DHTUDPPacketRequest.javaAPI DocAzureus Aug 01 14:20:14 BST 2006com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.transport.udp.impl


public class DHTUDPPacketRequest extends implements DHTUDPPacket

Fields Summary
public static final int
private DHTTransportUDPImpl
private byte
private byte
private int
private byte
private long
private InetSocketAddress
private int
private long
Constructors Summary
public DHTUDPPacketRequest(DHTTransportUDPImpl _transport, int _type, long _connection_id, DHTTransportUDPContactImpl _local_contact, DHTTransportUDPContactImpl _remote_contact)

		super( _type, _connection_id );
		transport	= _transport;
			// serialisation constructor
		protocol_version		= _remote_contact.getProtocolVersion();		
			// the target might be at a higher protocol version that us, so trim back if necessary
			// as we obviously can't talk a higher version than what we are!
		if ( protocol_version > _transport.getProtocolVersion() ){
			protocol_version = _transport.getProtocolVersion();
		originator_address		= _local_contact.getExternalAddress();
		originator_instance_id	= _local_contact.getInstanceID();
		originator_time			= SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
protected DHTUDPPacketRequest(com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.transport.udp.impl.packethandler.DHTUDPPacketNetworkHandler network_handler, DataInputStream is, int type, long con_id, int trans_id)

		super( type, con_id, trans_id );
			// deserialisation constructor
		protocol_version	= is.readByte();
		if ( protocol_version < DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN ){
			throw( new IOException( "Invalid DHT protocol version, please update Azureus" ));
		if ( protocol_version >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_VENDOR_ID ){
			vendor_id	= is.readByte();			
		if ( protocol_version >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_NETWORKS ){
			network	= is.readInt();

			// we can only get the correct transport after decoding the network...
		transport = network_handler.getTransport( this );

		if ( protocol_version >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_FIX_ORIGINATOR ){
			originator_version = is.readByte();
				// this should be set correctly in the post-deserialise code, however default
				// it for now
			originator_version = protocol_version;
		originator_address		= DHTUDPUtils.deserialiseAddress( is );
		originator_instance_id	= is.readInt();
		originator_time			= is.readLong();
			// We maintain a rough view of the clock diff between them and us,
			// times are then normalised appropriately. 
			// If the skew is positive then this means our clock is ahead of their
			// clock. Thus any times they send us will need to have the skew added in
			// so that they're correct relative to us.
			// For example: X has clock = 01:00, they create a value that expires at
			// X+8 hours 09:00. They send X to us. Our clock is an hour ahead (skew=+1hr)
			// We receive it at 02:00 (our time) and therefore time it out an hour early.
			// We therefore need to adjust the creation time to be 02:00.
			// Likewise, when we return a time to a caller we need to adjust by - skew to
			// put the time into their frame of reference.
		skew = SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - originator_time;
Methods Summary
protected longgetClockSkew()

		return( skew );
public intgetNetwork()

		return( network );

		return( originator_address );
protected intgetOriginatorInstanceID()

		return( originator_instance_id );
protected bytegetOriginatorVersion()

		return( originator_version );
public bytegetProtocolVersion()

		return( protocol_version );
public java.lang.StringgetString()

		return( super.getString() + ",[prot=" + protocol_version + ",ven=" + vendor_id + ",net="+network+",ov=" + originator_version + "]");
public DHTTransportUDPImplgetTransport()

		return( transport );
protected bytegetVendorID()

		return( vendor_id );
protected voidpostDeserialise( is)

		if ( protocol_version < DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_FIX_ORIGINATOR ){

			if ( is.available() > 0 ){
				originator_version	= is.readByte();
				originator_version = protocol_version;
				// if the originator is a higher version than us then we can't do anything sensible
				// working at their version (e.g. we can't reply to them using that version). 
				// Therefore trim their perceived version back to something we can deal with
			if ( originator_version > getTransport().getProtocolVersion() ){
				originator_version = getTransport().getProtocolVersion();
protected voidpostSerialise( os)

		if ( protocol_version < DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_FIX_ORIGINATOR ){
				// originator version is at tail so it works with older versions
			os.writeByte( getTransport().getProtocolVersion());
public voidserialise( os)


			// add to this and you need to amend HEADER_SIZE above
		os.writeByte( protocol_version );		
		if ( protocol_version >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_VENDOR_ID ){
			os.writeByte( DHTTransportUDP.VENDOR_ID_ME );
		if ( protocol_version >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_NETWORKS ){
			os.writeInt( network );

		if ( protocol_version >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_FIX_ORIGINATOR ){
				// originator version
			os.writeByte( getTransport().getProtocolVersion());
			DHTUDPUtils.serialiseAddress( os, originator_address );
		}catch( DHTTransportException	e ){
			throw( new IOException( e.getMessage()));
		os.writeInt( originator_instance_id );
		os.writeLong( originator_time );
public voidsetNetwork(int _network)

		network	= _network;
protected voidsetOriginatorAddress( address)

		originator_address	= address;