Element.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API8010Fri May 04 22:35:00 BST

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 *	This generated bean class Element matches the schema element element
 *	Generated on Wed Aug 20 17:21:25 PDT 2003


import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.*;
import java.beans.*;
import java.util.*;


public class Element extends org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.BaseBean

	static Vector comparators = new Vector();

	static public final String NAME = "Name";	// NOI18N
	static public final String CHECK = "Check";	// NOI18N

	public Element() {

	public Element(int options)
		super(comparators, new org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.Version(1, 2, 0));
		// Properties (see root bean comments for the bean graph)
		this.createProperty("name", 	// NOI18N
			Common.TYPE_1 | Common.TYPE_STRING | Common.TYPE_KEY, 
		this.createProperty("check", 	// NOI18N
			Common.TYPE_0_N | Common.TYPE_BEAN | Common.TYPE_KEY, 

	// Setting the default values of the properties
	void initialize(int options)

	// This attribute is mandatory
	public void setName(String value) {
		this.setValue(NAME, value);

	public String getName() {
		return (String)this.getValue(NAME);

	// This attribute is an array, possibly empty
	public void setCheck(int index, Check value) {
		this.setValue(CHECK, index, value);

	public Check getCheck(int index) {
		return (Check)this.getValue(CHECK, index);

	// This attribute is an array, possibly empty
	public void setCheck(Check[] value) {
		this.setValue(CHECK, value);

	public Check[] getCheck() {
		return (Check[])this.getValues(CHECK);

	// Return the number of properties
	public int sizeCheck() {
		return this.size(CHECK);

	// Add a new element returning its index in the list
	public int addCheck( value) {
		return this.addValue(CHECK, value);

	// Remove an element using its reference
	// Returns the index the element had in the list
	public int removeCheck( value) {
		return this.removeValue(CHECK, value);

	public static void addComparator(org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.BeanComparator c) {

	public static void removeComparator(org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.BeanComparator c) {
	public void validate() throws org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.ValidateException {
		boolean restrictionFailure = false;
		// Validating property name
		if (getName() == null) {
			throw new org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.ValidateException("getName() == null", "name", this);	// NOI18N
		// Validating property check
		for (int _index = 0; _index < sizeCheck(); ++_index) { element = getCheck(_index);
			if (element != null) {

	// Dump the content of this bean returning it as a String
	public void dump(StringBuffer str, String indent){
		String s;
		Object o;
		org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.BaseBean n;
		str.append("Name");	// NOI18N
		str.append(indent+"\t");	// NOI18N
		str.append("<");	// NOI18N
		s = this.getName();
		str.append((s==null?"null":s.trim()));	// NOI18N
		str.append(">\n");	// NOI18N
		this.dumpAttributes(NAME, 0, str, indent);

		str.append("Check["+this.sizeCheck()+"]");	// NOI18N
		for(int i=0; i<this.sizeCheck(); i++)
			n = (org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.BaseBean) this.getCheck(i);
			if (n != null)
				n.dump(str, indent + "\t");	// NOI18N
				str.append(indent+"\tnull");	// NOI18N
			this.dumpAttributes(CHECK, i, str, indent);

	public String dumpBeanNode(){
		StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
		str.append("Element\n");	// NOI18N
		this.dump(str, "\n  ");	// NOI18N
		return str.toString();


		The following schema file has been used for generation:

  XML DTD for for validation xml.
  validation.xml is used to specify Constraints to be applied to
  $Revision: 1.4 $

This is the root element
<!ELEMENT validation  (element*) >
<!ATTLIST validation
        validate    CDATA        (true | false)     "true">

This element represents, the set of Constraints to be applied to
the given element.
<!ELEMENT element (name, check*)>

This element represents, a particular Constraint.
Note : Information about this Constraint must be provided through
corresponding <check-info> object in constraints.xml Sub element
<name> should match with <name> of corresponding <check-info>
element defined in constraints.xml.
<!ELEMENT check (name, parameters?)>

This element represent, Constraint parameters.
Number of sub elements, <parameter> should match with the number
of <argument> sub elements, of corresponding <arguments> element
in constraints.xml
<!ELEMENT parameters (parameter+)>

This element represents, a Constraint parameter.
Sub elements <name> should match with the <name> sub element of
corresponding <argument> element in constraints.xml
<value> could be one or more. In case of an variable array
argument, multiple <value> elements will be used.
Example : InConstraint
<!ELEMENT parameter (name, value+)>

Used in elements : <element>, <check> and <parameter>
In <element> , it represents the name(xpath - complete absolute
name of an element(leaf).
In <check> , it represents name of a Constraint. This is the
linking element for <check> element in validation.xml and
<check-info> element in constraints.xml.
In <parameter>, it represents name of parameter. This is the
linking element for <parameter> element in validation.xml and
<argument> element in constraints.xml.

This element represents the value of a parameter.
<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
