URLEncodedUtils.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API7603Wed May 06 22:41:10 BST 2009org.apache.http.client.utils


public class URLEncodedUtils extends Object
A collection of utilities for encoding URLs.

Fields Summary
public static final String
private static final String
private static final String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private static java.lang.Stringdecode(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String encoding)

        try {
            return URLDecoder.decode(content, 
                    encoding != null ? encoding : HTTP.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException problem) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(problem);
private static java.lang.Stringencode(java.lang.String content, java.lang.String encoding)

        try {
            return URLEncoder.encode(content, 
                    encoding != null ? encoding : HTTP.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException problem) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(problem);
public static java.lang.Stringformat(java.util.List parameters, java.lang.String encoding)
Returns a String that is suitable for use as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded list of parameters in an HTTP PUT or HTTP POST.

parameters The parameters to include.
encoding The encoding to use.

        final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (final NameValuePair parameter : parameters) {
            final String encodedName = encode(parameter.getName(), encoding);
            final String value = parameter.getValue();
            final String encodedValue = value != null ? encode(value, encoding) : "";
            if (result.length() > 0)
        return result.toString();
public static booleanisEncoded(org.apache.http.HttpEntity entity)
Returns true if the entity's Content-Type header is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

        final Header contentType = entity.getContentType();
        return (contentType != null && contentType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(CONTENT_TYPE));
public static java.util.Listparse( uri, java.lang.String encoding)
Returns a list of {@link NameValuePair NameValuePairs} as built from the URI's query portion. For example, a URI of would return a list of three NameValuePairs, one for a=1, one for b=2, and one for c=3.

This is typically useful while parsing an HTTP PUT.

uri uri to parse
encoding encoding to use while parsing the query

        List <NameValuePair> result = Collections.emptyList();
        final String query = uri.getRawQuery();
        if (query != null && query.length() > 0) {
            result = new ArrayList <NameValuePair>();
            parse(result, new Scanner(query), encoding);
        return result;
public static java.util.Listparse(org.apache.http.HttpEntity entity)
Returns a list of {@link NameValuePair NameValuePairs} as parsed from an {@link HttpEntity}. The encoding is taken from the entity's Content-Encoding header.

This is typically used while parsing an HTTP POST.

entity The entity to parse
IOException If there was an exception getting the entity's data.

        List <NameValuePair> result = Collections.emptyList();
        if (isEncoded(entity)) {
            final String content = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
            final Header encoding = entity.getContentEncoding();
            if (content != null && content.length() > 0) {
                result = new ArrayList <NameValuePair>();
                parse(result, new Scanner(content), 
                        encoding != null ? encoding.getValue() : null);
        return result;
public static voidparse(java.util.List parameters, java.util.Scanner scanner, java.lang.String encoding)
Adds all parameters within the Scanner to the list of parameters, as encoded by encoding. For example, a scanner containing the string a=1&b=2&c=3 would add the {@link NameValuePair NameValuePairs} a=1, b=2, and c=3 to the list of parameters.

parameters List to add parameters to.
scanner Input that contains the parameters to parse.
encoding Encoding to use when decoding the parameters.

        while (scanner.hasNext()) {
            final String[] nameValue =;
            if (nameValue.length == 0 || nameValue.length > 2)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad parameter");

            final String name = decode(nameValue[0], encoding);
            String value = null;
            if (nameValue.length == 2)
                value = decode(nameValue[1], encoding);
            parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair(name, value));