DocumentNode.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)76737Wed May 02 18:00:36 BST 2007com.sun.perseus.model


public class DocumentNode extends Viewport implements Document
A DocumentNode represents the root of an SVG document model. A DocumentNode is a Viewport and centralizes some functions such as the font data base, tree updates management and event dispatching. The DocumentNode also manages the RunnableQueue used to synchronize all access to the SVG document.
$Id:,v 1.24 2006/06/29 10:47:30 ln156897 Exp $

Fields Summary
public static final float
Default spatial resolution value (96dpi);
protected float
Size of a pixel, in millimeters. This is needed in unit conversion as well.
protected float[]
Coordinate in user space coordinates. This value is used as a working array for all nodes in the document tree.
protected Hashtable
A map itself containing map of ElementHandlers namespaceURI -> Hashtable the contained Hashtable maps: localName -> ElementNode prototype.
protected Hashtable
Used to store additional traits NS., i.e., traits which are not naturally supported by the element. elt -> Hashtable. The contained Hashtable maps: namespace -> Hashtable. The contained Hashtable maps: localname -> value.
protected final com.sun.perseus.parser.ClockParser
Parser used to convert clock values
protected final com.sun.perseus.parser.LengthParser
Parser used to convert unit and unitless floating point values to floats.
protected final com.sun.perseus.parser.TimeConditionParser
Parser used to convert time condition values
protected com.sun.perseus.parser.NumberListParser
Parser used to convert number list values
protected com.sun.perseus.parser.TransformListParser
Parser used to convert transform values
protected final com.sun.perseus.parser.ColorParser
Parser used to convert color values
protected final com.sun.perseus.parser.ViewBoxParser
Parser used to convert viewBox values
protected final com.sun.perseus.parser.PathParser
Parser used to convert path data
protected com.sun.perseus.parser.UnicodeParser
Parser used to convert unicode ranges.
protected ImageLoader
The ImageLoader handles the desired policy for loading image resources.
protected FontFace
The default FontFace used by this RenderGraphics.
protected DOMException
Exceptions can be delayed and later thrown. This is used, for example, to keep processing an invalid d attribute on a element and only throw the exception after the corresponding model node has been hooked to the tree (while the exception was thrown by the path parser during the processing of the d attribute). This is only used when loading a document to comply to the error processing required for , and processing of the 'd' and 'points' attributes.
protected String
The default namespace URI for elements created in that document, in case the namespace URI in createElementNS is empty.
protected String
The Document URI
protected FontFace[]
The set of initial FontFace used by this RenderingGraphics.
It is the responsibility of the user of the Perseus software to make sure that the RenderGraphics initial fontFamiliy value is indeed the same as that of the various fonts in the initialFontFaces array.
If there is a mismatch, then text content that does not specify the font-family property will not match against the initialFontFaces instances and only the defaultFont will be used.
protected Hashtable
The FontFace data base used by this RenderGraphics. The Hashtable maps font-family names to a Vector of fonts with that font-family value.
protected Vector
Set of currently active TraitAnimations.
protected Vector
Set of currently active MediaElements.
protected boolean
Controls whether the document is 'playing'. This is used to disable the media elements like audio when the document is not playing and allows sampling the document without having the audio stream played.
protected EventSupport
EventSupport is used for listener registration and event dispatching.
protected UpdateListener
The associated UpdateListener is notified of all mutation events on this DocumentNode tree
protected com.sun.perseus.util.RunnableQueue
The associated RunnableQueue, if any, is managing updates to the DocumentNode and any of its descendants. In effect, the updateQueue provides the synchronization needed for updates to a document tree.
protected com.sun.perseus.util.RunnableQueue.RunnableHandler
The associated RunnableHandler which should be notified when Runnable acting on this DocumentNode tree are run.
protected Hashtable
Maps ids to ElementNode instances
protected Hashtable
Used to store nodes with ids before they are inserted into the document tree.
protected Hashtable
Maps prefixes to namespace entries.
protected Hashtable
Maps namespaces to prefixes.
protected TimeContainerRootSupport
A DocumentNode is a root container. This object provides support for root time container behavior.
protected Hashtable
Map of unresolved IDRefs (id -> Vector of referencing IDRefs)
protected Vector
Vector of animations. This is used only at parse time.
protected ModelEvent
We use a single instance of ModelEvent per DocumentNode instance. This allows multiple instances of DocumentNodes to co-exist.
protected com.sun.perseus.j2d.Transform
Transform used to perform hit detection on text chunks.
protected com.sun.perseus.j2d.Transform
Transform used to compute bounding boxes on text chunks.
protected com.sun.perseus.j2d.Transform
Transform used to render text chunks.
protected com.sun.perseus.j2d.Transform
Transform used to render glyphs.
protected com.sun.perseus.j2d.Transform
Transform used to compute bounding boxes on glyphs.
protected com.sun.perseus.j2d.Transform
Transform used to perform hit testing on glyphs
Constructors Summary
public DocumentNode()
Default constructor

        ownerDocument = this;
        engineEvent = new ModelEvent("", this);
        // Clear the 'in document tree' bit
        canRenderState &= CAN_RENDER_IN_DOCUMENT_TREE_MASK;
        // Clear the renderable bit
        canRenderState &= CAN_RENDER_RENDERABLE_MASK;
Methods Summary
public voidaddFontFace(FontFace fontFace)
Adds a new FontFace to the data base available to the document.

fontFace the new FontFace which is now available.

        if (fontFaceDB == null) {
            // This initializes the data base
        growFontFaceDB(fontFaceDB, new FontFace[] {fontFace});
voidaddIdentifiedNode(ElementNode element)
Adds the input element to the list of identified nodes.

element the new element with a non-null identifier
NullPointerException if the input element is null or if its id is null.

        // Add element to id map
        idToElement.put(element.getId(), element);

        // Check if there are any unresolved references for 
        // the newly identified node.
        if (unresolvedIDRefs != null) {
            Vector idRefs = (Vector) unresolvedIDRefs.get(element.getId());
            if (idRefs != null) {
                int n = idRefs.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    IDRef idRef = (IDRef) idRefs.elementAt(i);

        // If the id was in the reserved map, remove it.
protected FontFace.MatchaddMatch(FontFace.Match firstMatch, FontFace.Match newMatch)
Chains newMatch into the chain starting with firstMatch. This inserts the new matching font face according to the CSS2 font matching rules.

firstMatch the first match in the chain of matching FontFace.Match instances.
newMatch the new FontFace.Match object to insert into the chain.
the head of the FontFace.Match chain after insertion of the new match.

        if (firstMatch == null) {
            return newMatch;

        FontFace.Match curMatch = firstMatch;
        FontFace.Match prevMatch = null;
        while (curMatch != null && curMatch.distance <= newMatch.distance) {
            prevMatch = curMatch;
            curMatch =;

        if (curMatch == null) {
            // We reached the end of the list, simply append newMatch
   = newMatch;
            return firstMatch;
        } else {
            // We need to insert newMatch before curMatch
            if (prevMatch == null) {
                // Inserted at the start of the list
       = firstMatch;
                return newMatch;
            } else {
                // Insert somewhere in the middle of the list
       = newMatch;
       = curMatch;
                return firstMatch;
public voidaddNamespacePrefix(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String namespaceURI, ModelNode node)
Adds a new prefix to namespace mapping. The scope is provided by the node parameter.

prefix the new namespace prefix.
uri the new namespace URI which maps to the prefix.
node the scope of the namespace prefix mapping. The mapping applies to all children, unless overridden.

        if (prefix == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();

        // First, check if there are already mappings for the 
        // prefix.
        Object[][] namespaceEntry = (Object[][]) prefixes.get(prefix);

        if (namespaceEntry == null) {
            // Simple case: there is not entry yet. Create a new one.
            namespaceEntry = new Object[][] {
                {namespaceURI, node} };
        } else {
            // There is an existing entry. Add the new one ahead of the
            // other ones.
            Object[][] newNamespaceEntry = 
                    new Object[namespaceEntry.length + 1][];
            newNamespaceEntry[0] = new Object[] {namespaceURI, node};
            System.arraycopy(namespaceEntry, 0, newNamespaceEntry, 1, 
            namespaceEntry = newNamespaceEntry;

        prefixes.put(prefix, namespaceEntry);

        // Now, update the namespaces map.
        Object[][] prefixEntry = (Object[][]) namespaces.get(namespaceURI);
        if (prefixEntry == null) {
            // Simple case: there is no entry yet. Create a new one.
            prefixEntry = new Object[][] {
                {prefix, node} };
        } else {
            // There is an existing entry. Add the new one ahead of the other
            // ones.
            Object[][] newPrefixEntry = new Object[prefixEntry.length + 1][];
            newPrefixEntry[0] = new Object[] {prefix, node};
            System.arraycopy(prefixEntry, 0, newPrefixEntry, 1, 
            prefixEntry = newPrefixEntry;

        namespaces.put(namespaceURI, prefixEntry);
public voidaddPrototype(ElementNode prototypeElement)
To support the creation of elements in the createElementNS method, we supply prototypes to the DocumentNode so that it can create nodes of specific data types for the prototype's namespaceURI and localName.

prototypeElement the ElementNode which will be used as a prototype in createElementNS. Should not be null.
IllegalArgumentException If there is already a prototype node for the given namespace and local name.

        // Get the namespace map
        String namespaceURI = prototypeElement.getNamespaceURI();

        Hashtable lmap = (Hashtable) namespaceMap.get(namespaceURI);

        if (lmap == null) {
            lmap = new Hashtable();
            namespaceMap.put(namespaceURI, lmap);

        lmap.put(prototypeElement.getLocalName(), prototypeElement);
public voidapplyAnimations()
Applies all currently active animations.

        int n = activeTraitAnims.size();
        // System.err.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are : " + n 
        //                      + " active animations");
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // System.err.println("Applying TraitAnim [" + i + "]");
            ((TraitAnim) activeTraitAnims.elementAt(i)).apply();
Applies all currently active media if this document is playing.

        if (playing) {
            int n = activeMediaElements.size();
            for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                ((MediaElement) activeMediaElements.elementAt(i)).playMedia();
        } else {
            int n = activeMediaElements.size();
            for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                ((MediaElement) activeMediaElements.elementAt(i)).endMedia();
public voidcheckDelayedException()

DOMException the delayed exception if one was set.

        if (delayedException != null) {
            throw delayedException;
final voidcheckNCName(java.lang.String name)
Checks if the input trait name is valid and throws a DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if not.

name the name whose syntax should be checked.
DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the trait name is syntactically incorrect (e.g., null or containing characters not conforming to the Namespaces in XML specification.

        if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
            throw unsupportedTrait(name);

        // NCName        ::=  (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)*
        // NCNameChar 	 ::=  Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | CombiningChar 
        //                      | Extender
        char c = name.charAt(0);
        if (!isLetter(c) && c != '_") {
            throw unsupportedTrait(name);

        for (int i = 1; i < name.length(); i++) {
            c = name.charAt(i);
            if (!isNCNameChar(c)) {
                throw unsupportedTrait(name);
public org.w3c.dom.ElementcreateElementNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qualifiedName)

        if (namespaceURI == null || qualifiedName == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();

        // Extract qualified name from the local name.
        String localName = qualifiedName;
        int pi = qualifiedName.indexOf(':");
        if (pi != -1) {
            if (pi == localName.length() - 1) {
                // Namepace prefix separator is at the end of the qualified name
                localName = "";
            } else {
                localName = qualifiedName.substring(pi + 1);

        // If the namespaceURI is empty, we have two cases:
        // 1. (extremely rare) the content maps some prefix, or the default
        //    namespace, to the "" namespace URI.
        // 2. (extremely common) the content does not have an xmlns declaration
        //    on its root element and the parser reported the root element 
        //    and children as being in the "" namespace URI.
        // The following code means that the situation 1. is _not_ handled. If
        // the author mapped a prefix or the default prefix to the 
        // empty string URI, that will be overriddent by the default namespace.
        if (namespaceURI.length() == 0) {
            namespaceURI = defaultNamespaceURI;

        Hashtable lmap = (Hashtable) namespaceMap.get(namespaceURI);
        ElementNode en = null;
        if (lmap != null) {
            en = (ElementNode) lmap.get(localName);
            if (en != null) {
                en = en.newInstance(this);

        if (en == null) {
            en = new GenericElementNode(namespaceURI, localName, this);

        return en;
public voiddispose()
Should be called when a document node is no longer needed and could be garbage collected.

public voiddump()
Traces this viewport tree

        dump(this, "", System.err);
static voiddump(ModelNode n, java.lang.String prefix, out)
Debug: traces the input ModelNode, using the input prefix

n the node to dump
prefix the string used to prefix the node information
out the stream where the node structure is dumped.

        out.print(prefix + " " + n);
        if (n instanceof ElementNode) {
            ElementNode e = (ElementNode) n;
            String pfx = n.ownerDocument.toPrefix(e.getNamespaceURI(), e);
            if (pfx == null || pfx.length() == 0) {
                out.println(" <" + e.getLocalName() + ">");
            } else {
                out.println(" <" + pfx + ":" + e.getLocalName() + ">");
        } else {
        ModelNode child = n.getFirstChildNode();
        while (child != null) {
            dump(child, prefix + "+-->", out);
            child = child.nextSibling;

        child = n.getFirstExpandedChild();
        while (child != null) {
            dump(child, prefix + "*~~>", out);
            child = child.nextSibling;
public TimegetCurrentTime()
Returns the current time for the document, i.e., the time at which the document was last sampled.

the time at which the container was last sampled.

        return timeContainerRootSupport.lastSampleTime;
public FontFacegetDefaultFontFace()

The default FontFace used by this RenderGraphics

        return defaultFontFace;
public org.w3c.dom.DOMExceptiongetDelayedException()

the delayed exception, if any

        return delayedException;
public org.w3c.dom.ElementgetDocumentElement()
For SVG files this must be SVGSVGElement, but return type is Element for DOM Core compatibility and to allow for future extensions. Return null if document does not have an element child.

        return firstChild;
public org.w3c.dom.ElementgetElementById(java.lang.String id)
If no such element exists, this returns null. If more than one element has an id attribute with that value, what is returned is undefined.

        return (ElementNode) idToElement.get(id);
org.w3c.dom.ElementgetElementByIdAll(java.lang.String id)
Return the Element in the current document with the given unique ID. The difference with getElementById is that this method may return a node that is not inserted in the document tree. This is used in ElementNode.setId().

id the ID of the object to be retrieved.
the Element that matches with the given ID or null if the ID is not present.
NullPointerException if id is null

        ElementNode n = (ElementNode) idToElement.get(id);
        if (n == null) {
            n = (ElementNode) reservedIds.get(id);

        return n;
public EventSupportgetEventSupport()

The EventSupport instance associated with this DocumentNode

        return eventSupport;
public ModelNodegetFirstComputedExpandedChild()
Some node types (such as ElementNodeProxy) have expanded children that they compute in some specific way depending on the implementation.

a reference to the node's first expanded child, or null if there are no expanded children.

        return null;
A DocumentNode has no expanded content, so this returns null.

a reference to the node's first expanded child, or null if there are no expanded children. This forces the computation of expanded content if needed.

        return null;
protected floatgetFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
Returns the value of the given float property.

the value of the given property, null if the property is unknown.

        return getInitialFloatPropertyState(propertyIndex);
public ImageLoadergetImageLoader()
Gets the ImageLoader instance.

the ImageLoader associated to this DocumentNode.

        if (imageLoader == null) {
            imageLoader = new DefaultImageLoader();
        return imageLoader;
protected floatgetInitialFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
Returns the initial value of the given float-valued property.

the initial value of the given property, 0 if the property is unknown.

        switch (propertyIndex) {
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_STROKE_WIDTH:
                return GraphicsNode.INITIAL_STROKE_WIDTH;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT:
                return GraphicsNode.INITIAL_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_STROKE_DASH_OFFSET:
                return GraphicsNode.INITIAL_STROKE_DASH_OFFSET;
            case TextNode.PROPERTY_FONT_SIZE:
                return TextNode.INITIAL_FONT_SIZE;
                return 0;
public FontFace[]getInitialFontFaces()

The set of FontFaces used to match the initial font-family value

        return initialFontFaces;
protected intgetInitialPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
Returns the initial value of the given packed property.

the initial value of the given packed property, zero if the property is unknown.

        switch (propertyIndex) {
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_FILL_RULE:
                return CompositeGraphicsNode.INITIAL_FILL_RULE_IMPL;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_STROKE_LINE_JOIN:
                return CompositeGraphicsNode.INITIAL_STROKE_LINE_JOIN_IMPL;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_STROKE_LINE_CAP:
                return CompositeGraphicsNode.INITIAL_STROKE_LINE_CAP_IMPL;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_DISPLAY:
                return CompositeGraphicsNode.INITIAL_DISPLAY_IMPL;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_VISIBILITY:
                return CompositeGraphicsNode.INITIAL_VISIBILITY_IMPL;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_FILL_OPACITY:
                return CompositeGraphicsNode.INITIAL_FILL_OPACITY_IMPL;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_STROKE_OPACITY:
                return CompositeGraphicsNode.INITIAL_STROKE_OPACITY_IMPL;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_OPACITY:
                return CompositeGraphicsNode.INITIAL_OPACITY_IMPL;
            case TextNode.PROPERTY_FONT_STYLE:
                return StructureNode.INITIAL_FONT_STYLE_IMPL;
            case TextNode.PROPERTY_FONT_WEIGHT:
                return StructureNode.INITIAL_FONT_WEIGHT_IMPL;
            case TextNode.PROPERTY_TEXT_ANCHOR:
                return StructureNode.INITIAL_TEXT_ANCHOR_IMPL;
                return 0;
protected java.lang.ObjectgetInitialPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
Returns the initial value of the given Object-valued property.

the initial value of the given property, null if the property is unknown.

        switch (propertyIndex) {
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_FILL:
                return GraphicsProperties.INITIAL_FILL;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_STROKE:
                return GraphicsProperties.INITIAL_STROKE;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_COLOR:
                return GraphicsProperties.INITIAL_COLOR;
            case GraphicsNode.PROPERTY_STROKE_DASH_ARRAY:
                return GraphicsProperties.INITIAL_STROKE_DASH_ARRAY;
            case TextNode.PROPERTY_FONT_FAMILY:
                return TextNode.INITIAL_FONT_FAMILY;
                return null;
A DocumentNode has no expanded content, so this returns null.

a reference to the node's last expanded child, or null if there are no expanded children. This forces the computation of expanded content if needed.

        return null;
public java.lang.StringgetLocalName()

returns the unprefixed node name. For an SVGElement, this returns the tag name without a prefix. In case of the Document node, string null/code> is returned.

        return null;
public java.lang.StringgetNamespaceURI()

null as per the DOM Level 2 specification for Document nodes.

        return null;
protected intgetPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
Returns the value of the given packed property.

the value of the given property, null if the property is unknown.

        return getInitialPackedPropertyState(propertyIndex);
public org.w3c.dom.NodegetParentNode()
Returns the parent Node of this Node.

the parent node or null if there is no parent (i.e. if a node has just been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree, this is null).

        return null;
public floatgetPixelMMSize()

the size of a px CSS unit in millimeters.

        return pxMMSize;
protected java.lang.ObjectgetPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
Returns the value of the given Object-valued property.

the value of the given property, null if the property is unknown.

        return getInitialPropertyState(propertyIndex);
public com.sun.perseus.util.RunnableQueue.RunnableHandlergetRunnableHandler()

the RunnableQueue.RunnableHandler which is notified of Runnable instances ran against this DocumentNode.

        return runHandler;
public java.lang.StringgetURIBase()
The node's URI base to use to resolve URI references If a URI base value was set on this node, then that value is returned. Otherwise, this method returns the parent's URI base. If there is not URI base on this node and if there is not parent, then this method returns null.

the node's URI base to use to resolve relative URI references.

        return docURI;
java.lang.StringgetUnknownTraitsNS(ElementNode element, java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String traitName)
Implementation helper. Returns the ElementNode's trait value if it was ever set.

element the ElementNode on which the trait might be set.
namespaceURI the trait's namespace URI
traitName the trait's local name.
the trait value or null if the value was never set.

        if (unknownTraitsNS == null) {
            return null;

        Hashtable eltMap = (Hashtable) unknownTraitsNS.get(element);
        if (eltMap == null) {
            return null;

        Hashtable nsMap = (Hashtable) eltMap.get(namespaceURI);
        if (nsMap == null) {
            return null;

        return (String) nsMap.get(traitName);
public UpdateListenergetUpdateListener()

the UpdateListener associated with this viewport.

        if (parent == null || parent == this) {
            return updateListener;
        } else {
            return parent.getUpdateListener();
public com.sun.perseus.util.RunnableQueuegetUpdateQueue()

the RunnableQueue which managers updates to this DocumentNode hierarchy.

        return updateQueue;
protected voidgrowFontFaceDB(java.util.Hashtable ffDB, FontFace[] fontFaceSet)
Builds a Hashtable of font faces to map font family names to FontFace instances.

ffDB the font data base to grow
fontFaceSet array of FontFace instances to add to the font data base.

        if (fontFaceSet == null) {

        // Grow the font data base from the new fontFaceSet
        for (int i = 0; i < fontFaceSet.length; i++) {
            FontFace ff = fontFaceSet[i];
            String[] fontFamilies = ff.getFontFamilies();
            if (fontFamilies != null) {
                // null is actually a CSS error. But CSS is silent
                // about errors, so we should not break or halt on
                // such a condition which should be expected
                for (int j = 0; j < fontFamilies.length; j++) {
                    Vector v = (Vector) ffDB.get(fontFamilies[j]);
                    if (v == null) {
                        v = new Vector(1);
                        ffDB.put(fontFamilies[j], v);
                    } else {
                        if (!v.contains(ff)) {

true if this node is hooked to the document tree, i.e., if it top most ancestor is the DocumentNode.

        return true;
public voidincrementTime(float seconds)
Increments the animation or media timeline for this SVGImage (in seconds). As the name implies, this method is intended to move only forward in the timeline and typically should be used to animate SVG content in the "one-shot" rendering mode. Setting negative values will throw an Exception. It is important to note that setting large increments of time would result in dropping or skipping of frames as per the SVG animation model.

IllegalArgumentException if the specified time is negative.

        if (seconds < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        long lastSampleTime = timeContainerRootSupport
            (new Time(lastSampleTime + (long) (seconds*1000)));
ModelEventinitEngineEvent(java.lang.String type, ModelNode target)
Initializes the ModelEvent's singleton object with the input data.

type the event type
target the event target
time the event time

        ModelEvent engineEvent = new ModelEvent(type, target);
        engineEvent.type = type; = target;
        engineEvent.currentTarget = null;
        engineEvent.anchor = null;
        engineEvent.stopPropagation = false;
        engineEvent.repeatCount = 0;
        engineEvent.keyChar = ModelEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED;
        return engineEvent;
public voidinitializeTimingEngine()
Initializes the timing engine.

public voidinvokeAndWait(java.lang.Runnable r)
Waits until the given Runnable's run() has returned. Note: invokeAndWait() must not be called from the current thread (for example from the run() method of the argument).

r the Runnable to put at the end of the execution list.
IllegalStateException if there is an associated RunnableQueue which has exited or was not started.
InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted while waiting for the input Runnable to complete its execution.

        if (updateQueue == null) {
        } else {
            updateQueue.invokeAndWait(r, runHandler);
public voidinvokeLater(java.lang.Runnable r)
Schedules the given Runnable object for a later invocation in the document's update thread, and returns.
If there is no updateQueue the Runnable is run before returning. Otherwise, the Runnable is scheduled in the associated updateQueue

r the Runnable to put at the end of the execution list.
IllegalStateException if there is an associated RunnableQueue but that one has exited or was not started.

        if (updateQueue == null) {
        } else {
            updateQueue.invokeLater(r, runHandler);
protected booleanisAllowedChild(ElementNode node)
Only and SVG child is allowed under a DocumentNode.

node the candidate child node.
true if the input node can be inserted under this CompositeNode

        if (node instanceof SVG) {
            return true;
        return false;
static final booleanisBaseChar(int c)

 	return (c >= 0x0041 && c <= 0x005A) 
            || (c >= 0x0061 && c <= 0x007A) 
            || (c >= 0x00C0 && c <= 0x00D6) 
            || (c >= 0x00D8 && c <= 0x00F6) 
            || (c >= 0x00F8 && c <= 0x00FF) 
            || (c >= 0x0100 && c <= 0x0131) 
            || (c >= 0x0134 && c <= 0x013E) 
            || (c >= 0x0141 && c <= 0x0148) 
            || (c >= 0x014A && c <= 0x017E) 
            || (c >= 0x0180 && c <= 0x01C3) 
            || (c >= 0x01CD && c <= 0x01F0) 
            || (c >= 0x01F4 && c <= 0x01F5) 
            || (c >= 0x01FA && c <= 0x0217) 
            || (c >= 0x0250 && c <= 0x02A8) 
            || (c >= 0x02BB && c <= 0x02C1) 
            || c == 0x0386 
            || (c >= 0x0388 && c <= 0x038A) 
            || c == 0x038C 
            || (c >= 0x038E && c <= 0x03A1) 
            || (c >= 0x03A3 && c <= 0x03CE) 
            || (c >= 0x03D0 && c <= 0x03D6) 
            || c == 0x03DA 
            || c == 0x03DC 
            || c == 0x03DE 
            || c == 0x03E0 
            || (c >= 0x03E2 && c <= 0x03F3) 
            || (c >= 0x0401 && c <= 0x040C) 
            || (c >= 0x040E && c <= 0x044F) 
            || (c >= 0x0451 && c <= 0x045C) 
            || (c >= 0x045E && c <= 0x0481) 
            || (c >= 0x0490 && c <= 0x04C4) 
            || (c >= 0x04C7 && c <= 0x04C8) 
            || (c >= 0x04CB && c <= 0x04CC) 
            || (c >= 0x04D0 && c <= 0x04EB) 
            || (c >= 0x04EE && c <= 0x04F5) 
            || (c >= 0x04F8 && c <= 0x04F9) 
            || (c >= 0x0531 && c <= 0x0556) 
            || c == 0x0559 
            || (c >= 0x0561 && c <= 0x0586) 
            || (c >= 0x05D0 && c <= 0x05EA) 
            || (c >= 0x05F0 && c <= 0x05F2) 
            || (c >= 0x0621 && c <= 0x063A) 
            || (c >= 0x0641 && c <= 0x064A) 
            || (c >= 0x0671 && c <= 0x06B7) 
            || (c >= 0x06BA && c <= 0x06BE) 
            || (c >= 0x06C0 && c <= 0x06CE) 
            || (c >= 0x06D0 && c <= 0x06D3) 
            || c == 0x06D5 
            || (c >= 0x06E5 && c <= 0x06E6) 
            || (c >= 0x0905 && c <= 0x0939) 
            || c == 0x093D 
            || (c >= 0x0958 && c <= 0x0961) 
            || (c >= 0x0985 && c <= 0x098C) 
            || (c >= 0x098F && c <= 0x0990) 
            || (c >= 0x0993 && c <= 0x09A8) 
            || (c >= 0x09AA && c <= 0x09B0) 
            || c == 0x09B2 
            || (c >= 0x09B6 && c <= 0x09B9) 
            || (c >= 0x09DC && c <= 0x09DD) 
            || (c >= 0x09DF && c <= 0x09E1) 
            || (c >= 0x09F0 && c <= 0x09F1) 
            || (c >= 0x0A05 && c <= 0x0A0A) 
            || (c >= 0x0A0F && c <= 0x0A10) 
            || (c >= 0x0A13 && c <= 0x0A28) 
            || (c >= 0x0A2A && c <= 0x0A30) 
            || (c >= 0x0A32 && c <= 0x0A33) 
            || (c >= 0x0A35 && c <= 0x0A36) 
            || (c >= 0x0A38 && c <= 0x0A39) 
            || (c >= 0x0A59 && c <= 0x0A5C) 
            || c == 0x0A5E 
            || (c >= 0x0A72 && c <= 0x0A74) 
            || (c >= 0x0A85 && c <= 0x0A8B) 
            || c == 0x0A8D 
            || (c >= 0x0A8F && c <= 0x0A91) 
            || (c >= 0x0A93 && c <= 0x0AA8) 
            || (c >= 0x0AAA && c <= 0x0AB0) 
            || (c >= 0x0AB2 && c <= 0x0AB3) 
            || (c >= 0x0AB5 && c <= 0x0AB9) 
            || c == 0x0ABD 
            || c == 0x0AE0 
            || (c >= 0x0B05 && c <= 0x0B0C) 
            || (c >= 0x0B0F && c <= 0x0B10) 
            || (c >= 0x0B13 && c <= 0x0B28) 
            || (c >= 0x0B2A && c <= 0x0B30) 
            || (c >= 0x0B32 && c <= 0x0B33) 
            || (c >= 0x0B36 && c <= 0x0B39) 
            || c == 0x0B3D 
            || (c >= 0x0B5C && c <= 0x0B5D) 
            || (c >= 0x0B5F && c <= 0x0B61) 
            || (c >= 0x0B85 && c <= 0x0B8A) 
            || (c >= 0x0B8E && c <= 0x0B90) 
            || (c >= 0x0B92 && c <= 0x0B95) 
            || (c >= 0x0B99 && c <= 0x0B9A) 
            || c == 0x0B9C 
            || (c >= 0x0B9E && c <= 0x0B9F) 
            || (c >= 0x0BA3 && c <= 0x0BA4) 
            || (c >= 0x0BA8 && c <= 0x0BAA) 
            || (c >= 0x0BAE && c <= 0x0BB5) 
            || (c >= 0x0BB7 && c <= 0x0BB9) 
            || (c >= 0x0C05 && c <= 0x0C0C) 
            || (c >= 0x0C0E && c <= 0x0C10) 
            || (c >= 0x0C12 && c <= 0x0C28) 
            || (c >= 0x0C2A && c <= 0x0C33) 
            || (c >= 0x0C35 && c <= 0x0C39) 
            || (c >= 0x0C60 && c <= 0x0C61) 
            || (c >= 0x0C85 && c <= 0x0C8C) 
            || (c >= 0x0C8E && c <= 0x0C90) 
            || (c >= 0x0C92 && c <= 0x0CA8) 
            || (c >= 0x0CAA && c <= 0x0CB3) 
            || (c >= 0x0CB5 && c <= 0x0CB9) 
            || c == 0x0CDE 
            || (c >= 0x0CE0 && c <= 0x0CE1) 
            || (c >= 0x0D05 && c <= 0x0D0C) 
            || (c >= 0x0D0E && c <= 0x0D10) 
            || (c >= 0x0D12 && c <= 0x0D28) 
            || (c >= 0x0D2A && c <= 0x0D39) 
            || (c >= 0x0D60 && c <= 0x0D61) 
            || (c >= 0x0E01 && c <= 0x0E2E) 
            || c == 0x0E30 
            || (c >= 0x0E32 && c <= 0x0E33) 
            || (c >= 0x0E40 && c <= 0x0E45) 
            || (c >= 0x0E81 && c <= 0x0E82) 
            || c == 0x0E84 
            || (c >= 0x0E87 && c <= 0x0E88) 
            || c == 0x0E8A 
            || c == 0x0E8D 
            || (c >= 0x0E94 && c <= 0x0E97) 
            || (c >= 0x0E99 && c <= 0x0E9F) 
            || (c >= 0x0EA1 && c <= 0x0EA3) 
            || c == 0x0EA5 
            || c == 0x0EA7 
            || (c >= 0x0EAA && c <= 0x0EAB) 
            || (c >= 0x0EAD && c <= 0x0EAE) 
            || c == 0x0EB0 
            || (c >= 0x0EB2 && c <= 0x0EB3) 
            || c == 0x0EBD 
            || (c >= 0x0EC0 && c <= 0x0EC4) 
            || (c >= 0x0F40 && c <= 0x0F47) 
            || (c >= 0x0F49 && c <= 0x0F69) 
            || (c >= 0x10A0 && c <= 0x10C5) 
            || (c >= 0x10D0 && c <= 0x10F6) 
            || c == 0x1100 
            || (c >= 0x1102 && c <= 0x1103) 
            || (c >= 0x1105 && c <= 0x1107) 
            || c == 0x1109 
            || (c >= 0x110B && c <= 0x110C) 
            || (c >= 0x110E && c <= 0x1112) 
            || c == 0x113C 
            || c == 0x113E 
            || c == 0x1140 
            || c == 0x114C 
            || c == 0x114E 
            || c == 0x1150 
            || (c >= 0x1154 && c <= 0x1155) 
            || c == 0x1159 
            || (c >= 0x115F && c <= 0x1161) 
            || c == 0x1163 
            || c == 0x1165 
            || c == 0x1167 
            || c == 0x1169 
            || (c >= 0x116D && c <= 0x116E) 
            || (c >= 0x1172 && c <= 0x1173) 
            || c == 0x1175 
            || c == 0x119E 
            || c == 0x11A8 
            || c == 0x11AB 
            || (c >= 0x11AE && c <= 0x11AF) 
            || (c >= 0x11B7 && c <= 0x11B8) 
            || c == 0x11BA 
            || (c >= 0x11BC && c <= 0x11C2) 
            || c == 0x11EB 
            || c == 0x11F0 
            || c == 0x11F9 
            || (c >= 0x1E00 && c <= 0x1E9B) 
            || (c >= 0x1EA0 && c <= 0x1EF9) 
            || (c >= 0x1F00 && c <= 0x1F15) 
            || (c >= 0x1F18 && c <= 0x1F1D) 
            || (c >= 0x1F20 && c <= 0x1F45) 
            || (c >= 0x1F48 && c <= 0x1F4D) 
            || (c >= 0x1F50 && c <= 0x1F57) 
            || c == 0x1F59 
            || c == 0x1F5B 
            || c == 0x1F5D 
            || (c >= 0x1F5F && c <= 0x1F7D) 
            || (c >= 0x1F80 && c <= 0x1FB4) 
            || (c >= 0x1FB6 && c <= 0x1FBC) 
            || c == 0x1FBE 
            || (c >= 0x1FC2 && c <= 0x1FC4) 
            || (c >= 0x1FC6 && c <= 0x1FCC) 
            || (c >= 0x1FD0 && c <= 0x1FD3) 
            || (c >= 0x1FD6 && c <= 0x1FDB) 
            || (c >= 0x1FE0 && c <= 0x1FEC) 
            || (c >= 0x1FF2 && c <= 0x1FF4) 
            || (c >= 0x1FF6 && c <= 0x1FFC) 
            || c == 0x2126 
            || (c >= 0x212A && c <= 0x212B) 
            || c == 0x212E 
            || (c >= 0x2180 && c <= 0x2182) 
            || (c >= 0x3041 && c <= 0x3094) 
            || (c >= 0x30A1 && c <= 0x30FA) 
            || (c >= 0x3105 && c <= 0x312C) 
            || (c >= 0xAC00 && c <= 0xD7A3);
static final booleanisCombiningChar(int c)

        return (c >= 0x0300 && c <= 0x0345) 
            || (c >= 0x0360 && c <= 0x0361) 
            || (c >= 0x0483 && c <= 0x0486) 
            || (c >= 0x0591 && c <= 0x05A1) 
            || (c >= 0x05A3 && c <= 0x05B9) 
            || (c >= 0x05BB && c <= 0x05BD) 
            || c == 0x05BF 
            || (c >= 0x05C1 && c <= 0x05C2) 
            || c == 0x05C4 
            || (c >= 0x064B && c <= 0x0652) 
            || c == 0x0670 
            || (c >= 0x06D6 && c <= 0x06DC) 
            || (c >= 0x06DD && c <= 0x06DF) 
            || (c >= 0x06E0 && c <= 0x06E4) 
            || (c >= 0x06E7 && c <= 0x06E8) 
            || (c >= 0x06EA && c <= 0x06ED) 
            || (c >= 0x0901 && c <= 0x0903) 
            || c == 0x093C 
            || (c >= 0x093E && c <= 0x094C) 
            || c == 0x094D 
            || (c >= 0x0951 && c <= 0x0954) 
            || (c >= 0x0962 && c <= 0x0963) 
            || (c >= 0x0981 && c <= 0x0983) 
            || c == 0x09BC 
            || c == 0x09BE 
            || c == 0x09BF 
            || (c >= 0x09C0 && c <= 0x09C4) 
            || (c >= 0x09C7 && c <= 0x09C8) 
            || (c >= 0x09CB && c <= 0x09CD) 
            || c == 0x09D7 
            || (c >= 0x09E2 && c <= 0x09E3) 
            || c == 0x0A02 
            || c == 0x0A3C 
            || c == 0x0A3E 
            || c == 0x0A3F 
            || (c >= 0x0A40 && c <= 0x0A42) 
            || (c >= 0x0A47 && c <= 0x0A48) 
            || (c >= 0x0A4B && c <= 0x0A4D) 
            || (c >= 0x0A70 && c <= 0x0A71) 
            || (c >= 0x0A81 && c <= 0x0A83) 
            || c == 0x0ABC 
            || (c >= 0x0ABE && c <= 0x0AC5) 
            || (c >= 0x0AC7 && c <= 0x0AC9) 
            || (c >= 0x0ACB && c <= 0x0ACD) 
            || (c >= 0x0B01 && c <= 0x0B03) 
            || c == 0x0B3C 
            || (c >= 0x0B3E && c <= 0x0B43) 
            || (c >= 0x0B47 && c <= 0x0B48) 
            || (c >= 0x0B4B && c <= 0x0B4D) 
            || (c >= 0x0B56 && c <= 0x0B57) 
            || (c >= 0x0B82 && c <= 0x0B83) 
            || (c >= 0x0BBE && c <= 0x0BC2) 
            || (c >= 0x0BC6 && c <= 0x0BC8) 
            || (c >= 0x0BCA && c <= 0x0BCD) 
            || c == 0x0BD7 
            || (c >= 0x0C01 && c <= 0x0C03) 
            || (c >= 0x0C3E && c <= 0x0C44) 
            || (c >= 0x0C46 && c <= 0x0C48) 
            || (c >= 0x0C4A && c <= 0x0C4D) 
            || (c >= 0x0C55 && c <= 0x0C56) 
            || (c >= 0x0C82 && c <= 0x0C83) 
            || (c >= 0x0CBE && c <= 0x0CC4) 
            || (c >= 0x0CC6 && c <= 0x0CC8) 
            || (c >= 0x0CCA && c <= 0x0CCD) 
            || (c >= 0x0CD5 && c <= 0x0CD6) 
            || (c >= 0x0D02 && c <= 0x0D03) 
            || (c >= 0x0D3E && c <= 0x0D43) 
            || (c >= 0x0D46 && c <= 0x0D48) 
            || (c >= 0x0D4A && c <= 0x0D4D) 
            || c == 0x0D57 
            || c == 0x0E31 
            || (c >= 0x0E34 && c <= 0x0E3A) 
            || (c >= 0x0E47 && c <= 0x0E4E) 
            || c == 0x0EB1 
            || (c >= 0x0EB4 && c <= 0x0EB9) 
            || (c >= 0x0EBB && c <= 0x0EBC) 
            || (c >= 0x0EC8 && c <= 0x0ECD) 
            || (c >= 0x0F18 && c <= 0x0F19) 
            || c == 0x0F35 
            || c == 0x0F37 
            || c == 0x0F39 
            || c == 0x0F3E 
            || c == 0x0F3F 
            || (c >= 0x0F71 && c <= 0x0F84) 
            || (c >= 0x0F86 && c <= 0x0F8B) 
            || (c >= 0x0F90 && c <= 0x0F95) 
            || c == 0x0F97 
            || (c >= 0x0F99 && c <= 0x0FAD) 
            || (c >= 0x0FB1 && c <= 0x0FB7) 
            || c == 0x0FB9 
            || (c >= 0x20D0 && c <= 0x20DC) 
            || c == 0x20E1 
            || (c >= 0x302A && c <= 0x302F) 
            || c == 0x3099 
            || c == 0x309A;
static final booleanisExtender(int c)

        return c == 0x00B7 
            || c == 0x02D0 
            || c == 0x02D1 
            || c == 0x0387 
            || c == 0x0640 
            || c == 0x0E46 
            || c == 0x0EC6 
            || c == 0x3005 
            || (c >= 0x3031 && c <= 0x3035) 
            || (c >= 0x309D && c <= 0x309E) 
            || (c >= 0x30FC && c <= 0x30FE);
static final booleanisIdeographic(int c)

	return (c >= 0x4E00 && c <= 0x9FA5) 
            || c == 0x3007 
            || (c >= 0x3021 && c <= 0x3029);
static final booleanisLetter(int c)

        return isIdeographic(c) || isBaseChar(c);
static final booleanisNCNameChar(char c)

        return isLetter(c) 
            || Character.isDigit(c) 
            || c == '."
            || c == '-"
            || c == '_"
            || isCombiningChar(c)
            || isExtender(c);    
public booleanisPlaying()

true if the DocumentNode is in the playing state.

        return playing;
protected booleanisRemoveChildSupported()

false, as DocumentNode does not support removing children.

        return false;
protected FontFace.MatchmatchFontFaces(java.util.Vector fontFamily, FontFace.Match lastMatch, com.sun.perseus.j2d.TextProperties tp)
Matches values in the input fontFamily map against the current context values.

fontFamily the 'candidate' FontFaces
lastMatch the last FontFace.Match. Any new match sub-chain (i.e., for the input fontFamily) will be chained after lastMatch
tp the TextProperties defining the applicable font selection properties
the first FontFace.Match node, head of the chain of matches, linked in precedence order.

        if (fontFamily == null) {
            return lastMatch;

        int n = fontFamily.size();
        int fontStyle = tp.getFontStyle();
        float fontSize = tp.getFontSize();
        int fontWeight = tp.getFontWeight();

        FontFace.Match match = null, firstMatch = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            FontFace ff = (FontFace) fontFamily.elementAt(i);

            // First, match on font-style. 
            if ((ff.getFontStyles() & fontStyle) != 0
                 (fontStyle == TextNode.FONT_STYLE_ITALIC)
                 ((ff.getFontStyles() & TextNode.FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE) != 0))) {
                // Match on font-size
                if (ff.getFontSizes() == null) {
                    match = new FontFace.Match(ff);
                    match.distance = ff.fontWeightDistance(fontWeight);
                    firstMatch = addMatch(firstMatch, match);
                } else {
                    float[] fs = ff.getFontSizes();
                    for (int j = 0; j < fs.length; j++) {
                        if (fs[j] == fontSize) {
                            match = new FontFace.Match(ff);
                            match.distance = ff.fontWeightDistance(fontWeight);
                            firstMatch = addMatch(firstMatch, match);

        if (match == null) {
            return lastMatch;
        } else {
            if (lastMatch != null) {
       = firstMatch;

            while ( != null) {
                match =;
            return match;
public voidpaint(com.sun.perseus.j2d.RenderGraphics rg)
Paints this node into the input RenderGraphics.

rg the RenderGraphics where the node should paint itself

        if (canRenderState != 0) {

        paint(getFirstChildNode(), rg);
voidremoveIdentifiedNode(ElementNode element)
Remove element from the list of identified nodes

element the element to remove from the list of identified nodes
NullPointerException if element is null or if its id is null.

        String id = element.getId();
        if (idToElement.get(id) == element) {
voidreserveId(ElementNode element)
Reserves the given id. This is used to be able to check for duplicate identifiers.

element the element reserving the id. Should not be null. The element id should not be null.

        reservedIds.put(element.getId(), element);
protected FontFace.MatchresolveFontFaces(com.sun.perseus.j2d.TextProperties tp)
This is where font matching happens. This method compares the font attributes (such as 'font-family' or 'font-weight') with the corresponding attributes in the FontFace set. At a minimum, this method returns a single font in the list: the defaultFontFace. This process follows the algorithm described in section 15.5 of the CSS2 specification ( In SVG Tiny, the font attributes on Text are: - font-family - font-size - font-style - font-weight Therefore, font matching is limited to these attributes (i.e., font-variant is not used). IMPORTANT NOTE: The FontFaces data base is built when the setFontFaceSet method is invoked, from the input array. The input array is expected to be in document order and the fontFaceDB hashtable's value Vectors contain values which are in the same order as in the array passed to setFontFaceSet. Therefore, the resolveFontFaces returns matches in document order. This is important for situations where a less specific FontFace (font-family:Arial, font-style: any) would appear before (in document order) a more specific FontFace (font-family:Arial, font-style: italic). In that case, only the less specific FontFace will be the match for a text with font-family set to Arial and font-style set to italic.

tp The TextProperties containing the font selection properties.
a chain of FontFace.Match. The first element is always the default font face. The next element (if any), is the first match, ordered according to the CSS2 font matching rules.

        // If no default font face has been set, set the default one now.
        if (defaultFontFace == null) {

        // If no initial font face has been set, set the default one now.
        if (initialFontFaces == null) {

        // Build the font face data base if it has not been
        // built already
        if (fontFaceDB == null) {

        // Iterate over each matching font-family name
        Vector fontFamilyMatch = null;
        String[] fontFamily = tp.getFontFamily();
        int nff = 0;
        if (fontFamily != null) {
            nff = fontFamily.length;

        FontFace.Match firstMatch = new FontFace.Match(defaultFontFace);
        FontFace.Match lastMatch = firstMatch;
        for (int i = 0; i < nff; i++) {
            fontFamilyMatch = (Vector) fontFaceDB.get(fontFamily[i]);
            lastMatch = matchFontFaces(fontFamilyMatch, lastMatch, tp);

        return firstMatch;
public voidresolveIDRef(IDRef idRef, java.lang.String id)
Invoked by IDRef instances when they need the given input id reference to be resolved to an ElementNode reference. If there is a known ElementNode with the requested id, the IDRef's resolve() method is invoked immediately. Otherwise, the method will be called as soon as the id reference is resolved.

idRef the IDRef which needs to be resolved.
id the id the IDRef needs to resolve to an ElementNode reference.

        ElementNode ref = (ElementNode) getElementById(id);
        if (ref != null) {
        } else {
            if (unresolvedIDRefs != null) {
                Vector idRefs = (Vector) unresolvedIDRefs.get(id);
                if (idRefs == null) {
                    idRefs = new Vector(1);
                    unresolvedIDRefs.put(id, idRefs);
public voidsafeInvokeAndWait(java.lang.Runnable r)
Waits until the given Runnable's run() has returned. Note: safeInvokeAndWait() may be called from any thread. This method checks if this thread is the update thread, in which case the Runnable is invoked directly. Otherwise, it delegates to the invokeAndWait method.

r the Runnable to put at the end of the execution list. Should not be null.
runHandler the RunnableHandler to notify once the Runnable has finished executing. Should not be null.
IllegalStateException if getThread() is null or if the thread returned by getThread() is the current one.

        if (updateQueue == null) {
        } else {
            updateQueue.safeInvokeAndWait(r, runHandler);
public voidsample(Time currentTime)
This method is typically called by this element's time container when it samples. Note that if this element is not in the waiting or playing state, this does nothing. This method assumes that successive calls are made with increasing time values.

currentTime the time at which this element should be sampled.

        // System.err.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> currentTime : " 
        //                      + currentTime);
        // timeContainerRootSupport.dump();
public voidsetDefaultFontFace(FontFace newDefaultFontFace)
Sets the default FontFace, i.e., the FontFace which will always be the last element in the FontFace array returned from resolveFontFaces

newDefaultFontFace the fall back font
IllegalArgumentException if defaultFontFace is null

        if (newDefaultFontFace == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        if (defaultFontFace == newDefaultFontFace) {

        this.defaultFontFace = newDefaultFontFace;
protected voidsetDelayedException(org.w3c.dom.DOMException de)

de the new delayedException

        delayedException = de;
public voidsetDocumentURI(java.lang.String docURI)
Sets this document's URI

docURI the new document URI

        if (ElementNode.equal(docURI, this.docURI)) {
        this.docURI = docURI;
public voidsetFontFaceSet(FontFace[] fontFaceSet)
Sets the set of FontFaces that this Document uses to display text.

fontFaceSet the set of font faces to use

protected voidsetFontFaceSetSilent(FontFace[] fontFaceSet)
Sets the set of FontFaces this document uses but does not generate a modifyingNode notification.

fontFaceSet the set of font faces to use

        fontFaceDB = new Hashtable();
        growFontFaceDB(fontFaceDB, fontFaceSet);
        growFontFaceDB(fontFaceDB, initialFontFaces);
public voidsetImageLoader(ImageLoader imageLoader)
Sets the ImageLoader for this document.

imageLoader the new ImageLoader this DocumentNode should use.

        this.imageLoader = imageLoader;
public voidsetInitialFontFaces(FontFace[] newInitialFontFaces)
Sets the intial set of FontFaces. The intent for this property is to provide a set of FontFaces that match the initial font-family property for varying values of font-weight and font-style. However, this can also be used to provide support for the logical font-faces. The RenderGraphics will keep a reference to the input array which should not be modified after it has been passed to this RenderGraphics.

newInitialFontFaces should not be null and should not contain null values
IllegalArgumentException if initialFontFaces is null or if one of the array values is null.

        if (newInitialFontFaces == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        if (initialFontFaces == newInitialFontFaces) {

        for (int i = 0; i < newInitialFontFaces.length; i++) {
            if (newInitialFontFaces[i] == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        this.initialFontFaces = newInitialFontFaces;
public final voidsetLoaded(boolean isLoaded)
When the document finishes loading, it notifies the ImageLoader so that it can start loading raster images, in case it waited for the load completion to start (e.g., as in SVGImageLoader).

isLoaded the new loaded state

        if (isLoaded == true) {
public voidsetPixelMMSize(float newPxMMSize)
Controls the size of a pixel in millimeters

newPxMMSize the new pixel size value, in millimeter

        this.pxMMSize = newPxMMSize;
public voidsetPlaying(boolean isPlaying)

isPlaying the new playing state.

        this.playing = isPlaying;
public voidsetRunnableHandler(com.sun.perseus.util.RunnableQueue.RunnableHandler runHandler)

runHandler the RunnableHandler which listens to Runnable execution for this DocumentNode.

        this.runHandler = runHandler;
voidsetUnknownTraitsNS(ElementNode element, java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String traitName, java.lang.String value)
Implementation helper. Checks that the unknownTraitNS map is not null for the given ElementNode before using it, for the requested namespaceURI.

element the ElementNode for which a table should be created for the given namespace URI.
namespaceURI the trait's namespace URI
traitName the trait's local name.
value the trait value.
the namespaceURI's unknown traits table.

        // Make sure we do have a table for storing unknown traits.        
        if (unknownTraitsNS == null) {
            unknownTraitsNS = new Hashtable();

        // Make sure we do have a table for storing unknown traits for
        // the requested element.
        Hashtable eltMap = (Hashtable) unknownTraitsNS.get(element);
        if (eltMap == null) {
            eltMap = new Hashtable();
            unknownTraitsNS.put(element, eltMap);

        // If there is already a map for the given namespace, use that.
        // Otherwise, create a new map.
        Hashtable nsMap = (Hashtable) eltMap.get(namespaceURI);
        if (nsMap == null) {
            nsMap = new Hashtable();
            eltMap.put(namespaceURI, nsMap);

        nsMap.put(traitName, value);
public voidsetUpdateListener(UpdateListener updateListener)
Sets the UpdateListener associated with this viewport. All updates made to this tree will be reported to the input UpdateListener

updateListener the new UpdateListener which will receive notifications for updates on this tree.

        this.updateListener = updateListener;
public voidsetUpdateQueue(com.sun.perseus.util.RunnableQueue updateQueue)

updateQueue the RunnableQueue which manages updates to this document tree.

        this.updateQueue = updateQueue;
java.lang.StringtoNamespace(java.lang.String prefix, ModelNode node)
Maps the input prefix name to a namespace value.

prefix the prefix to map.
node the node for which the prefix needs to be mapped.
the namespace the prefix maps to for the node, or null if there is no such namespace prefix.

        Object[][] namespaceEntry = (Object[][]) prefixes.get(prefix);
        if (namespaceEntry == null) {
            // No namespace entry
            return null;
        } else {
            // Note that namespaceEntry.length == 0 should _never_ happen.

            // There are multiple prefix that map to entries. 
            // Walk up the parent tree and match with the 
            // first parent that is found in an entry.
            ModelNode cur = node;
            final int n = namespaceEntry.length;
            while (cur != null && cur != this) {
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    if (namespaceEntry[i][1] == cur) {
                        return (String) namespaceEntry[i][0];
                cur = cur.parent;

            // If we are here, it means we have not found a 
            // matching namespace in the document tree. Check
            // if there are any default mapping on the document
            // node itself.
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (namespaceEntry[i][1] == this) {
                    return (String) namespaceEntry[i][0];
            // Did not find any matching namespace prefix.
            return null;
public java.lang.StringtoPrefix(java.lang.String namespaceURI, org.w3c.dom.Element node)
Maps the input namespace value to a prefix.

namespaceURI the URI to map.
node the node for which the namespace needs to be mapped.
the namespace the prefix maps to for the node, or null if there is no such namespace prefix.

        Object[][] prefixEntry = (Object[][]) namespaces.get(namespaceURI);
        if (prefixEntry == null) {
            // No prefix entry
            return null;
        } else {
            // Note that prefixEntry.length == 0 should _never_ happen.

            // There are multiple prefixEntries that map to entries. 
            // Walk up the parent tree and match with the 
            // first parent that is found in an entry.
            ModelNode cur = (ElementNode) node;
            final int n = prefixEntry.length;
            while (cur != null && cur != this) {
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    if (prefixEntry[i][1] == cur) {
                        return (String) prefixEntry[i][0];
                cur = cur.parent;

            // If we are here, it means we have not found a 
            // matching prefix in the document tree. Check
            // if there are any default mapping on the document
            // node itself.
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (prefixEntry[i][1] == this) {
                    return (String) prefixEntry[i][0];
            // Did not find any matching prefix.
            return null;
protected voidunhookExpandedQuiet()
Utility method. Unhooks the expanded content.

protected org.w3c.dom.DOMExceptionunsupportedTrait(java.lang.String name)

name the trait name
a DOMException describing the unsupported trait error.

        return new DOMException(DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR,
                                 new String[] {name,
public voidvalidate()
Invoked at the end of the parsing stage to validate things which cannot be validated earlier, such as unresolved use references or invalid animation settings.

DOMException if there are validation errors.

        // First, check unresolved ID references.
        if (unresolvedIDRefs != null && unresolvedIDRefs.size() > 0) {
            // There are unresolved ID references, this is a validation error.
            Enumeration iter = unresolvedIDRefs.keys();
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {

            String message 
                = Messages.formatMessage
                 new Object[] {buf.toString()});

            throw new DOMException(DOMException.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR,

        unresolvedIDRefs = null;

        // Now, validate animation elements. At this stage, we know that the 
        // animation elements either had no xlink:href or had one which has
        // been resolved.
        if (animations != null) {
            int n = animations.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                Animation animation = (Animation) animations.elementAt(i);
                if (animation.parent != null) {
                    // The prototypes Set may have a null parent, so we account
                    // for that situation here.
        animations = null;