StrictMaxPool.javaAPI DocJBoss 4.2.17841Fri Jul 13 20:53:58 BST 2007org.jboss.ejb3

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 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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package org.jboss.ejb3;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.FIFOSemaphore;

 * @author <a href="">Kabir Khan</a>
 * @version $Revision: 61280 $
public class StrictMaxPool
        extends AbstractPool
   // Constants -----------------------------------------------------
   public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 30;
   public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = Long.MAX_VALUE;

   // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
    * A FIFO semaphore that is set when the strict max size behavior is in effect.
    * When set, only maxSize instances may be active and any attempt to get an
    * instance will block until an instance is freed.
   private FIFOSemaphore strictMaxSize;
   private int inUse = 0;
    * The time in milliseconds to wait for the strictMaxSize semaphore.
   private long strictTimeout;

    * The pool data structure
   protected LinkedList pool = new LinkedList();
    * The maximum number of instances allowed in the pool
   protected int maxSize = 30;

   Logger log = Logger.getLogger(StrictMaxPool.class);

   // Static --------------------------------------------------------

   // Constructors --------------------------------------------------

   // Public --------------------------------------------------------

    * super.initialize() must have been called in advance
   public void initialize(Container container, Class contextClass, Class beanClass, int maxSize, long timeout)
      super.initialize(container, contextClass, beanClass, maxSize, timeout);
      this.maxSize = maxSize;
      this.strictMaxSize = new FIFOSemaphore(maxSize);
      this.strictTimeout = timeout;
   public int getCurrentSize()
	   return pool.size();
   public int getAvailableCount()
	   return maxSize - inUse;
   public int getMaxSize()
	   return maxSize;
   public void setMaxSize(int maxSize)
      this.maxSize = maxSize;
      this.strictMaxSize = new FIFOSemaphore(maxSize);

    * Get an instance without identity.
    * Can be used by finders,create-methods, and activation
    * @return Context /w instance
   public BeanContext get()
      boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
      if (trace)
         log.trace("Get instance " + this + "#" + pool.size() + "#" + container.getBeanClass());

      // Block until an instance is available
         boolean acquired = strictMaxSize.attempt(strictTimeout);
         if (trace)
            log.trace("Acquired(" + acquired + ") strictMaxSize semaphore, remaining=" + strictMaxSize.permits());
         if (acquired == false)
            throw new EJBException("Failed to acquire the pool semaphore, strictTimeout=" + strictTimeout);
      catch (InterruptedException e)
         throw new EJBException("Pool strictMaxSize semaphore was interrupted");

      synchronized (pool)
         if (!pool.isEmpty())
            BeanContext bean = (BeanContext) pool.removeFirst();
            return bean;

      // Pool is empty, create an instance
      return create();

   public BeanContext get(Class[] initTypes, Object[] initValues)
      boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
      if (trace)
         log.trace("Get instance " + this + "#" + pool.size() + "#" + container.getBeanClass());
      // Block until an instance is available
         boolean acquired = strictMaxSize.attempt(strictTimeout);
         if (trace)
            log.trace("Acquired(" + acquired + ") strictMaxSize semaphore, remaining=" + strictMaxSize.permits());
         if (acquired == false)
            throw new EJBException("Failed to acquire the pool semaphore, strictTimeout=" + strictTimeout);
      catch (InterruptedException e)
         throw new EJBException("Pool strictMaxSize semaphore was interrupted");

      synchronized (pool)
         if (!pool.isEmpty())
            BeanContext bean = (BeanContext) pool.removeFirst();
            return bean;

      // Pool is empty, create an instance
      return create(initTypes, initValues);

    * Return an instance after invocation.
    * <p/>
    * Called in 2 cases:
    * a) Done with finder method
    * b) Just removed
    * @param ctx
   public void release(BeanContext ctx)
      if (log.isTraceEnabled())
         String msg = pool.size() + "/" + maxSize + " Free instance:" + this
                      + "#" + container.getBeanClass();

         // Add the unused context back into the pool
         boolean removeIt = false;
         synchronized (pool)
            if (pool.size() < maxSize)
               removeIt = true;
         if (removeIt) remove(ctx);
         // If we block when maxSize instances are in use, invoke release on strictMaxSize
      catch (Exception ignored)

   public void destroy()
   public void discard(BeanContext ctx)
      if (log.isTraceEnabled())
         String msg = "Discard instance:" + this + "#" + ctx
                      + "#" + container.getBeanClass();

      // If we block when maxSize instances are in use, invoke release on strictMaxSize

      // Throw away, unsetContext()

   // Package protected ---------------------------------------------

   // Protected -----------------------------------------------------
   protected void destroy() throws Exception
      this.container = null;

   // Private -------------------------------------------------------

    * At undeployment we want to free completely the pool.
   private void freeAll()
      LinkedList clone = (LinkedList) pool.clone();
      for (int i = 0; i < clone.size(); i++)
         BeanContext bc = (BeanContext) clone.get(i);
         // Clear TX so that still TX entity pools get killed as well
      inUse = 0;

   // Inner classes -------------------------------------------------
