TestBATBlock.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.18001Mon Jan 01 12:39:44 GMT


public class TestBATBlock extends TestCase
Class to test BATBlock functionality
Marc Johnson

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public TestBATBlock(String name)
Constructor TestBATBlock


Methods Summary
private int[]createTestArray(int count)

        int[] rvalue = new int[ count ];

        for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
            rvalue[ j ] = j;
        return rvalue;
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] ignored_args)
main method to run the unit tests


public voidtestCalculateXBATStorageRequirements()
test calculateXBATStorageRequirements

        int[] blockCounts  =
            0, 1, 127, 128
        int[] requirements =
            0, 1, 1, 2

        for (int j = 0; j < blockCounts.length; j++)
                "requirement for " + blockCounts[ j ], requirements[ j ],
                BATBlock.calculateXBATStorageRequirements(blockCounts[ j ]));
public voidtestCreateBATBlocks()
Test the createBATBlocks method. The test involves setting up various arrays of int's and ensuring that the correct number of BATBlocks is created for each array, and that the data from each array is correctly written to the BATBlocks.


        // test 0 length array (basic sanity)
        BATBlock[] rvalue = BATBlock.createBATBlocks(createTestArray(0));

        assertEquals(0, rvalue.length);

        // test array of length 1
        rvalue = BATBlock.createBATBlocks(createTestArray(1));
        assertEquals(1, rvalue.length);
        verifyContents(rvalue, 1);

        // test array of length 127
        rvalue = BATBlock.createBATBlocks(createTestArray(127));
        assertEquals(1, rvalue.length);
        verifyContents(rvalue, 127);

        // test array of length 128
        rvalue = BATBlock.createBATBlocks(createTestArray(128));
        assertEquals(1, rvalue.length);
        verifyContents(rvalue, 128);

        // test array of length 129
        rvalue = BATBlock.createBATBlocks(createTestArray(129));
        assertEquals(2, rvalue.length);
        verifyContents(rvalue, 129);
public voidtestCreateXBATBlocks()
test createXBATBlocks


        // test 0 length array (basic sanity)
        BATBlock[] rvalue = BATBlock.createXBATBlocks(createTestArray(0), 1);

        assertEquals(0, rvalue.length);

        // test array of length 1
        rvalue = BATBlock.createXBATBlocks(createTestArray(1), 1);
        assertEquals(1, rvalue.length);
        verifyXBATContents(rvalue, 1, 1);

        // test array of length 127
        rvalue = BATBlock.createXBATBlocks(createTestArray(127), 1);
        assertEquals(1, rvalue.length);
        verifyXBATContents(rvalue, 127, 1);

        // test array of length 128
        rvalue = BATBlock.createXBATBlocks(createTestArray(128), 1);
        assertEquals(2, rvalue.length);
        verifyXBATContents(rvalue, 128, 1);

        // test array of length 254
        rvalue = BATBlock.createXBATBlocks(createTestArray(254), 1);
        assertEquals(2, rvalue.length);
        verifyXBATContents(rvalue, 254, 1);

        // test array of length 255
        rvalue = BATBlock.createXBATBlocks(createTestArray(255), 1);
        assertEquals(3, rvalue.length);
        verifyXBATContents(rvalue, 255, 1);
public voidtestEntriesPerBlock()
test entriesPerBlock

        assertEquals(128, BATBlock.entriesPerBlock());
public voidtestEntriesPerXBATBlock()
test entriesPerXBATBlock

        assertEquals(127, BATBlock.entriesPerXBATBlock());
public voidtestGetXBATChainOffset()
test getXBATChainOffset

        assertEquals(508, BATBlock.getXBATChainOffset());
private voidverifyContents([] blocks, int entries)

        byte[] expected = new byte[ 512 * blocks.length ];

        Arrays.fill(expected, ( byte ) 0xFF);
        int offset = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < entries; j++)
            expected[ offset++ ] = ( byte ) j;
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512
                                           * blocks.length);

        for (int j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++)
            blocks[ j ].writeBlocks(stream);
        byte[] actual = stream.toByteArray();

        assertEquals(expected.length, actual.length);
        for (int j = 0; j < expected.length; j++)
            assertEquals(expected[ j ], actual[ j ]);
private voidverifyXBATContents([] blocks, int entries, int start_block)

        byte[] expected = new byte[ 512 * blocks.length ];

        Arrays.fill(expected, ( byte ) 0xFF);
        int offset = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < entries; j++)
            if ((j % 127) == 0)
                if (j != 0)
                    offset += 4;
            expected[ offset++ ] = ( byte ) j;
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < (blocks.length - 1); j++)
            offset               = 508 + (j * 512);
            expected[ offset++ ] = ( byte ) (start_block + j + 1);
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
            expected[ offset++ ] = 0;
        offset               = (blocks.length * 512) - 4;
        expected[ offset++ ] = ( byte ) -2;
        expected[ offset++ ] = ( byte ) -1;
        expected[ offset++ ] = ( byte ) -1;
        expected[ offset++ ] = ( byte ) -1;
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512
                                           * blocks.length);

        for (int j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++)
            blocks[ j ].writeBlocks(stream);
        byte[] actual = stream.toByteArray();

        assertEquals(expected.length, actual.length);
        for (int j = 0; j < expected.length; j++)
            assertEquals("offset " + j, expected[ j ], actual[ j ]);