StyleDescription.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.17871Mon Jan 01 18:55:32 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.hwpf.model


public class StyleDescription extends Object implements HDFType
Comment me
Ryan Ackley

Fields Summary
private static final int
private static final int
private int
private int
private short
private static BitField
private static BitField
private static BitField
private static BitField
private static BitField
private short
private static BitField
private static BitField
private short
private static BitField
private static BitField
private short
private short
private static BitField
private static BitField
Constructors Summary
public StyleDescription()

//      _pap = new ParagraphProperties();
//      _chp = new CharacterProperties();
public StyleDescription(byte[] std, int baseLength, int offset, boolean word9)

     _baseLength = baseLength;
     int nameStart = offset + baseLength;
      _infoShort = LittleEndian.getShort(std, offset);
      offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
      _infoShort2 = LittleEndian.getShort(std, offset);
      offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
      _infoShort3 = LittleEndian.getShort(std, offset);
      offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
      _bchUpe = LittleEndian.getShort(std, offset);
      offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
      _infoShort4 = LittleEndian.getShort(std, offset);
      offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;

      //first byte(s) of variable length section of std is the length of the
      //style name and aliases string
      int nameLength = 0;
      int multiplier = 1;
          nameLength = LittleEndian.getShort(std, nameStart);
          multiplier = 2;
          nameStart += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
          nameLength = std[nameStart];

        _name = new String(std, nameStart, nameLength * multiplier, "UTF-16LE");
      catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ignore)
        // ignore

      //length then null terminator.
      int grupxStart = ((nameLength + 1) * multiplier) + nameStart;

      // the spec only refers to two possible upxs but it mentions
      // that more may be added in the future
      int varOffset = grupxStart;
      int numUPX = _numUPX.getValue(_infoShort3);
      _upxs = new UPX[numUPX];
      for(int x = 0; x < numUPX; x++)
          int upxSize = LittleEndian.getShort(std, varOffset);
          varOffset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;

          byte[] upx = new byte[upxSize];
          System.arraycopy(std, varOffset, upx, 0, upxSize);
          _upxs[x] = new UPX(upx);
          varOffset += upxSize;

          // the upx will always start on a word boundary.
          if(upxSize % 2 == 1)


Methods Summary
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)

    StyleDescription sd = (StyleDescription)o;
    if (sd._infoShort == _infoShort && sd._infoShort2 == _infoShort2 &&
        sd._infoShort3 == _infoShort3 && sd._bchUpe == _bchUpe &&
        sd._infoShort4 == _infoShort4 &&

      if (!Arrays.equals(_upxs, sd._upxs))
        return false;
      return true;
    return false;
public intgetBaseStyle()

    return _baseStyle.getValue(_infoShort2);
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.CharacterPropertiesgetCHP()

      return _chp;
public byte[]getCHPX()

    switch (_styleTypeCode.getValue(_infoShort2))
        if (_upxs.length > 1)
          return _upxs[1].getUPX();
        return null;
        return _upxs[0].getUPX();
        return null;

public java.lang.StringgetName()

    return _name;
public org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.ParagraphPropertiesgetPAP()

      return _pap;
public byte[]getPAPX()

    switch (_styleTypeCode.getValue(_infoShort2))
        return _upxs[0].getUPX();
        return null;
voidsetCHP(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.CharacterProperties chp)

      _chp = chp;
voidsetPAP(org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.ParagraphProperties pap)

      _pap = pap;
public byte[]toByteArray()

    // size equals _baseLength bytes for known variables plus 2 bytes for name
    // length plus name length * 2 plus 2 bytes for null plus upx's preceded by
    // length
    int size = _baseLength + 2 + ((_name.length() + 1) * 2);

    // determine the size needed for the upxs. They always fall on word
    // boundaries.
    size += _upxs[0].size() + 2;
    for (int x = 1; x < _upxs.length; x++)
      size += _upxs[x-1].size() % 2;
      size += _upxs[x].size() + 2;

    byte[] buf = new byte[size];

    int offset = 0;
    LittleEndian.putShort(buf, offset, _infoShort);
    offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
    LittleEndian.putShort(buf, offset, _infoShort2);
    offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
    LittleEndian.putShort(buf, offset, _infoShort3);
    offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
    LittleEndian.putShort(buf, offset, _bchUpe);
    offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
    LittleEndian.putShort(buf, offset, _infoShort4);
    offset = _baseLength;

    char[] letters = _name.toCharArray();
    LittleEndian.putShort(buf, _baseLength, (short)letters.length);
    offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
    for (int x = 0; x < letters.length; x++)
      LittleEndian.putShort(buf, offset, (short)letters[x]);
      offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
    // get past the null delimiter for the name.
    offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;

    for (int x = 0; x < _upxs.length; x++)
      short upxSize = (short)_upxs[x].size();
      LittleEndian.putShort(buf, offset, upxSize);
      offset += LittleEndian.SHORT_SIZE;
      System.arraycopy(_upxs[x].getUPX(), 0, buf, offset, upxSize);
      offset += upxSize + (upxSize % 2);

    return buf;