BitArray.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API7385Tue Jun 10 00:22:32 BST


public class BitArray extends Object implements Externalizable
Morten Jorgensen

(Omit source code)

Fields Summary
static final long
private int[]
private int
private int
private int
private static final int[]
private static final boolean
private int
This method returns the Nth bit that is set in the bit array. The current position is cached in the following 4 variables and will help speed up a sequence of next() call in an index iterator. This method is a mess, but it is fast and it works, so don't fuck with it.
private int
private int
private int
Constructors Summary
public BitArray()
Constructor. Defines the initial size of the bit array (in bits).

public BitArray(int size)

        if (size < 32) size = 32;
        _bitSize = size;
        _intSize = (_bitSize >>> 5) + 1;
        _bits = new int[_intSize + 1];
public BitArray(int size, int[] bits)

	if (size < 32) size = 32;
	_bitSize = size;
	_intSize = (_bitSize >>> 5) + 1;
	_bits = bits;
Methods Summary

	return(new BitArray(_intSize, _bits));
public final int[]data()
Returns the integer array in which the bit array is contained

public final booleangetBit(int bit)
Returns true if the given bit is set

        if (DEBUG_ASSERTIONS) {
            if (bit >= _bitSize) {
                throw new Error(
                             "Programmer's assertion in  BitArray.getBit");

        return((_bits[bit>>>5] & _masks[bit%32]) != 0);
public final intgetBitNumber(int pos)


	// Return last node if position we're looking for is the same
	if (pos == _pos) return(_node);
	// Start from beginning of position we're looking for is before
	// the point where we left off the last time.
	if (pos < _pos) {
	    _int = _bit = _pos = 0;

	// Scan through the bit array - skip integers that have no bits set
	for ( ; _int <= _intSize; _int++) {
	    int bits = _bits[_int];
	    if (bits != 0) { // Any bits set?
		for ( ; _bit < 32; _bit++) {
		    if ((bits & _masks[_bit]) != 0) {
			if (++_pos == pos) {
			    _node = ((_int << 5) + _bit) - 1;
			    return (_node);
		_bit = 0;
public intgetMask()
See setMask()

public final intgetNextBit(int startBit)
Returns the next set bit from a given position

        for (int i = (startBit >>> 5) ; i<=_intSize; i++) {
            int bits = _bits[i];
            if (bits != 0) {
                for (int b = (startBit % 32); b<32; b++) {
                    if ((bits & _masks[b]) != 0) {
                        return((i << 5) + b);
            startBit = 0;
public final other)
Merge two bit arrays. This currently only works for nodes from a single DOM (because there is only one _mask per array).

	// Take other array's bits if we have node set
	if (_last == -1) {
	    _bits = other._bits;
	// Only merge if other array has any bits set
	else if (other._last != -1) {
	    int start = (_first < other._first) ? _first : other._first;
	    int stop  = (_last > other._last) ? _last : other._last;

	    // Merge these bits into other array if other array is larger
	    if (other._intSize > _intSize) {
		if (stop > _intSize) stop = _intSize;
		for (int i=start; i<=stop; i++)
		    other._bits[i] |= _bits[i];
		_bits = other._bits;
	    // Merge other bits into this array if this arrai is large/equal.
	    else {
		if (stop > other._intSize) stop = other._intSize;
		for (int i=start; i<=stop; i++)
		    _bits[i] |= other._bits[i];
public voidreadExternal( in)
Read the whole tree from a file (serialized)

	_bitSize = in.readInt();
	_intSize = (_bitSize >>> 5) + 1;
	_mask    = in.readInt();
	_bits    = (int[])in.readObject();
public final voidresize(int newSize)
Resizes the bit array - try to avoid using this method!!!

	if (newSize > _bitSize) {
	    _intSize = (newSize >>> 5) + 1;
	    final int[] newBits = new int[_intSize + 1];
	    System.arraycopy(_bits, 0, newBits, 0, (_bitSize>>>5) + 1);
	    _bits = newBits;
	    _bitSize = newSize;
public final voidsetBit(int bit)
Sets a given bit

 // The _INTEGER INDEX_ where last set bit is

        if (DEBUG_ASSERTIONS) {
            if (bit >= _bitSize) {
                throw new Error(
                             "Programmer's assertion in  BitArray.getBit");

        if (bit >= _bitSize) return;
        final int i = (bit >>> 5);
        if (i < _first) _first = i;
        if (i > _last) _last = i;
        _bits[i] |= _masks[bit % 32];
public voidsetMask(int mask)
Set the mask for this bit array. The upper 8 bits of this mask indicate the DOM in which the nodes in this array belong.

	_mask = mask;
public final intsize()
Returns the size of this bit array (in bits).

public voidwriteExternal( out)
