// set up our options the way we want them
final NotificationStringifier.Options options =
new NotificationStringifier.Options();
options.mDelim = "\n";
// create a new registry and put our versions in place
final StringifierRegistry myRegistry =
new StringifierRegistry( StringifierRegistry.DEFAULT );
// register our stringifiers with desired options
myRegistry.add( Notification.class,
new NotificationStringifier( options ));
myRegistry.add( AttributeChangeNotification.class,
new AttributeChangeNotificationStringifier( options ) );
myRegistry.add( MBeanServerNotification.class,
new MBeanServerNotificationStringifier( options ) );
myRegistry.add( MonitorNotification.class,
new MonitorNotificationStringifier( options ) );
final SmartStringifier s = new SmartStringifier( myRegistry, ",", true);
return( s );