ArrayConversion.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API7625Fri May 04 22:31:06 BST


public final class ArrayConversion extends Object
Provides: - methods to convert arrays of primitive types to corresponding arrays of Object types - conversion to/from Set

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
private ArrayConversion()

		// disallow instantiation
Methods Summary
public static java.util.SetarrayToSet(T[] names)

		final Set<T>	set	= new HashSet<T>();
		for( int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i )
			set.add( names[ i ] );

		return( set );
private static java.lang.Object[]convert(java.lang.Object simpleArray)

		if ( ! ClassUtil.objectIsPrimitiveArray( simpleArray ) )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();
		final String className	= simpleArray.getClass().getName();
		final Class		theClass = ClassUtil.getArrayElementClass( simpleArray.getClass() );
		final int numItems	= Array.getLength( simpleArray );
		final Class elementClass	= ClassUtil.PrimitiveClassToObjectClass( theClass );
		final Object []	result	= (Object [])Array.newInstance( elementClass, numItems );
		for( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i )
			result[ i ]	= Array.get( simpleArray, i );
		return( result );
public static java.lang.Object[]createObjectArrayType(java.lang.Class elementType, int size)
Create an array whose type is elementType[] of specified size.

elementType the type of each entry of the array
size the number of elements

		final Object [] result	= (Object []) Array.newInstance( elementType, size );
		return( result );
public static booleanhasIdenticalElementClasses(java.lang.Object[] a)

		boolean	isUniform	= true;
		if ( a.length > 0 )
			final Class		matchType	= a[ 0 ].getClass();
			for( int i = 1; i < a.length; ++i )
				if ( a[ i ].getClass() != matchType )
					isUniform	= false;
		return( isUniform );
public static java.lang.Object[]setToArray(java.util.Set s, boolean specialize)
Convert a Set to an array. If specialize is true, then provide the most specialized type possible via specializeArray()

s the Set to convert
specialize decide whether to specialize the type or not

		Object []	result	= setToArray( s );
		if ( specialize && result.length != 0)
			result	= specializeArray( result );
		return( result );
public static java.lang.Object[]setToArray(java.util.Set s)
Convert a Set to an Object[].

s the Set to convert

		final Object []	out	= new Object [ s.size() ];
		setToArray( s, out );
		return( out );
public static java.lang.Object[]setToArray(java.util.Set s, java.lang.Object[] out)
Convert a Set to an Object[].

s the Set to convert
out the output array, must be of size s.size()

		if ( out.length != s.size() )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();
		int	i = 0;
		for( final Object o : s )
			out[ i ]	= o;
		return( out );
public static java.lang.Object[]specializeArray(java.lang.Object[] a)
Specialize the type of the array (if possible). For example, if the array is an Object[] of Integer, return an Integer[] of Integer.

a the array to specialize
a specialized array (if possible) otherwise the original array

		Object[]	result	= a;
		if ( hasIdenticalElementClasses( a ) &&
			a.length != 0 &&
			a.getClass() == Object[].class )
			result	= createObjectArrayType( a[0].getClass(), a.length );
			System.arraycopy( a, 0, result, 0, a.length );
		return( result );
public static java.lang.Object[]subArray(java.lang.Object[] in, int start, int end)

		final int		count	= 1 + (end - start);
		final Object[]	result	= (Object[])
			Array.newInstance( ClassUtil.getArrayElementClass( in.getClass() ), count );
		for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
			result[ i ]	= in[ i + start ];
		return( result );
public static java.lang.Object[]toAppropriateType(java.lang.Object array)
Convert an an array of primitive types to an array of Objects of non-primitive types eg int to Integer.

array the array to convert

		return( (Object [])convert( array ) );
public static java.lang.Boolean[]toBooleans(boolean[] array)

		return( (Boolean [])convert( array ) );
public static java.lang.Byte[]toBytes(byte[] array)

		return( (Byte [])convert( array ) );
public static java.lang.Character[]toCharacters(char[] array)

		return( (Character [])convert( array ) );
public static java.lang.Double[]toDoubles(double[] array)

		return( (Double [])convert( array ) );
public static java.lang.Float[]toFloats(float[] array)

		return( (Float [])convert( array ) );
public static java.lang.Integer[]toIntegers(int[] array)

		return( (Integer [])convert( array ) );
public static java.lang.Long[]toLongs(long[] array)

		return( (Long [])convert( array ) );
public static java.util.SettoSet(T[] array)

		Set<T>	theSet	= null;
		if ( array.length == 0 )
			theSet	= Collections.emptySet();
		else if ( array.length == 1 )
			theSet	= Collections.singleton( array[ 0 ] );
			theSet	= new HashSet<T>();
			for( int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i )
				theSet.add( array[ i ] );
		return( theSet );
public static java.lang.Short[]toShorts(short[] array)

		return( (Short [])convert( array ) );