Methods Summary |
public java.nio.ByteBuffer | allocateDirectByteBuffer(int size)
public PooledByteBuffer | allocatePooledByteBuffer(int size)
public PooledByteBuffer | allocatePooledByteBuffer(byte[] data)
public PooledByteBuffer | allocatePooledByteBuffer(java.util.Map data)
public int | compareVersions(java.lang.String v1, java.lang.String v2)Compares two version strings for order.
Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first
argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
compareVersions("", ""); // -
compareVersions("", "1.1.0"); // 0
compareVersions("", "1.1.1"); // +
public AggregatedDispatcher | createAggregatedDispatcher(long idle_dispatch_time, long max_queue_size)create a dispatcher that will queue runnable items until either the limit
is reached or the dispatcher hasn't had an entry added for the defined idle time
public AggregatedList | createAggregatedList(AggregatedListAcceptor acceptor, long idle_dispatch_time, long max_queue_size)
public void | createProcess(java.lang.String command_line)create a child process and executes the supplied command line. The child process
will not inherit any open handles on Windows, which does happen if Runtime is
used directly. This relies on the Platform plugin, if this is not installed then
this will fall back to using Runtime.exec
public void | createThread(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Runnable target)create and run a thread for the target. This will be a daemon thread so that
its existence doesn't interfere with Azureus closedown
public UTTimer | createTimer(java.lang.String name)Creates a UTTimer instance.
public UTTimer | createTimer(java.lang.String name, boolean lightweight)Creates a UTTimer instance.
public UTTimer | createTimer(java.lang.String name, int priority)Creates a UTTimer instance.
public ByteArrayWrapper | createWrapper(byte[] data)
public void | freeDirectByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
public java.lang.String | getAzureusProgramDir()
public java.lang.String | getAzureusUserDir()
public long | getCurrentSystemTime()Get the current system time, like System.currentTimeMillis(),
only the time lookup is cached for performance reasons.
public Formatters | getFormatters()
public | getImageAsStream(java.lang.String image_name)
public LocaleUtilities | getLocaleUtilities()
public Monitor | getMonitor()
public | getPublicAddress()Returns a public IP address of the machine or null if it can't be determined
public | getPublicAddress(boolean ipv6)
public RSSFeed | getRSSFeed( feed_location)
public RSSFeed | getRSSFeed(ResourceDownloader feed_location)
public ResourceDownloaderFactory | getResourceDownloaderFactory()
public org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourceuploader.ResourceUploaderFactory | getResourceUploaderFactory()
public SESecurityManager | getSecurityManager()
public Semaphore | getSemaphore()
public SimpleXMLParserDocumentFactory | getSimpleXMLParserDocumentFactory()
public boolean | isCVSVersion()
public boolean | isFreeBSD()
public boolean | isLinux()
public boolean | isOSX()
public boolean | isSolaris()
public boolean | isUnix()
public boolean | isWindows()
public java.lang.String | normaliseFileName(java.lang.String f_name)Converts a file name so that all characters in the file name are
compatible with the underlying filesystem. This includes quote
characters, back and forwarded slashes, newline characters and so on.
Note - this is only intended for file names, rather than file paths.
public java.util.Map | readResilientBEncodedFile( parent_dir, java.lang.String file_name, boolean use_backup)
public java.lang.String | reverseDNSLookup( address)attempts a reverse DNS lookup of an address, null if it fails
public void | writeResilientBEncodedFile( parent_dir, java.lang.String file_name, java.util.Map data, boolean use_backup)