ReaderUtil.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API7763Tue Jun 10 00:21:52 BST 2008com.sun.imageio.plugins.common


public class ReaderUtil extends Object
This class contains utility methods that may be useful to ImageReader plugins. Ideally these methods would be in the ImageReader base class so that all subclasses could benefit from them, but that would be an addition to the existing API, and it is not yet clear whether these methods are universally useful, so for now we will leave them here.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private static voidcomputeUpdatedPixels(int sourceOffset, int sourceExtent, int destinationOffset, int dstMin, int dstMax, int sourceSubsampling, int passStart, int passExtent, int passPeriod, int[] vals, int offset)

        // We need to satisfy the congruences:
        // dst = destinationOffset + (src - sourceOffset)/sourceSubsampling
        // src - passStart == 0 (mod passPeriod)
        // src - sourceOffset == 0 (mod sourceSubsampling)
        // subject to the inequalities:
        // src >= passStart
        // src < passStart + passExtent
        // src >= sourceOffset
        // src < sourceOffset + sourceExtent
        // dst >= dstMin
        // dst <= dstmax
        // where
        // dst = destinationOffset + (src - sourceOffset)/sourceSubsampling
        // For now we use a brute-force approach although we could
        // attempt to analyze the congruences.  If passPeriod and
        // sourceSubsamling are relatively prime, the period will be
        // their product.  If they share a common factor, either the
        // period will be equal to the larger value, or the sequences
        // will be completely disjoint, depending on the relationship
        // between passStart and sourceOffset.  Since we only have to do this
        // twice per image (once each for X and Y), it seems cheap enough
        // to do it the straightforward way.

        boolean gotPixel = false;
        int firstDst = -1;
        int secondDst = -1;
        int lastDst = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < passExtent; i++) {
            int src = passStart + i*passPeriod;
            if (src < sourceOffset) {
            if ((src - sourceOffset) % sourceSubsampling != 0) {
            if (src >= sourceOffset + sourceExtent) {

            int dst = destinationOffset +
                (src - sourceOffset)/sourceSubsampling;
            if (dst < dstMin) {
            if (dst > dstMax) {

            if (!gotPixel) {
                firstDst = dst; // Record smallest valid pixel
                gotPixel = true;
            } else if (secondDst == -1) {
                secondDst = dst; // Record second smallest valid pixel
            lastDst = dst; // Record largest valid pixel

        vals[offset] = firstDst;

        // If we never saw a valid pixel, set width to 0
        if (!gotPixel) {
            vals[offset + 2] = 0;
        } else {
            vals[offset + 2] = lastDst - firstDst + 1;

        // The period is given by the difference of any two adjacent pixels
        vals[offset + 4] = Math.max(secondDst - firstDst, 1);
public static int[]computeUpdatedPixels(java.awt.Rectangle sourceRegion, java.awt.Point destinationOffset, int dstMinX, int dstMinY, int dstMaxX, int dstMaxY, int sourceXSubsampling, int sourceYSubsampling, int passXStart, int passYStart, int passWidth, int passHeight, int passPeriodX, int passPeriodY)
A utility method that computes the exact set of destination pixels that will be written during a particular decoding pass. The intent is to simplify the work done by readers in combining the source region, source subsampling, and destination offset information obtained from the ImageReadParam with the offsets and periods of a progressive or interlaced decoding pass.

sourceRegion a Rectangle containing the source region being read, offset by the source subsampling offsets, and clipped against the source bounds, as returned by the getSourceRegion method.
destinationOffset a Point containing the coordinates of the upper-left pixel to be written in the destination.
dstMinX the smallest X coordinate (inclusive) of the destination Raster.
dstMinY the smallest Y coordinate (inclusive) of the destination Raster.
dstMaxX the largest X coordinate (inclusive) of the destination Raster.
dstMaxY the largest Y coordinate (inclusive) of the destination Raster.
sourceXSubsampling the X subsampling factor.
sourceYSubsampling the Y subsampling factor.
passXStart the smallest source X coordinate (inclusive) of the current progressive pass.
passYStart the smallest source Y coordinate (inclusive) of the current progressive pass.
passWidth the width in pixels of the current progressive pass.
passHeight the height in pixels of the current progressive pass.
passPeriodX the X period (horizontal spacing between pixels) of the current progressive pass.
passPeriodY the Y period (vertical spacing between pixels) of the current progressive pass.
an array of 6 ints containing the destination min X, min Y, width, height, X period and Y period of the region that will be updated.

        int[] vals = new int[6];
        computeUpdatedPixels(sourceRegion.x, sourceRegion.width,
                             dstMinX, dstMaxX, sourceXSubsampling,
                             passXStart, passWidth, passPeriodX,
                             vals, 0);
        computeUpdatedPixels(sourceRegion.y, sourceRegion.height,
                             dstMinY, dstMaxY, sourceYSubsampling,
                             passYStart, passHeight, passPeriodY,
                             vals, 1);
        return vals;