FakeExpandableAdapter.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API7569Thu Mar 12 22:22:44 GMT


public class FakeExpandableAdapter extends Object implements android.widget.HeterogeneousExpandableList, android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter

Fields Summary
private final
private final
private boolean
protected final List
private final List
private final List
Constructors Summary
public FakeExpandableAdapter( adapterRef, binding, callback)

        mAdapterRef = adapterRef;
        mCallback = callback;

        createItems(binding, binding.getItemCount(), binding.getRepeatCount(), mGroupTypes, 1);
Methods Summary
public booleanareAllItemsEnabled()

        return true;
private voidcreateItems(java.lang.Iterable iterable, int itemCount, int repeatCount, java.util.List types, int depth)

        // Need an array to count for each type.
        // This is likely too big, but is the max it can be.
        int[] typeCount = new int[itemCount];

        // we put several repeating sets.
        for (int r = 0 ; r < repeatCount ; r++) {
            // loop on the type of list items, and add however many for each type.
            for (DataBindingItem dataBindingItem : iterable) {
                ResourceReference viewRef = dataBindingItem.getViewReference();
                int typeIndex = types.indexOf(viewRef);
                if (typeIndex == -1) {
                    typeIndex = types.size();

                List<DataBindingItem> children = dataBindingItem.getChildren();
                int count = dataBindingItem.getCount();

                // if there are children, we use the count as a repeat count for the children.
                if (children.size() > 0) {
                    count = 1;

                int index = typeCount[typeIndex];
                typeCount[typeIndex] += count;

                for (int k = 0 ; k < count ; k++) {
                    AdapterItem item = new AdapterItem(dataBindingItem, typeIndex, mItems.size(),

                    if (children.size() > 0) {
                        createItems(dataBindingItem, depth + 1);
private voidcreateItems( item, int depth)

        if (depth == 2) {
            createItems(item, item.getChildren().size(), item.getCount(), mChildrenTypes, depth);
public java.lang.ObjectgetChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition)

        return getChildItem(groupPosition, childPosition);
public longgetChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition)

        return childPosition;
private AdapterItemgetChildItem(int groupPosition, int childPosition)

        AdapterItem item = mItems.get(groupPosition);

        List<AdapterItem> children = item.getChildren();
        return children.get(childPosition);
public intgetChildType(int groupPosition, int childPosition)

        return getChildItem(groupPosition, childPosition).getType();
public intgetChildTypeCount()

        return mChildrenTypes.size();
public android.view.ViewgetChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, boolean isLastChild, android.view.View convertView, android.view.ViewGroup parent)

        // we don't care about recycling here because we never scroll.
        AdapterItem parentItem = mItems.get(groupPosition);
        AdapterItem item = getChildItem(groupPosition, childPosition);
        Pair<View, Boolean> pair = AdapterHelper.getView(item, parentItem, parent, mCallback,
                mAdapterRef, mSkipCallbackParser);
        mSkipCallbackParser = pair.getSecond();
        return pair.getFirst();
public intgetChildrenCount(int groupPosition)

        AdapterItem item = mItems.get(groupPosition);
        return item.getChildren().size();
public longgetCombinedChildId(long groupId, long childId)

        return groupId << 16 | childId;
public longgetCombinedGroupId(long groupId)

        return groupId << 16 | 0x0000FFFF;
public java.lang.ObjectgetGroup(int groupPosition)

        return mItems.get(groupPosition);
public intgetGroupCount()

        return mItems.size();
public longgetGroupId(int groupPosition)

        return groupPosition;
public intgetGroupType(int groupPosition)

        return mItems.get(groupPosition).getType();
public intgetGroupTypeCount()

        return mGroupTypes.size();
public android.view.ViewgetGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean isExpanded, android.view.View convertView, android.view.ViewGroup parent)

        // we don't care about recycling here because we never scroll.
        AdapterItem item = mItems.get(groupPosition);
        Pair<View, Boolean> pair = AdapterHelper.getView(item, null /*parentItem*/, parent,
                mCallback, mAdapterRef, mSkipCallbackParser);
        mSkipCallbackParser = pair.getSecond();
        return pair.getFirst();
public booleanhasStableIds()

        return true;
public booleanisChildSelectable(int groupPosition, int childPosition)

        return true;
public booleanisEmpty()

        return mItems.isEmpty();
public voidonGroupCollapsed(int groupPosition)

        // pass
public voidonGroupExpanded(int groupPosition)

        // pass
public voidregisterDataSetObserver(android.database.DataSetObserver observer)

        // pass
public voidunregisterDataSetObserver(android.database.DataSetObserver observer)

        // pass