapsed(int groupPosition)Called when a group is collapsed.
public void | onGroupExpanded(int groupPosition)Called when a group is expanded.
public void | registerDataSetObserver(android.database.DataSetObserver observer)
public void | unregisterDataSetObserver(android.database.DataSetObserver observer)