TimeService.javaAPI DocExample8231Mon May 20 00:24:28 BST 2002com.ronsoft.books.nio.channels


public class TimeService extends Object
Request and/or provide time service, per RFC 868. RFC 868 ( is a very simple time protocol whereby one system can request the current time from another system. It's a very simple protocol, specified nearly 20 years ago, which does not take into account packet transit time or precision of less than one second. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is superior but far too complex for demonstration purposes. Most Linux, BSD and Solaris systems provide RFC 868 time service on port 37. This simple program will inter-operate with those. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) operates a public time server at This code also implements an RFC 868 listener to provide time service. On most unix systems, root privileges are required to bind to ports below 1024. You can either run this code as root or provide another port number with "-l port#". If you run this server on an alternate port, you can connect from another JVM by supplying the "-p" option to specify the alternate port for requests. Note: The familiar rdate command on unix will probably not work with this server. Most versions of rdate use TCP rather than UDP to request the time. When run, this program will issue time requests to each hostname given on the command line, then enter a loop to receive packets. If not acting as a server, it will exit when all expected replies have arrived. Note that some replies may be lost, which means this code may block forever. If acting as a server, time requests from remote systems will be dispatched as well, in the same loop. The RFC 868 protocol specifies a 32 bit unsigned value be sent, representing the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1900. The Java epoch begins on Jan 1, 1970 (same as unix) so an adjustment is made by adding or subtracting 2,208,988,800 as appropriate. To avoid casting shifting an masking, a four-byte slice of an eight-byte buffer is used send/recieve, but then get/putLong() is done on the full eight bytes to get a long value. Created: April 2002
Ron Hitchens (
$Id:,v 1.4 2002/05/20 07:24:29 ron Exp $

Fields Summary
private static final int
private static final long
protected DatagramChannel
protected boolean
Constructors Summary
public TimeService(int port)


		if (port != 0) {
			System.out.println ("Listening on port " + port
				+ " for time requests");

			channel.socket().bind (new InetSocketAddress (port));
			listening = true;
Methods Summary
public static longcurrentTimeSecs()

		return (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);	// secs/1970
public static java.lang.StringhostInfo( sa)

		return (sa.getHostName() + ":" + sa.getPort());
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] argv)

		if (argv.length == 0) {
			System.out.println ("Usage: [ -s | -l port ] [ -p port ] host ...");

		List hosts = new LinkedList();
		int listenPort = 0;
		int port = DEFAULT_TIME_PORT;

		for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
			String arg = argv [i];

			// listen as a server, on the default port
			if (arg.equals ("-s")) {
				listenPort = DEFAULT_TIME_PORT;

			// listen as a server, on the given port
			if (arg.equals ("-l")) {
				listenPort = Integer.parseInt (argv [i]);

			// send client requests to the given port
			if (arg.equals ("-p")) {
				port = Integer.parseInt (argv [i]);

			// create an address object for the host name
			InetSocketAddress sa = new InetSocketAddress (arg, port);

			// validate that it has an address
			if (sa.getAddress() == null) {
				System.out.println ("Cannot resolve address: "
					+ arg);


			hosts.add (sa);

		TimeService timeService = newInstance (listenPort);

		// send time requests to all the supplied hosts
		Iterator it = hosts.iterator();

		while (it.hasNext()) {
			InetSocketAddress sa = (InetSocketAddress);

			System.out.println ("Requesting time from "
				+ hostInfo (sa));

			timeService.requestTime (sa);

		System.out.println ("");
		System.out.println ("Waiting for replies..."); (hosts.size());
public static com.ronsoft.books.nio.channels.TimeServicenewInstance(int listenPort)

		return (new TimeService (listenPort));
protected voidprintTime(long remote1900, sa)

		long remote = remote1900 - DIFF_1900;
		long local = currentTimeSecs();
		Date remoteDate = new Date (remote * 1000);
		Date localDate = new Date (local * 1000);
		long skew = remote - local;

		System.out.println ("Reply from " + hostInfo (sa));
		System.out.println ("  there: " + remoteDate);
		System.out.println ("   here: " + localDate);
		System.out.print ("   skew: ");

		if (skew == 0) {
			System.out.println ("none");
		} else {
			System.out.println (skew + " seconds "
				+ ((skew < 0) ? "behind" : "ahead"));
protected channel, java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)


		// receive a 32-bit, big-endian, unsigned value
		return ((InetSocketAddress) channel.receive (buffer));
public voidrequestTime( sa)

		ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate (1);

		buffer.flip();		// make it empty, see RFC868

		// fire and forget
		channel.send (buffer, sa);
public voidrun(int expect)

		// allocate a buffer to hold a long value
		ByteBuffer longBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate (8);

		// assure big-endian (network) byte order
		longBuffer.order (ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
		// zero the whole buffer to be sure
		longBuffer.putLong (0, 0);
		// position to first byte of the low-order 32 bits
		longBuffer.position (4);

		// slice the buffer, gives view of the low-order 32 bits
		ByteBuffer buffer = longBuffer.slice();	
		int replies = 0;

		while (true) {
			InetSocketAddress sa;

			sa = receivePacket (channel, buffer);

			if (sa == null) {
				// only get here if receivePacket timed out
				if (listening) {

				System.out.println ("Time's up, "
					+ (expect - replies)
					+ " replies never arrived");



			if (buffer.remaining() == 0) {
				// empty packet, someone requesting our time
				System.out.println ("Time request from "
					+ hostInfo (sa));

				serveTimeRequest (sa);
			} else {
				// reply to a time request we sent
				printTime (longBuffer.getLong (0), sa);

			if (expect == 0) {
				// running as pure server, carry on

			if (replies == expect) {
				// all request were answered
				System.out.println ("All packets answered");
				expect = 0;

				if ( ! listening) {
			} else {
				// some haven't shown up yet
				System.out.println ("Received " + replies
					+ " of " + expect + " replies");
protected voidserveTimeRequest( sa)

		ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate (8);

		buffer.putLong (0, currentTimeSecs() + DIFF_1900);
		buffer.position (4);		// low-order 32-bit int (buffer, sa);