Methods Summary |
public boolean | allowsSizeInProcedureArguments()Used for sp defs.
return true;
protected void | appendBoolean(java.lang.Boolean bool, writer)Appends a Boolean value as a number
if (bool.booleanValue()) {
} else {
protected void | appendByteArray(byte[] bytes, writer)Append the ByteArray in ODBC literal format ({b hexString}).
This limits the amount of Binary data by the length of the SQL. Binding should increase this limit.
writer.write("{b '");
Helper.writeHexString(bytes, writer);
protected void | appendCalendar(java.util.Calendar calendar, writer)Answer a platform correct string representation of a Calendar as a Timestamp, suitable for SQL generation.
The calendar is printed in the ODBC platform independent timestamp format {ts'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.NNNNNNNNN'}.
writer.write("{ts '");
protected void | appendDate(java.sql.Date date, writer)Answer a platform correct string representation of a Date, suitable for SQL generation.
The date is printed in the ODBC platform independent format {d 'yyyy-mm-dd'}.
writer.write("{d '");
public void | appendLiteralToCall(oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.Call call, writer, java.lang.Object literal)INTERNAL
In case shouldBindLiterals is true, instead of null value a DatabaseField
value may be passed (so that it's type could be used for binding null).
if(shouldBindLiterals()) {
appendLiteralToCallWithBinding(call, writer, literal);
} else {
int nParametersToAdd = appendParameterInternal(call, writer, literal);
for(int i=0; i < nParametersToAdd; i++ ) {
protected void | appendLiteralToCallWithBinding(oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.Call call, writer, java.lang.Object literal)INTERNAL
Override this method in case the platform needs to do something special for binding literals.
Note that instead of null value a DatabaseField
value may be passed (so that it's type could be used for binding null).
((DatabaseCall)call).appendLiteral(writer, literal);
protected void | appendNumber(java.lang.Number number, writer)Write number to SQL string. This is provided so that database which do not support
Exponential format can customize their printing.
public void | appendParameter(oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.Call call, writer, java.lang.Object parameter)Write a database-friendly representation of the given parameter to the writer.
Determine the class of the object to be written, and invoke the appropriate print method
for that object. The default is "toString".
The platform may decide to bind some types, such as byte arrays and large strings.
Should only be called in case binding is not used.
appendParameterInternal(call, writer, parameter);
public int | appendParameterInternal(oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.Call call, writer, java.lang.Object parameter)Returns the number of parameters that used binding.
Should only be called in case binding is not used.
int nBoundParameters = 0;
DatabaseCall databaseCall = (DatabaseCall)call;
try {
// PERF: Print Calendars directly avoiding timestamp conversion,
// Must be before conversion as you cannot bind calendars.
if (parameter instanceof Calendar) {
appendCalendar((Calendar)parameter, writer);
return nBoundParameters;
Object dbValue = convertToDatabaseType(parameter);
if (dbValue instanceof String) {// String and number first as they are most common.
if (usesStringBinding() && (((String)dbValue).length() >= getStringBindingSize())) {
databaseCall.bindParameter(writer, dbValue);
nBoundParameters = 1;
} else {
appendString((String)dbValue, writer);
} else if (dbValue instanceof Number) {
appendNumber((Number)dbValue, writer);
} else if (dbValue instanceof java.sql.Time) {
appendTime((java.sql.Time)dbValue, writer);
} else if (dbValue instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
appendTimestamp((java.sql.Timestamp)dbValue, writer);
} else if (dbValue instanceof java.sql.Date) {
appendDate((java.sql.Date)dbValue, writer);
} else if (dbValue == null) {
} else if (dbValue instanceof Boolean) {
appendBoolean((Boolean)dbValue, writer);
} else if (dbValue instanceof byte[]) {
if (usesByteArrayBinding()) {
databaseCall.bindParameter(writer, dbValue);
nBoundParameters = 1;
} else {
appendByteArray((byte[])dbValue, writer);
} else if (dbValue instanceof Vector) {
nBoundParameters = printValuelist((Vector)dbValue, databaseCall, writer);
} else if ((parameter instanceof Struct) || (parameter instanceof Array) || (parameter instanceof Ref)) {
databaseCall.bindParameter(writer, parameter);
nBoundParameters = 1;
} else if (oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.Helper.isCollection(dbValue)) {
nBoundParameters = printValuelist(Helper.makeVectorFromObject(dbValue), databaseCall, writer);
} else if (dbValue.getClass() == int[].class) {
nBoundParameters = printValuelist((int[])dbValue, databaseCall, writer);
} else if (dbValue instanceof AppendCallCustomParameter) {
// custom append is required (example BLOB, CLOB on Oracle8)
nBoundParameters = 1;
} else if (dbValue instanceof BindCallCustomParameter) {
// custom binding is required, object to be bound is wrapped (example NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, NCLOB on Oracle9)
databaseCall.bindParameter(writer, dbValue);
nBoundParameters = 1;
} else if ((dbValue instanceof Struct) || (dbValue instanceof Array) || (dbValue instanceof Ref)) {
databaseCall.bindParameter(writer, dbValue);
nBoundParameters = 1;
} else {
// Assume database driver primitive that knows how to print itself, this is required for drivers
// such as Oracle JDBC, Informix JDBC and others, as well as client specific classes.
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
return nBoundParameters;
protected void | appendString(java.lang.String string, writer)Write the string. Quotes must be double quoted.
for (int position = 0; position < string.length(); position++) {
if (string.charAt(position) == '\'") {
} else {
protected void | appendTime(java.sql.Time time, writer)Answer a platform correct string representation of a Time, suitable for SQL generation.
The time is printed in the ODBC platform independent format {t'hh:mm:ss'}.
writer.write("{t '");
protected void | appendTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp, writer)Answer a platform correct string representation of a Timestamp, suitable for SQL generation.
The timestamp is printed in the ODBC platform independent timestamp format {ts'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.NNNNNNNNN'}.
writer.write("{ts '");
public void | autoCommit(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor accessor)Used by JDBC drivers that do not support autocommit so simulate an autocommit.
if (!supportsAutoCommit()) {
public void | beginTransaction(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor accessor)Used for jdbc drivers which do not support autocommit to explicitly begin a transaction
This method is a no-op for databases which implement autocommit as expected.
if (!supportsAutoCommit()) {
Statement statement = accessor.getConnection().createStatement();
try {
statement.executeUpdate("BEGIN TRANSACTION");
} finally {
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall | buildCallWithReturning(oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.SQLCall sqlCall, java.util.Vector returnFields)INTERNAL
Returns null unless the platform supports call with returning
throw ValidationException.platformDoesNotSupportCallWithReturning(Helper.getShortClassName(this));
protected java.util.Hashtable | buildClassTypes()Return the mapping of class types to database types for the schema framework.
Hashtable classTypeMapping;
classTypeMapping = new Hashtable();
//Key the dictionary the other way for table creation
classTypeMapping.put("NUMBER", java.math.BigInteger.class);
classTypeMapping.put("DECIMAL", java.math.BigDecimal.class);
classTypeMapping.put("INTEGER", Integer.class);
classTypeMapping.put("INT", Integer.class);
classTypeMapping.put("NUMERIC", Long.class);
classTypeMapping.put("FLOAT(16)", Float.class);
classTypeMapping.put("FLOAT(32)", Double.class);
classTypeMapping.put("NUMBER(1) default 0", Boolean.class);
classTypeMapping.put("SHORT", Short.class);
classTypeMapping.put("BYTE", Byte.class);
classTypeMapping.put("DOUBLE", Double.class);
classTypeMapping.put("FLOAT", Float.class);
classTypeMapping.put("SMALLINT", Short.class);
classTypeMapping.put("BIT", Boolean.class);
classTypeMapping.put("SMALLINT DEFAULT 0", Boolean.class);
classTypeMapping.put("VARCHAR", String.class);
classTypeMapping.put("CHAR", Character.class);
classTypeMapping.put("LONGVARBINARY", Byte[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("TEXT", Character[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("LONGTEXT", Character[].class);
// classTypeMapping.put("BINARY", Byte[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("MEMO", Character[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("VARCHAR2", String.class);
classTypeMapping.put("LONG RAW", Byte[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("LONG", Character[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("DATE", java.sql.Date.class);
classTypeMapping.put("TIMESTAMP", java.sql.Timestamp.class);
classTypeMapping.put("TIME", java.sql.Time.class);
classTypeMapping.put("DATETIME", java.sql.Timestamp.class);
classTypeMapping.put("BIGINT", java.math.BigInteger.class);
classTypeMapping.put("DOUBLE PRECIS", Double.class);
classTypeMapping.put("IMAGE", Byte[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("LONGVARCHAR", Character[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("REAL", Float.class);
classTypeMapping.put("TINYINT", Short.class);
// classTypeMapping.put("VARBINARY", Byte[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("BLOB", Byte[].class);
classTypeMapping.put("CLOB", Character[].class);
return classTypeMapping;
protected java.util.Hashtable | buildFieldTypes()Return the mapping of class types to database types for the schema framework.
Hashtable fieldTypeMapping;
fieldTypeMapping = new Hashtable();
fieldTypeMapping.put(Boolean.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 1));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Integer.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 10));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Long.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 19));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Float.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 12, 5).setLimits(19, 0, 19));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Double.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 10, 5).setLimits(19, 0, 19));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Short.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 5));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Byte.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 3));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.math.BigInteger.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 19));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.math.BigDecimal.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("NUMBER", 19, 0).setLimits(19, 0, 19));
fieldTypeMapping.put(String.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("VARCHAR"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Character.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("CHAR"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Byte[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BLOB"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(Character[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("CLOB"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(byte[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BLOB"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(char[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("CLOB"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Blob.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BLOB"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Clob.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("CLOB"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Date.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DATE"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Timestamp.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TIMESTAMP"));
fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Time.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TIME"));
return fieldTypeMapping;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ValueReadQuery | buildSelectQueryForNativeSequence()INTERNAL:
return null;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ValueReadQuery | buildSelectQueryForNativeSequence(java.lang.String seqName, java.lang.Integer size)INTERNAL:
return null;
public boolean | canBuildCallWithReturning()INTERNAL
Indicates whether the platform can build call with returning.
In case this method returns true, buildCallWithReturning method
may be called.
return false;
public void | commitTransaction(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor accessor)Used for jdbc drivers which do not support autocommit to explicitly commit a transaction
This method is a no-op for databases which implement autocommit as expected.
if (!supportsAutoCommit()) {
public java.lang.Object | convertToDatabaseType(java.lang.Object value)INTERNAL
We support more primitive than JDBC does so we must do conversion before printing or binding.
2.0p22: protected->public INTERNAL
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (value.getClass() == ClassConstants.UTILDATE) {
return Helper.timestampFromDate((java.util.Date)value);
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return ((Character)value).toString();
} else if (value instanceof Calendar) {
return Helper.timestampFromDate(((Calendar)value).getTime());
} else if (value instanceof BigInteger) {
return new BigDecimal((BigInteger)value);
} else if (value instanceof char[]) {
return new String((char[])value);
} else if (value instanceof Character[]) {
return convertObject(value, ClassConstants.STRING);
} else if (value instanceof Byte[]) {
return convertObject(value, ClassConstants.APBYTE);
return value;
public void | copyInto(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.Platform platform)Copy the state into the new platform.
if (!(platform instanceof DatabasePlatform)) {
DatabasePlatform databasePlatform = (DatabasePlatform)platform;
protected oracle.toplink.essentials.sequencing.Sequence | createPlatformDefaultSequence()INTERNAL:
Create platform-default Sequence
return new TableSequence();
public boolean | dontBindUpdateAllQueryUsingTempTables()INTERNAL:
May need to override this method if the sql generated for UpdateAllQuery
using temp tables fails in case parameter binding is used.
return false;
public java.lang.Object | executeStoredProcedure(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall dbCall, java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor accessor, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)because each platform has different requirements for accessing stored procedures and
the way that we can combine resultsets and output params the stored procedure call
is being executed on the platform
Object result = null;
ResultSet resultSet = null;
if (!dbCall.getReturnsResultSet()) {// no result set is expected
if (dbCall.isCursorOutputProcedure()) {
result = accessor.executeNoSelect(dbCall, statement, session);
resultSet = (ResultSet)((CallableStatement)statement).getObject(dbCall.getCursorOutIndex());
} else {
accessor.executeDirectNoSelect(statement, dbCall, session);
result = accessor.buildOutputRow((CallableStatement)statement, dbCall, session);
//ReadAllQuery may be returning just output params, or they may be executing a DataReadQuery, which also
//assumes a vector
if (dbCall.areManyRowsReturned()) {
Vector tempResult = new Vector();
result = tempResult;
} else {
// so specifically in Sybase JConnect 5.5 we must create the result vector before accessing the
// output params in the case where the user is returning both. this is a driver limitation
resultSet = accessor.executeSelect(dbCall, statement, session);
if (resultSet != null) {
dbCall.matchFieldOrder(resultSet, accessor, session);
if (dbCall.isCursorReturned()) {
return dbCall;
result = processResultSet(resultSet, dbCall, statement, accessor, session);
return result;
public java.lang.String | getAssignmentString()Used for stored function calls.
return "= ";
public java.lang.String | getBatchBeginString()Used for batch writing and sp defs.
return "";
public java.lang.String | getBatchDelimiterString()Used for batch writing and sp defs.
return "; ";
public java.lang.String | getBatchEndString()Used for batch writing and sp defs.
return "";
public java.util.Hashtable | getClassTypes()Return the class type to database type mapping for the schema framework.
if (classTypes == null) {
classTypes = buildClassTypes();
return classTypes;
public java.lang.String | getConstraintDeletionString()Used for constraint deletion.
protected java.lang.String | getCreateTempTableSqlBodyForTable(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table)INTERNAL:
May override this method if the platform supports temporary tables.
With this method not overridden the sql string for temporary table creation
will include a list of database fields extracted from descriptor:
getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix() + getTempTableForTable(table).getQualifiedName() +
(list of database fields) + getCreateTempTableSqlSuffix().
If this method is overridden its output will be used instead of fields' list:
getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix() + getTempTableForTable(table).getQualifiedName() +
getCreateTempTableSqlBodyForTable(table) + getCreateTempTableSqlSuffix().
Don't forget to begin it with a space.
Example: " LIKE " + table.getQualifiedName();
return null;
protected java.lang.String | getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix()INTERNAL:
Override this method if the platform supports temporary tables.
This should contain the beginning of sql string for
creating temporary table - the sql statement name, for instance:
Don't forget to end it with a space.
throw ValidationException.platformDoesNotOverrideGetCreateTempTableSqlPrefix(Helper.getShortClassName(this));
protected java.lang.String | getCreateTempTableSqlSuffix()INTERNAL:
May override this method if the platform support temporary tables.
This should contain the ending of sql string for
creating temporary table, for instance:
Don't forget to begin it with a space.
return "";
public java.lang.String | getCreateViewString()Used for view creation.
return "CREATE VIEW ";
public java.lang.String | getCreationInOutputProcedureToken()This method is used to print the required output parameter token for the
specific platform. Used when stored procedures are created.
return getInOutputProcedureToken();
public java.lang.String | getCreationOutputProcedureToken()This method is used to print the required output parameter token for the
specific platform. Used when stored procedures are created.
return getOutputProcedureToken();
public int | getCursorCode()ADVANCED:
Return the code for preparing cursored output
parameters in a stored procedure
return cursorCode;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.FieldTypeDefinition | getFieldTypeDefinition(java.lang.Class javaClass)Return the field type object describing this databases platform specific representation
of the Java primitive class name.
return (FieldTypeDefinition)getFieldTypes().get(javaClass);
public java.util.Hashtable | getFieldTypes()Return the class type to database type mappings for the schema framework.
if (fieldTypes == null) {
fieldTypes = buildFieldTypes();
return fieldTypes;
public java.lang.String | getFunctionCallHeader()Used for stored function calls.
return getProcedureCallHeader() + "? " + getAssignmentString();
public java.lang.String | getInOutputProcedureToken()This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored
procedures are called
return "IN OUT";
public java.lang.String | getJDBCOuterJoinString()Returns the JDBC outer join operator for SELECT statements.
return "{oj ";
public int | getJDBCType(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseField field)Return the JDBC type for the given database field.
if (field != null) {
// If the field has a specified JDBC type, use it,
// otherwise compute the type from the Java class type.
if (field.getSqlType() != -1) {
return field.getSqlType();
} else {
return getJDBCType(ConversionManager.getObjectClass(field.getType()));
} else {
return getJDBCType((Class)null);
public int | getJDBCType(java.lang.Class javaType)Return the JDBC type for the Java type.
if (javaType == null) {
return Types.VARCHAR;// Best guess, sometimes we cannot determine type from mapping, this may fail on some drivers, other dont care what type it is.
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.STRING) {
return Types.VARCHAR;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.BIGDECIMAL) {
return Types.DECIMAL;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.BIGINTEGER) {
return Types.BIGINT;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.BOOLEAN) {
return Types.BIT;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.BYTE) {
return Types.TINYINT;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.CHAR) {
return Types.CHAR;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.DOUBLE) {
return Types.DOUBLE;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.FLOAT) {
return Types.FLOAT;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.INTEGER) {
return Types.INTEGER;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.LONG) {
return Types.INTEGER;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.NUMBER) {
return Types.DECIMAL;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.SHORT ) {
return Types.SMALLINT;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.CALENDAR ) {
return Types.TIMESTAMP;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.UTILDATE ) {
return Types.TIMESTAMP;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.TIME) {
return Types.TIME;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.SQLDATE) {
return Types.DATE;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.TIMESTAMP) {
return Types.TIMESTAMP;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.ABYTE) {
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.APBYTE) {
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.BLOB) {
return Types.BLOB;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.ACHAR) {
return Types.LONGVARCHAR;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.APCHAR) {
return Types.LONGVARCHAR;
} else if (javaType == ClassConstants.CLOB) {
return Types.CLOB;
} else {
return Types.VARCHAR;// Best guess, sometimes we cannot determine type from mapping, this may fail on some drivers, other dont care what type it is.
public java.lang.String | getJdbcTypeName(int jdbcType)INTERNAL:
Returns the type name corresponding to the jdbc type
return null;
public int | getMaxFieldNameSize()INTERNAL:
returns the maximum number of characters that can be used in a field
name on this platform.
return 50;
public int | getMaxForeignKeyNameSize()INTERNAL:
returns the maximum number of characters that can be used in a foreign key
name on this platform.
return getMaxFieldNameSize();
public int | getMaxUniqueKeyNameSize()INTERNAL:
returns the maximum number of characters that can be used in a unique key
name on this platform.
return getMaxFieldNameSize();
public java.lang.Object | getObjectFromResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, int columnNumber, int type)INTERNAL:
Get the object from the JDBC Result set. Added to allow other platforms to
return resultSet.getObject(columnNumber);
public java.lang.String | getOutputProcedureToken()This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored
procedures are called
return "OUT";
public java.lang.String | getProcedureArgumentSetter()Used for sp calls.
return " = ";
public java.lang.String | getProcedureArgumentString()Used for sp defs.
return "";
public java.lang.String | getProcedureAsString()Used for stored procedure defs.
return " AS";
public java.lang.String | getProcedureBeginString()Used for stored procedure defs.
return getBatchBeginString();
public java.lang.String | getProcedureCallHeader()Used for sp calls.
public java.lang.String | getProcedureCallTail()Used for sp calls.
return "";
public java.lang.String | getProcedureEndString()Used for stored procedure defs.
return getBatchEndString();
public java.lang.String | getQualifiedSequenceTableName()
if (getDefaultSequence() instanceof TableSequence) {
String sequenceTableName = ((TableSequence)getDefaultSequence()).getTableName();
if (getTableQualifier().equals("")) {
return sequenceTableName;
} else {
return getTableQualifier() + "." + sequenceTableName;
} else {
throw ValidationException.wrongSequenceType(Helper.getShortClassName(getDefaultSequence()), "getTableName");
public java.lang.String | getSelectForUpdateNoWaitString()This syntax does no wait on the lock.
(i.e. In Oracle adding NOWAIT to the end will accomplish this)
return " NOWAIT";
public java.lang.String | getSelectForUpdateOfString()For fine-grained pessimistic locking the column names can be
specified individually.
return " FOR UPDATE OF ";
public java.lang.String | getSelectForUpdateString()Most database support a syntax. although don't actually lock the row.
Some require the OF some don't like it.
return " FOR UPDATE OF *";
public java.lang.String | getSequenceCounterFieldName()
if (getDefaultSequence() instanceof TableSequence) {
return ((TableSequence)getDefaultSequence()).getCounterFieldName();
} else {
throw ValidationException.wrongSequenceType(Helper.getShortClassName(getDefaultSequence()), "getCounterFieldName");
public java.lang.String | getSequenceNameFieldName()
if (getDefaultSequence() instanceof TableSequence) {
return ((TableSequence)getDefaultSequence()).getNameFieldName();
} else {
throw ValidationException.wrongSequenceType(Helper.getShortClassName(getDefaultSequence()), "getNameFieldName");
public int | getSequencePreallocationSize()
return getDefaultSequence().getPreallocationSize();
public java.lang.String | getSequenceTableName()
if (getDefaultSequence() instanceof TableSequence) {
return ((TableSequence)getDefaultSequence()).getTableName();
} else {
throw ValidationException.wrongSequenceType(Helper.getShortClassName(getDefaultSequence()), "getTableName");
public int | getStatementCacheSize()The statement cache size for prepare parameterized statements.
return statementCacheSize;
public java.lang.String | getStoredProcedureParameterPrefix()
return "";
public java.lang.String | getStoredProcedureTerminationToken()
return ";";
public int | getStringBindingSize()
return stringBindingSize;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable | getTempTableForTable(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table)INTERNAL:
May override this method if the platform support temporary tables.
return new DatabaseTable("TL_" + table.getName(), table.getTableQualifier());
public int | getTransactionIsolation()Returns the transaction isolation setting for a connection.
Return -1 if it has not been set.
return transactionIsolation;
public boolean | isInformixOuterJoin()Some database require outer joins to be given in the where clause, others require it in the from clause.
Informix requires it in the from clause with no ON expression.
return false;
public boolean | isNullAllowedInSelectClause()INTERNAL:
Override this if the platform cannot handle NULL in select clause.
return true;
public java.util.Hashtable | maximumNumericValues()Builds a table of maximum numeric values keyed on java class. This is used for type testing but
might also be useful to end users attempting to sanitize values.
NOTE: BigInteger & BigDecimal maximums are dependent upon their precision & Scale
Hashtable values = new Hashtable();
values.put(Integer.class, new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Long.class, new Long(Long.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Double.class, new Double(Double.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Short.class, new Short(Short.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Byte.class, new Byte(Byte.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(Float.class, new Float(Float.MAX_VALUE));
values.put(java.math.BigInteger.class, new java.math.BigInteger("999999999999999999999999999999999999999"));
values.put(java.math.BigDecimal.class, new java.math.BigDecimal("99999999999999999999.9999999999999999999"));
return values;
public java.util.Hashtable | minimumNumericValues()Builds a table of minimum numeric values keyed on java class. This is used for type testing but
might also be useful to end users attempting to sanitize values.
NOTE: BigInteger & BigDecimal minimums are dependent upon their precision & Scale
Hashtable values = new Hashtable();
values.put(Integer.class, new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Long.class, new Long(Long.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Double.class, new Double(Double.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Short.class, new Short(Short.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Byte.class, new Byte(Byte.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(Float.class, new Float(Float.MIN_VALUE));
values.put(java.math.BigInteger.class, new java.math.BigInteger("-99999999999999999999999999999999999999"));
values.put(java.math.BigDecimal.class, new java.math.BigDecimal("-9999999999999999999.9999999999999999999"));
return values;
public void | printFieldIdentityClause( writer, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.lang.String qualifiedFieldName)Append the receiver's field 'identity' constraint clause to a writer.
if (shouldAcquireSequenceValueAfterInsert(session, qualifiedFieldName)) {
public void | printFieldIdentityClause( writer)Append the receiver's field 'identity' constraint clause to a writer.
//The default is to do nothing.
public void | printFieldNotNullClause( writer)Append the receiver's field 'NOT NULL' constraint clause to a writer.
try {
writer.write(" NOT NULL");
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
public void | printFieldNullClause( writer)Append the receiver's field 'NULL' constraint clause to a writer.
// The default is to do nothing
public void | printFieldTypeSize( writer, field, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.FieldTypeDefinition fieldType, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.lang.String qualifiedFieldName)
if ((fieldType.isSizeAllowed()) && ((field.getSize() != 0) || (fieldType.isSizeRequired()))) {
if (field.getSize() == 0) {
writer.write(new Integer(fieldType.getDefaultSize()).toString());
} else {
writer.write(new Integer(field.getSize()).toString());
if (field.getSubSize() != 0) {
writer.write(new Integer(field.getSubSize()).toString());
} else if (fieldType.getDefaultSubSize() != 0) {
writer.write(new Integer(fieldType.getDefaultSubSize()).toString());
public void | printFieldUnique( writer, boolean isUnique, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.lang.String qualifiedFieldName)
if (isUnique) {
if (supportsPrimaryKeyConstraint()) {
writer.write(" UNIQUE");
public int | printValuelist(int[] theObjects, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall call, writer)Added November 7, 2000 JED
Prs reference: 24501
Tracker reference: 14111
Print the int array on the writer. Added to handle int[] passed as parameters to named queries
Returns the number of objects using binding.
int nBoundParameters = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < theObjects.length; i++) {
nBoundParameters = nBoundParameters + appendParameterInternal(call, writer, new Integer(theObjects[i]));
if (i < (theObjects.length - 1)) {
writer.write(", ");
return nBoundParameters;
public int | printValuelist(java.util.Vector theObjects, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall call, writer)Returns the number of objects using binding.
int nBoundParameters = 0;
Enumeration enumtr = theObjects.elements();
while (enumtr.hasMoreElements()) {
nBoundParameters = nBoundParameters + appendParameterInternal(call, writer, enumtr.nextElement());
if (enumtr.hasMoreElements()) {
writer.write(", ");
return nBoundParameters;
protected java.lang.Object | processResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall dbCall, java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor accessor, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
Object result = null;
ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
try {
if (dbCall.isOneRowReturned()) {
if ( {
result = accessor.fetchRow(dbCall.getFields(), resultSet, metaData, session);
if ( {
// Raise more rows event, some apps may interpret as error or warning.
} else {
result = null;
} else {
Vector results = new Vector(20);
while ( {
results.addElement(accessor.fetchRow(dbCall.getFields(), resultSet, metaData, session));
result = results;
resultSet.close();// This must be closed incase the statement is cached and not closed.
} finally {
return result;
public void | registerOutputParameter(java.sql.CallableStatement statement, int index, int jdbcType)This method is used to register output parameter on Callable Statements for Stored Procedures
as each database seems to have a different method.
statement.registerOutParameter(index, jdbcType);
public boolean | requiresNamedPrimaryKeyConstraints()This is used as some databases create the primary key constraint differently, i.e. Access.
return false;
public boolean | requiresProcedureCallBrackets()USed for sp calls.
return true;
public boolean | requiresProcedureCallOuputToken()Used for sp calls. Sybase must print output after output params.
return false;
public boolean | requiresTypeNameToRegisterOutputParameter()INTERNAL:
Indicates whether the version of CallableStatement.registerOutputParameter method
that takes type name should be used.
return false;
public void | rollbackTransaction(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor accessor)Used for jdbc drivers which do not support autocommit to explicitly rollback a transaction
This method is a no-op for databases which implement autocommit as expected.
if (!supportsAutoCommit()) {
protected void | setClassTypes(java.util.Hashtable classTypes)
this.classTypes = classTypes;
private boolean | setComplexParameterValue(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, int index, java.lang.Object parameter)Set a complex parameter.
if (parameter == null) {
// no DatabaseField available
statement.setNull(index, getJDBCType((Class)null));
} else if (parameter instanceof DatabaseField) {
// Substituted null value for the corresponding DatabaseField.
// Cannot bind null through set object, so we must compute to type.
int jdbcType = getJDBCType((DatabaseField)parameter);
statement.setNull(index, jdbcType);
} else if ((parameter instanceof byte[]) && (usesStreamsForBinding())) {
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[])parameter);
statement.setBinaryStream(index, inputStream, ((byte[])parameter).length);
} else if ((parameter instanceof String) && usesStringBinding() && (((String)parameter).length() > getStringBindingSize())) {
CharArrayReader reader = new CharArrayReader(((String)parameter).toCharArray());
statement.setCharacterStream(index, reader, ((String)parameter).length());
} else if (parameter instanceof BindCallCustomParameter) {
((BindCallCustomParameter)(parameter)).set(this, statement, index, session);
} else {
return false;
return true;
public void | setCursorCode(int cursorCode)ADVANCED:
Set the code for preparing cursored output
parameters in a stored procedure
this.cursorCode = cursorCode;
protected void | setFieldTypes(java.util.Hashtable theFieldTypes)
fieldTypes = theFieldTypes;
public void | setParameterValueInDatabaseCall(java.lang.Object parameter, java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, int index, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL
Note that index (not index+1) is used in statement.setObject(index, parameter)
Binding starts with a 1 not 0, so make sure that index > 0.
// 2.0p22: Added the following conversion before binding into prepared statement
parameter = convertToDatabaseType(parameter);
if (! setComplexParameterValue(session, statement, index, parameter)) {
setPrimitiveParameterValue(statement, index, parameter);
public void | setParameterValueInDatabaseCall(java.util.Vector parameters, java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, int parameterIndex, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL
Used by SQLCall.prepareStatement(..)
Note that parameterIndex corresponds to parameters vector and
index corresponds to statement:
statement.setObject(parameterIndex + 1, parameters.elementAt(parameterIndex))
Therefore parameterIndex may be 0.
setParameterValueInDatabaseCall(parameters, statement, parameterIndex, parameterIndex + 1, session);
public void | setParameterValueInDatabaseCall(java.util.Vector parameters, java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, int parameterIndex, int index, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL
Used by StoredProcedureCall.prepareStatement(..)
Note that parameterIndex corresponds to parameters vector and
index corresponds to statement:
statement.setObject(index, parameters.elementAt(parameterIndex))
Therefore parameterIndex may be 0, but index > 0.
setParameterValueInDatabaseCall(parameters.elementAt(parameterIndex), statement, index, session);
protected void | setPrimitiveParameterValue(java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, int index, java.lang.Object parameter)Set a primitive parameter.
Database platforms that need customised behavior would override this method
statement.setObject(index, parameter);
public void | setSequenceCounterFieldName(java.lang.String name)
if (getDefaultSequence() instanceof TableSequence) {
} else {
if (!name.equals((new TableSequence()).getCounterFieldName())) {
ValidationException.wrongSequenceType(Helper.getShortClassName(getDefaultSequence()), "setCounterFieldName");
public void | setSequenceNameFieldName(java.lang.String name)
if (getDefaultSequence() instanceof TableSequence) {
} else {
if (!name.equals((new TableSequence()).getNameFieldName())) {
throw ValidationException.wrongSequenceType(Helper.getShortClassName(getDefaultSequence()), "setNameFieldName");
public void | setSequenceTableName(java.lang.String name)
if (getDefaultSequence() instanceof TableSequence) {
} else {
if (!name.equals((new TableSequence()).getTableName())) {
throw ValidationException.wrongSequenceType(Helper.getShortClassName(getDefaultSequence()), "setTableName");
public void | setShouldBindAllParameters(boolean shouldBindAllParameters)Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
this.shouldBindAllParameters = shouldBindAllParameters;
public void | setShouldCacheAllStatements(boolean shouldCacheAllStatements)Cache all prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
this.shouldCacheAllStatements = shouldCacheAllStatements;
public void | setShouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase(boolean shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase)Can be used if the app expects upper case but the database is not return consistent case, i.e. different databases.
this.shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase = shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase;
public static void | setShouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons(boolean newShouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons)Allow for case in field names to be ignored as some databases are not case sensitive and when using custom this can be an issue.
shouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons = newShouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons;
public void | setShouldOptimizeDataConversion(boolean value)PUBLIC:
Set if our driver level data conversion optimization is enabled.
This can be disabled as some drivers perform data conversion themselves incorrectly.
this.shouldOptimizeDataConversion = value;
public void | setShouldTrimStrings(boolean aBoolean)
shouldTrimStrings = aBoolean;
public void | setStatementCacheSize(int statementCacheSize)The statement cache size for prepare parameterized statements.
this.statementCacheSize = statementCacheSize;
public void | setStringBindingSize(int aSize)
stringBindingSize = aSize;
public void | setSupportsAutoCommit(boolean supportsAutoCommit)supportsAutoCommit can be set to false for JDBC drivers which do not support autocommit
this.supportsAutoCommit = supportsAutoCommit;
public void | setTransactionIsolation(int isolationLevel)Set the transaction isolation setting for a connection.
transactionIsolation = isolationLevel;
public void | setUsesByteArrayBinding(boolean usesByteArrayBinding)
this.usesByteArrayBinding = usesByteArrayBinding;
public void | setUsesNativeSQL(boolean usesNativeSQL)
this.usesNativeSQL = usesNativeSQL;
public void | setUsesStreamsForBinding(boolean usesStreamsForBinding)
this.usesStreamsForBinding = usesStreamsForBinding;
public void | setUsesStringBinding(boolean aBool)
usesStringBinding = aBool;
public boolean | shouldAcquireSequenceValueAfterInsert(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.lang.String qualifiedFieldName)
if (!supportsNativeSequenceNumbers() || !shouldNativeSequenceAcquireValueAfterInsert()) {
return false;
if ((session.getSequencing() == null) || (session.getSequencing().whenShouldAcquireValueForAll() == Sequencing.BEFORE_INSERT)) {
return false;
boolean shouldAcquireSequenceValueAfterInsert = false;
DatabaseField field = new DatabaseField(qualifiedFieldName);
Iterator descriptors = session.getDescriptors().values().iterator();
while (descriptors.hasNext()) {
ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor);
if (!descriptor.usesSequenceNumbers()) {
if (descriptor.getSequenceNumberField().equals(field)) {
String seqName = descriptor.getSequenceNumberName();
Sequence sequence = getSequence(seqName);
shouldAcquireSequenceValueAfterInsert = sequence.shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert();
return shouldAcquireSequenceValueAfterInsert;
public boolean | shouldAlwaysUseTempStorageForModifyAll()INTERNAL:
That method affects UpdateAllQuery and DeleteAllQuery execution.
In case it returns false modify all queries would attempt to proceed
without using temporary storage if it is possible.
In case it returns true modify all queries would use temporary storage unless
each modify statement doesn't reference any other tables.
May need to override this method if the platform can't handle the sql
generated for modify all queries without using temporary storage.
return false;
public boolean | shouldBindAllParameters()Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
return shouldBindAllParameters;
public boolean | shouldBindLiterals()INTERNAL
Allows platform to choose whether to bind literals in DatabaseCalls or not.
return true;
public boolean | shouldCacheAllStatements()Cache all prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
return shouldCacheAllStatements;
public boolean | shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase()Can be used if the app expects upper case but the database is not return consistent case, i.e. different databases.
return shouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase;
public static boolean | shouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons()Allow for case in field names to be ignored as some databases are not case sensitive and when using custom this can be an issue.
return shouldIgnoreCaseOnFieldComparisons;
public boolean | shouldIgnoreException(java.sql.SQLException exception)Allow for the platform to ignore exceptions.
This is required for DB2 which throws no-data modified as an exception.
// By default nothing is ignored.
return false;
public boolean | shouldNativeSequenceAcquireValueAfterInsert()INTERNAL:
Indicates whether NativeSequence should retrieve
sequence value after the object has been inserted into the db
This method is to be used *ONLY* by sequencing classes
return false;
public boolean | shouldNativeSequenceUseTransaction()INTERNAL
Indicates whether a separate transaction is required for NativeSequence.
This method is to be used *ONLY* by sequencing classes
return false;
public boolean | shouldOptimizeDataConversion()Return if our driver level data conversion optimization is enabled.
This can be disabled as some drivers perform data conversion themselves incorrectly.
return shouldOptimizeDataConversion;
public boolean | shouldPrintConstraintNameAfter()Some Platforms want the constraint name after the constraint definition.
return false;
public boolean | shouldPrintInOutputTokenBeforeType()This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with
output parameters
return true;
public boolean | shouldPrintOuterJoinInWhereClause()Some database require outer joins to be given in the where clause, others require it in the from clause.
return false;
public boolean | shouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart()This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with
output parameters
return false;
public boolean | shouldPrintOutputTokenBeforeType()This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with
output parameters
return true;
protected boolean | shouldTempTableSpecifyPrimaryKeys()INTERNAL:
Indicates whether temporary table can specify primary keys (some platforms don't allow that).
Used by writeCreateTempTableSql method.
return true;
public boolean | shouldTrimStrings()
return shouldTrimStrings;
public boolean | shouldUseJDBCOuterJoinSyntax()JDBC defines and outer join syntax, many drivers do not support this. So we normally avoid it.
return true;
public boolean | supportsAutoCommit()supportsAutoCommit must sometimes be set to false for JDBC drivers which do not
support autocommit. Used to determine how to handle transactions properly.
return supportsAutoCommit;
public boolean | supportsForeignKeyConstraints()
return true;
public boolean | supportsGlobalTempTables()INTERNAL:
Indicates whether the platform supports global temporary tables.
"Global" means that an attempt to create temporary table with the same
name for the second time results in exception.
TopLink attempts to create global temporary table in the beginning of UpdateAllQuery,
execution and assumes that it already exists in case SQLException results.
In the end of UpdateAllQuery execution all rows are removed from the temporary table -
it is necessary in case the same temporary table will be used by another UpdateAllQuery
in the same transaction.
Override this method if the platform supports global temporary tables.
Note that this method is ignored in case supportsLocalTempTables() returns true.
return false;
public boolean | supportsLocalTempTables()INTERNAL:
Indicates whether the platform supports local temporary tables.
"Local" means that several threads may create
temporary tables with the same name.
Local temporary table is created in the beginning of UpdateAllQuery
execution and dropped in the end of it.
Override this method if the platform supports local temporary tables.
return false;
public boolean | supportsNativeSequenceNumbers()
return false;
public boolean | supportsPrimaryKeyConstraint()
return true;
public boolean | supportsStoredFunctions()
return false;
public boolean | supportsTempTables()INTERNAL:
Indicates whether the platform supports temporary tables.
Temporary tables may be used by UpdateAllQueries:
though attempt is always made to perform UpdateAll without using temporary
storage there are some scenarios that can't be fulfilled without it.
Don't override this method.
If the platform support temorary tables then override
either supportsLocalTempTables() or supportsGlobalTempTables()
return supportsLocalTempTables() || supportsGlobalTempTables();
public boolean | supportsUniqueKeyConstraints()
return true;
public boolean | usesByteArrayBinding()
return usesByteArrayBinding;
public boolean | usesNativeSQL()
return usesNativeSQL;
public boolean | usesSequenceTable()
return getDefaultSequence() instanceof TableSequence;
public boolean | usesStreamsForBinding()
return usesStreamsForBinding;
public boolean | usesStringBinding()
return usesStringBinding;
protected static void | writeAutoAssignmentSetClause( writer, java.lang.String tableName1, java.lang.String tableName2, java.util.Collection fields)INTERNAL:
helper method, don't override.
writer.write(" SET ");
writeFieldsAutoClause(writer, tableName1, tableName2, fields, ", ");
protected static void | writeAutoJoinWhereClause( writer, java.lang.String tableName1, java.lang.String tableName2, java.util.Collection pkFields)INTERNAL:
helper method, don't override.
writer.write(" WHERE ");
writeFieldsAutoClause(writer, tableName1, tableName2, pkFields, " AND ");
public void | writeCleanUpTempTableSql( writer, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table)INTERNAL:
Don't override this method.
Write an sql string for clean up of the temporary table.
Drop a local temp table or delete all from a global temp table (so that it's
ready to be used again in the same transaction).
Precondition: supportsTempTables() == true.
if(supportsLocalTempTables()) {
writer.write("DROP TABLE ");
} else {
// supportsGlobalTempTables() == true
writer.write("DELETE FROM ");
public void | writeCreateTempTableSql( writer, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.util.Collection pkFields, java.util.Collection usedFields, java.util.Collection allFields)INTERNAL:
Don't override this method.
Write an sql string for creation of the temporary table.
Note that in case of local temp table support it's possible to limit
the fields in the temp table to those needed for the operation it supports (usedFields) -
the temp table will be dropped in the end of query execution.
Alternatively, in global temp table case the table with a given name is created just once
and will be potentially used by various operations with various sets of used fields,
therefore global temp table should contain all mapped fields (allFields).
Precondition: supportsTempTables() == true.
Precondition: pkFields contained in usedFields contained in allFields
String body = getCreateTempTableSqlBodyForTable(table);
if(body == null) {
TableDefinition tableDef = new TableDefinition();
Collection fields;
if(supportsLocalTempTables()) {
fields = usedFields;
} else {
// supportsGlobalTempTables() == true
fields = allFields;
Iterator itFields = fields.iterator();
while(itFields.hasNext()) {
DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField);
FieldDefinition fieldDef;
//bug3307, should use columnDefinition if it was defined.
if(field.getColumnDefinition().length() == 0){
fieldDef = new FieldDefinition(field.getName(), ConversionManager.getObjectClass(field.getType()));
fieldDef = new FieldDefinition(field.getName(), field.getColumnDefinition());
if(pkFields.contains(field) && shouldTempTableSpecifyPrimaryKeys()) {
tableDef.buildCreationWriter(session, writer);
} else {
public void | writeDeleteFromTargetTableUsingTempTableSql( writer, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable targetTable, java.util.Collection pkFields, java.util.Collection targetPkFields)INTERNAL:
Write an sql string for deletion from target table using temporary table.
At this point temporary table should contains pks for the rows that should be
deleted from target table.
Temporary tables are not required for DeleteAllQuery, however will be used if
May need to override this method in case it generates sql that doesn't work on the platform.
Precondition: supportsTempTables() == true.
writer.write("DELETE FROM ");
String targetTableName = targetTable.getQualifiedName();
writer.write(" WHERE EXISTS(SELECT ");
writer.write(" FROM ");
String tempTableName = getTempTableForTable(table).getQualifiedName();
writeJoinWhereClause(writer, null, targetTableName, pkFields, targetPkFields);
protected static void | writeFields( writer, java.lang.String tableName1, java.lang.String tableName2, java.util.Collection fields1, java.util.Collection fields2, java.lang.String separator)INTERNAL:
helper method, don't override.
boolean isFirst = true;
Iterator itFields1 = fields1.iterator();
Iterator itFields2 = fields2.iterator();
while(itFields1.hasNext()) {
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
if(tableName1 != null) {
String fieldName1 = ((DatabaseField);
writer.write(" = ");
if(tableName2 != null) {
String fieldName2 = ((DatabaseField);
protected static void | writeFieldsAutoClause( writer, java.lang.String tableName1, java.lang.String tableName2, java.util.Collection fields, java.lang.String separator)INTERNAL:
helper method, don't override.
writeFields(writer, tableName1, tableName2, fields, fields, separator);
protected static void | writeFieldsList( writer, java.util.Collection fields)INTERNAL:
helper method, don't override.
boolean isFirst = true;
Iterator itFields = fields.iterator();
while(itFields.hasNext()) {
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
writer.write(", ");
DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField);
public void | writeInsertIntoTableSql( writer, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table, java.util.Collection usedFields)INTERNAL:
May need to override this method if the platform supports temporary tables
and the generated sql doesn't work.
Write an sql string for insertion into the temporary table.
Precondition: supportsTempTables() == true.
writer.write("INSERT INTO ");
writer.write(" (");
writeFieldsList(writer, usedFields);
writer.write(") ");
protected static void | writeJoinWhereClause( writer, java.lang.String tableName1, java.lang.String tableName2, java.util.Collection pkFields1, java.util.Collection pkFields2)INTERNAL:
helper method, don't override.
writer.write(" WHERE ");
writeFields(writer, tableName1, tableName2, pkFields1, pkFields2, " AND ");
public void | writeLOB(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseField field, java.lang.Object value, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Write LOB value - only on Oracle8 and up
// used by Oracle8Platform
public void | writeParameterMarker( writer, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.ParameterExpression expression)
public void | writeUpdateOriginalFromTempTableSql( writer, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table, java.util.Collection pkFields, java.util.Collection assignedFields)INTERNAL:
May need to override this method if the platform supports temporary tables
and the generated sql doesn't work.
Write an sql string for updating the original table from the temporary table.
Precondition: supportsTempTables() == true.
Precondition: pkFields and assignFields don't intersect.
writer.write("UPDATE ");
String tableName = table.getQualifiedName();
writer.write(" SET (");
writeFieldsList(writer, assignedFields);
writer.write(") = (SELECT ");
writeFieldsList(writer, assignedFields);
writer.write(" FROM ");
String tempTableName = getTempTableForTable(table).getQualifiedName();
writeAutoJoinWhereClause(writer, null, tableName, pkFields);
writer.write(") WHERE EXISTS(SELECT ");
writer.write(" FROM ");
writeAutoJoinWhereClause(writer, null, tableName, pkFields);