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package com.sun.logging;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Class LogDomains
public class LogDomains
* DOMAIN_ROOT the prefix for the logger name. This is public only
* so it can be accessed w/in the ias package space.
public static final String DOMAIN_ROOT = "javax.";
* PACKAGE_ROOT the prefix for the packages where logger resource
* bundles reside. This is public only so it can be accessed w/in
* the ias package space.
public static final String PACKAGE_ROOT = "com.sun.logging.";
* RESOURCE_BUNDLE the name of the logging resource bundles.
public static final String RESOURCE_BUNDLE = "LogStrings";
* Field
public static final String TOOLS_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.tools";
* Field
public static final String EJB_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.container.ejb";
* JavaMail Logger
public static final String JAVAMAIL_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.resource.javamail";
* IIOP Logger
public static final String IIOP_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.resource.iiop";
* JMS Logger
public static final String JMS_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.resource.jms";
* Field
public static final String WEB_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.container.web";
* Field
public static final String CMP_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.container.cmp";
* Field
public static final String JDO_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.resource.jdo";
* Field
public static final String ACC_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.container.appclient";
* Field
public static final String MDB_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.container.ejb.mdb";
* Field
public static final String SECURITY_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.core.security";
* Field
public static final String TRANSACTION_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.core.transaction";
* Field
public static final String CORBA_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.resource.corba";
* Field
public static final String ROOT_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise";
* Field
//START OF IASRI 4660742
* Field
public static final String UTIL_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.util";
* Field
public static final String NAMING_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.core.naming";
* Field
public static final String JNDI_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.core.naming";
* Field
public static final String APPVERIFY_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.tools.verifier";
* Field
public static final String ACTIVATION_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.activation";
* Field
public static final String JTA_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.resource.jta";
* Resource Logger
public static final String RSR_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.resource.resourceadapter";
//END OF IASRI 4660742
* Deployment Logger
public static final String DPL_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.tools.deployment";
* Deployment audit logger
public static final String DPLAUDIT_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.tools.deployment.audit";
* Field
public static final String DIAGNOSTICS_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.tools.diagnostics";
/** JAXRPC Logger */
public static final String JAXRPC_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.webservices.rpc";
/** JAXR Logger */
public static final String JAXR_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.webservices.registry";
/** SAAJ Logger */
public static final String SAAJ_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.webservices.saaj";
/** Self Management Logger */
public static final String SELF_MANAGEMENT_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.core.selfmanagement";
* Admin Logger
public static final String ADMIN_LOGGER =
DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.tools.admin";
/** Server Logger */
public static final String SERVER_LOGGER= DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system";
/** core Logger */
public static final String CORE_LOGGER= DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.core";
/** classloader Logger */
public static final String LOADER_LOGGER= DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.core.classloading";
/** Config Logger */
public static final String CONFIG_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.system.core.config";
/** Process Launcher Logger */
public static final String PROCESS_LAUNCHER_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT + "enterprise.tools.launcher";
/** GMS Logger */
public static final String GMS_LOGGER = DOMAIN_ROOT +"ee.enterprise.system.gms";
* This is temporary and needed so that IAS can run with or without
* the com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.ServerLogger. The subclassed
* addLogger() method there automatically appends the logger name.
private static String getLoggerResourceBundleName(String loggerName) {
String result = loggerName + "." + RESOURCE_BUNDLE;
return result.replaceFirst(DOMAIN_ROOT, PACKAGE_ROOT);
* Method getLogger
* @param name
* @return
public static Logger getLogger(String name) {
return Logger.getLogger(name, getLoggerResourceBundleName(name));