TransportHelperFilterStream.javaAPI DocAzureus Mar 01 23:39:42 GMT 2007com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl


public abstract class TransportHelperFilterStream extends Object implements TransportHelperFilter

Fields Summary
private TransportHelper
private org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DirectByteBuffer
private ByteBuffer
Constructors Summary
protected TransportHelperFilterStream(TransportHelper _transport)

		transport	= _transport;
Methods Summary
protected abstract voidcryptoIn(java.nio.ByteBuffer source_buffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer target_buffer)

protected abstract voidcryptoOut(java.nio.ByteBuffer source_buffer, java.nio.ByteBuffer target_buffer)

public TransportHelpergetHelper()

		return( transport );
public booleanhasBufferedRead()

		return false;
public booleanhasBufferedWrite()

		return( write_buffer_pending_db != null || 
				write_buffer_pending_byte != null ||
public longread(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] buffers, int array_offset, int length)

		int	total_read	= 0;
		DirectByteBuffer[]	copy_db = new DirectByteBuffer[buffers.length];
		ByteBuffer[]		copy	= new ByteBuffer[buffers.length];
			for (int i=array_offset;i<array_offset+length;i++){
				ByteBuffer	buffer = buffers[i];
				int	size = buffer.remaining();
				if ( size > 0 ){
					copy_db[i]	= DirectByteBufferPool.getBuffer( DirectByteBuffer.AL_NET_CRYPT, size );
					copy[i]	= copy_db[i].getBuffer( DirectByteBuffer.SS_NET );
					copy[i] = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);
			total_read += copy, array_offset, length );
			for (int i=array_offset;i<array_offset+length;i++){
				ByteBuffer	source_buffer	= copy[i];

				if ( source_buffer != null ){
					ByteBuffer	target_buffer 	= buffers[i];
					int	source_position	= source_buffer.position();
					if ( source_position > 0 ){
						cryptoIn( source_buffer, target_buffer );
			// System.out.println( " " + total_read );
			return( total_read );
			for (int i=0;i<copy_db.length;i++){
				if ( copy_db[i] != null ){
public voidsetTrace(boolean on)

		transport.setTrace( on );
public longwrite(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] buffers, int array_offset, int length)

			// deal with any outstanding cached crypted data first
		if  ( write_buffer_pending_byte != null ){
			if ( transport.write( write_buffer_pending_byte, false ) == 0 ){
				return( 0 );
			write_buffer_pending_byte	= null;
		long	total_written = 0;
		if ( write_buffer_pending_db != null ){
			ByteBuffer	write_buffer_pending = write_buffer_pending_db.getBuffer( DirectByteBuffer.SS_NET );
			int	max_writable = 0;
			for (int i=array_offset;i<array_offset+length;i++){
				ByteBuffer	source_buffer = buffers[i];
				int	position 	= source_buffer.position();
				int	limit		= source_buffer.limit();
				int	size = limit - position;
				max_writable	+= size;
			int	pending_position 	= write_buffer_pending.position();
			int pending_limit		= write_buffer_pending.limit();
			int	pending_writable = pending_limit - pending_position;
			if ( pending_writable > max_writable ){
				pending_writable = max_writable;
				write_buffer_pending.limit( pending_position + pending_writable );
			int	written = transport.write( write_buffer_pending, false );
			write_buffer_pending.limit( pending_limit );
			if ( written > 0 ){
				total_written = written;
				if ( write_buffer_pending.remaining() == 0 ){
					write_buffer_pending_db	= null;
					// skip "written" bytes in the source
				int skip = written;
				for (int i=array_offset;i<array_offset+length;i++){
					ByteBuffer	source_buffer = buffers[i];
					int	position 	= source_buffer.position();
					int	limit		= source_buffer.limit();
					int	size = limit - position;
					if ( size <= skip ){
						source_buffer.position( limit );
						skip	-= size;
						source_buffer.position( position + skip );
						skip	= 0;
				if ( skip != 0 ){
					throw( new IOException( "skip inconsistent - " + skip ));
				// if write came up short or we've filled the source buffer then we can't do
				// any more 
			if ( total_written < pending_writable || total_written == max_writable ){
				return( total_written );
			// problem - we must only crypt stuff once and when crypted it *has*
			// to be sent (else the stream will get out of sync).
			// so we have to turn this into single buffer operations
		for (int i=array_offset;i<array_offset+length;i++){
			ByteBuffer	source_buffer = buffers[i];
			int	position 	= source_buffer.position();
			int	limit		= source_buffer.limit();
			int	size = limit - position;
			if ( size == 0 ){
			DirectByteBuffer	target_buffer_db = DirectByteBufferPool.getBuffer( DirectByteBuffer.AL_NET_CRYPT,  size );
				ByteBuffer	target_buffer = target_buffer_db.getBuffer( DirectByteBuffer.SS_NET );
				cryptoOut( source_buffer, target_buffer );
				target_buffer.position( 0 );
				boolean	partial_write = false;
				for (int j=i+1;j<array_offset+length;j++){

					if ( buffers[j].hasRemaining()){
						partial_write = true;
				int	written = transport.write( target_buffer, partial_write );
				total_written += written;
				source_buffer.position( position + written );
				if ( written < size ){
					write_buffer_pending_db	= target_buffer_db;
					target_buffer_db	= null;
					if ( written == 0 ){
							// we gotta pretend at least 1 byte was written to
							// guarantee that the caller writes the rest
						write_buffer_pending_byte = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{target_buffer.get()});
				if ( target_buffer_db != null ){
		// System.out.println( "...write " + total_written );
		return( total_written );