PathKeyframes.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API8285Thu Mar 12 22:22:08 GMT 2015android.animation


public class PathKeyframes extends Object implements Keyframes
PathKeyframes relies on approximating the Path as a series of line segments. The line segments are recursively divided until there is less than 1/2 pixel error between the lines and the curve. Each point of the line segment is converted to a Keyframe and a linear interpolation between Keyframes creates a good approximation of the curve.

PathKeyframes is optimized to reduce the number of objects created when there are many keyframes for a curve.

Typically, the returned type is a PointF, but the individual components can be extracted as either an IntKeyframes or FloatKeyframes.

Fields Summary
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final ArrayList
private float[]
Constructors Summary
public PathKeyframes( path)

        this(path, 0.5f);
public PathKeyframes( path, float error)

        if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The path must not be null or empty");
        mKeyframeData = path.approximate(error);
Methods Summary
public Keyframesclone()

        Keyframes clone = null;
        try {
            clone = (Keyframes) super.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {}
        return clone;
public FloatKeyframescreateXFloatKeyframes()
Returns a FloatKeyframes for the X component of the Path.

a FloatKeyframes for the X component of the Path.

        return new FloatKeyframesBase() {
            public float getFloatValue(float fraction) {
                PointF pointF = (PointF) PathKeyframes.this.getValue(fraction);
                return pointF.x;
public IntKeyframescreateXIntKeyframes()
Returns an IntKeyframes for the X component of the Path.

an IntKeyframes for the X component of the Path.

        return new IntKeyframesBase() {
            public int getIntValue(float fraction) {
                PointF pointF = (PointF) PathKeyframes.this.getValue(fraction);
                return Math.round(pointF.x);
public FloatKeyframescreateYFloatKeyframes()
Returns a FloatKeyframes for the Y component of the Path.

a FloatKeyframes for the Y component of the Path.

        return new FloatKeyframesBase() {
            public float getFloatValue(float fraction) {
                PointF pointF = (PointF) PathKeyframes.this.getValue(fraction);
                return pointF.y;
public IntKeyframescreateYIntKeyframes()
Returns an IntKeyframeSet for the Y component of the Path.

an IntKeyframeSet for the Y component of the Path.

        return new IntKeyframesBase() {
            public int getIntValue(float fraction) {
                PointF pointF = (PointF) PathKeyframes.this.getValue(fraction);
                return Math.round(pointF.y);
public java.util.ArrayListgetKeyframes()

        return EMPTY_KEYFRAMES;
public java.lang.ClassgetType()

        return PointF.class;
public java.lang.ObjectgetValue(float fraction)

        int numPoints = mKeyframeData.length / 3;
        if (fraction < 0) {
            return interpolateInRange(fraction, 0, 1);
        } else if (fraction > 1) {
            return interpolateInRange(fraction, numPoints - 2, numPoints - 1);
        } else if (fraction == 0) {
            return pointForIndex(0);
        } else if (fraction == 1) {
            return pointForIndex(numPoints - 1);
        } else {
            // Binary search for the correct section
            int low = 0;
            int high = numPoints - 1;

            while (low <= high) {
                int mid = (low + high) / 2;
                float midFraction = mKeyframeData[(mid * NUM_COMPONENTS) + FRACTION_OFFSET];

                if (fraction < midFraction) {
                    high = mid - 1;
                } else if (fraction > midFraction) {
                    low = mid + 1;
                } else {
                    return pointForIndex(mid);

            // now high is below the fraction and low is above the fraction
            return interpolateInRange(fraction, high, low);
private static floatinterpolate(float fraction, float startValue, float endValue)

        float diff = endValue - startValue;
        return startValue + (diff * fraction);
private fraction, int startIndex, int endIndex)

        int startBase = (startIndex * NUM_COMPONENTS);
        int endBase = (endIndex * NUM_COMPONENTS);

        float startFraction = mKeyframeData[startBase + FRACTION_OFFSET];
        float endFraction = mKeyframeData[endBase + FRACTION_OFFSET];

        float intervalFraction = (fraction - startFraction)/(endFraction - startFraction);

        float startX = mKeyframeData[startBase + X_OFFSET];
        float endX = mKeyframeData[endBase + X_OFFSET];
        float startY = mKeyframeData[startBase + Y_OFFSET];
        float endY = mKeyframeData[endBase + Y_OFFSET];

        float x = interpolate(intervalFraction, startX, endX);
        float y = interpolate(intervalFraction, startY, endY);

        mTempPointF.set(x, y);
        return mTempPointF;
public voidinvalidateCache()

private index)

        int base = (index * NUM_COMPONENTS);
        int xOffset = base + X_OFFSET;
        int yOffset = base + Y_OFFSET;
        mTempPointF.set(mKeyframeData[xOffset], mKeyframeData[yOffset]);
        return mTempPointF;
public voidsetEvaluator(TypeEvaluator evaluator)