final ObjectName objectName = Util.getObjectName( amx );
boolean skipIdentitySet = false;
if ( amx.getJ2EEType().equals( XTypes.CONFIG_DOTTED_NAMES ) )
skipIdentitySet = true;
trace( "GetSetAttributeTest.testGetSetAttributes: skipping identity set for " + objectName +
" because too many Attributes misbehave." );
final MBeanServerConnection conn = getMBeanServerConnection();
final MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = Util.getExtra( amx ).getMBeanInfo();
final Map<String,MBeanAttributeInfo> attrInfos =
JMXUtil.attributeInfosToMap( mbeanInfo.getAttributes() );
final String[] attrNames = GSetUtil.toStringArray( attrInfos.keySet() );
// get all the Attributes
final AttributeList values = conn.getAttributes( objectName, attrNames );
final Map<String,Object> valuesMap = JMXUtil.attributeListToValueMap( values );
final Set<String> getFailed = new HashSet<String>();
final Map<String,Object> setFailed = new HashMap<String,Object>();
for ( final MBeanAttributeInfo attrInfo : attrInfos.values() )
final String name = attrInfo.getName();
if ( ! valuesMap.keySet().contains( name ) )
getFailed.add( name );
if ( attrInfo.isReadable() )
final Object value = valuesMap.get( name );
if ( attrInfo.isWritable() && (! skipIdentitySet) )
if ( SKIP_IDENTITY_SET_TEST.contains( name ) )
trace( "Skipping identity-set check for known problem attribute " +
StringUtil.quote(name) +
" of MBean " + JMXUtil.toString(objectName) );
// set it to the same value as before
final Attribute attr = new Attribute(name, value);
conn.setAttribute( objectName, attr );
catch( Exception e )
setFailed.put( name, value );
warning( "Could not set Attribute " + name + " of MBean " +
StringUtil.quote( objectName ) +
" to the same value: " +
StringUtil.quote( "" + value ) );
if ( getFailed.size() != 0 )
warning( "(SUMMARY) Could not get Attributes for " +
StringUtil.quote( objectName ) + NEWLINE +
CollectionUtil.toString( getFailed, NEWLINE ) );
for( final String attrName : getFailed )
final Object value = conn.getAttribute(objectName, attrName);
warning( "Retry of Attribute " +
attrName + " succeed with value " + value );
catch( Exception e )
warning( "Attribute " + attrName + " failed with " +
e.getClass() + ": " + e.getMessage() );
if ( setFailed.size() != 0 )
warning( "(SUMMARY) Could not identity-set Attributes for " +
StringUtil.quote( objectName ) + NEWLINE +
MapUtil.toString( setFailed, NEWLINE ) );