FileSystem.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API7246Fri Aug 26 14:56:58 BST


public abstract class FileSystem extends Object
Package-private abstract class for the local filesystem abstraction.

Fields Summary
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
static boolean
static boolean
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public abstract java.lang.Stringcanonicalize(java.lang.String path)

public abstract booleancheckAccess( f, boolean write)
Check whether the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname may be accessed by this process. If the second argument is false, then a check for read access is made; if the second argument is true, then a check for write (not read-write) access is made. Return false if access is denied or an I/O error occurs.

public abstract intcompare( f1, f2)
Compare two abstract pathnames lexicographically.

public abstract booleancreateDirectory( f)
Create a new directory denoted by the given abstract pathname, returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.

public abstract booleancreateFileExclusively(java.lang.String pathname)
Create a new empty file with the given pathname. Return true if the file was created and false if a file or directory with the given pathname already exists. Throw an IOException if an I/O error occurs.

public abstract booleandelete( f)
Delete the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname, returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.

public abstract booleandeleteOnExit( f)
Arrange for the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname to be deleted when the VM exits, returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.

public abstract java.lang.StringfromURIPath(java.lang.String path)
Post-process the given URI path string if necessary. This is used on win32, e.g., to transform "/c:/foo" into "c:/foo". The path string still has slash separators; code in the File class will translate them after this method returns.

public abstract intgetBooleanAttributes( f)
Return the simple boolean attributes for the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname, or zero if it does not exist or some other I/O error occurs.

private static booleangetBooleanProperty(java.lang.String prop, boolean defaultVal)

        String val = System.getProperty(prop);
        if (val == null) return defaultVal;
        if (val.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
public abstract java.lang.StringgetDefaultParent()
Return the parent pathname string to be used when the parent-directory argument in one of the two-argument File constructors is the empty pathname.

public static native
Return the FileSystem object representing this platform's local filesystem.

public abstract longgetLastModifiedTime( f)
Return the time at which the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname was last modified, or zero if it does not exist or some other I/O error occurs.

public abstract longgetLength( f)
Return the length in bytes of the file denoted by the given abstract pathname, or zero if it does not exist, is a directory, or some other I/O error occurs.

public abstract chargetPathSeparator()
Return the local filesystem's path-separator character.

public abstract chargetSeparator()
Return the local filesystem's name-separator character.

public abstract inthashCode( f)
Compute the hash code of an abstract pathname.

public abstract booleanisAbsolute( f)
Tell whether or not the given abstract pathname is absolute.

public abstract java.lang.String[]list( f)
List the elements of the directory denoted by the given abstract pathname. Return an array of strings naming the elements of the directory if successful; otherwise, return null.

public abstract[]listRoots()
List the available filesystem roots.

public abstract java.lang.Stringnormalize(java.lang.String path)
Convert the given pathname string to normal form. If the string is already in normal form then it is simply returned.

public abstract intprefixLength(java.lang.String path)
Compute the length of this pathname string's prefix. The pathname string must be in normal form.

public abstract booleanrename( f1, f2)
Rename the file or directory denoted by the first abstract pathname to the second abstract pathname, returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.

public abstract java.lang.Stringresolve( f)
Resolve the given abstract pathname into absolute form. Invoked by the getAbsolutePath and getCanonicalPath methods in the File class.

public abstract java.lang.Stringresolve(java.lang.String parent, java.lang.String child)
Resolve the child pathname string against the parent. Both strings must be in normal form, and the result will be in normal form.

public abstract booleansetLastModifiedTime( f, long time)
Set the last-modified time of the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname, returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.

public abstract booleansetReadOnly( f)
Mark the file or directory denoted by the given abstract pathname as read-only, returning true if and only if the operation succeeds.