Methods Summary |
public abstract java.awt.Rectangle | getClipBounds()Returns the "dirty" area of the window as one rectangle.
This area is to be painted.
public abstract | getClipRects()Returns the "dirty" area of the window as set of non-intersecting
rectangles. This area is to be painted.
public int | getEventId()Returns cross-platform event id
should be one of ID_* constants or
id constants from java.awt.AWTEvent subclasess
return eventId;
public int | getInputModifiers()Returns the state of keyboard and mouse buttons when the event
occured if event from mouse or keyboard, for other events can
return junk values. The value is bitwise OR of
java.awt.event.InputEvent *_DOWN constants.
Method is aware of system mouse button swap for left-hand
mouse and return swapped values.
return modifiers;
public abstract java.awt.Insets | getInsets()Returns the window insets. Insets is area which belongs to
window somehow but is outside of it's client area,
it usually contains system provided border and titlebar.
public java.lang.StringBuffer | getKeyChars()Return the string of characters associated with the event
Has meaning only for KEY_PRESSED as should be translated to
serie of KEY_TYPED events. For dead keys and input methods
one key press can generate multiple key chars.
if (keyInfo == null) {
return null;
if (keyInfo.vKey == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
return keyInfo.keyChars;
public int | getKeyLocation()The same meaning as java.awt.event.getKeyLocation
return (keyInfo != null) ? keyInfo.keyLocation : KeyInfo.DEFAULT_LOCATION;
public char | getLastChar()
if (keyInfo == null || keyInfo.keyChars.length() == 0) {
return KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED;
return keyInfo.keyChars.charAt(keyInfo.keyChars.length()-1);
public java.awt.Point | getLocalPos()Returns the position of cursor when event occured relative to
top-left corner of recipient window
return localPos;
public int | getMouseButton()Returns the number of mouse button which changed it's state,
otherwise 0.
Left button is 1, middle button is 2, right button is 3.
Method is aware of system mouse button swap for left-hand
mouse and return swapped values.
return mouseButton;
public long | getOtherWindowId()For the focus event contains the oposite window.
This means it lost focus if recipient gains it,
or will gain focus if recipient looses it.
return otherWindowId;
public java.awt.Point | getScreenPos()Returns the position of cursor when event occured
in screen coordinates.
return screenPos;
public long | getTime()Returns time when the message was received
return time;
public abstract boolean | getTrigger()Returns true if event is popup menu trigger.
public int | getVKey()The same meaning as java.awt.event.getKeyCode
return (keyInfo != null) ? keyInfo.vKey : KeyInfo.DEFAULT_VKEY;
public int | getWheelRotation()Returns the number of "clicks" the mouse wheel was rotated.
return wheelRotation;
public long | getWindowId()Returns the system window id of the event recipient.
return windowId;
public java.awt.Rectangle | getWindowRect()The recipient window bounds when the event occured
return windowRect;
public int | getWindowState()Returns the iconified/maximized state of recipient window if
event is state related, for other events can junk values.
The value has the same meaning as Frame.getExtendedState
return windowState;