CBZip2OutputStream.javaAPI DocApache Ant 1.7072351Wed Dec 13 06:16:20 GMT


public class CBZip2OutputStream extends OutputStream implements BZip2Constants
An output stream that compresses into the BZip2 format (without the file header chars) into another stream.

The compression requires large amounts of memory. Thus you should call the {@link #close() close()} method as soon as possible, to force CBZip2OutputStream to release the allocated memory.

You can shrink the amount of allocated memory and maybe raise the compression speed by choosing a lower blocksize, which in turn may cause a lower compression ratio. You can avoid unnecessary memory allocation by avoiding using a blocksize which is bigger than the size of the input.

You can compute the memory usage for compressing by the following formula:

400k + (9 * blocksize).

To get the memory required for decompression by {@link CBZip2InputStream CBZip2InputStream} use

65k + (5 * blocksize).
Memory usage by blocksize
Blocksize Compression
memory usage
memory usage
100k 1300k 565k
200k 2200k 1065k
300k 3100k 1565k
400k 4000k 2065k
500k 4900k 2565k
600k 5800k 3065k
700k 6700k 3565k
800k 7600k 4065k
900k 8500k 4565k

For decompression CBZip2InputStream allocates less memory if the bzipped input is smaller than one block.

Instances of this class are not threadsafe.

TODO: Update to BZip2 1.0.1

Fields Summary
public static final int
The minimum supported blocksize == 1.
public static final int
The maximum supported blocksize == 9.
protected static final int
This constant is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it means then you don't need it.
protected static final int
This constant is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it means then you don't need it.
protected static final int
This constant is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it means then you don't need it.
protected static final int
This constant is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it means then you don't need it.
protected static final int
This constant is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it means then you don't need it.
protected static final int
This constant is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it means then you don't need it.
protected static final int
This constant is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it means then you don't need it.
protected static final int
This constant is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it means then you don't need it.

If you are ever unlucky/improbable enough to get a stack overflow whilst sorting, increase the following constant and try again. In practice I have never seen the stack go above 27 elems, so the following limit seems very generous.

private static final int[]
Knuth's increments seem to work better than Incerpi-Sedgewick here. Possibly because the number of elems to sort is usually small, typically <= 20.
private int
Index of the last char in the block, so the block size == last + 1.
private int
Index in fmap[] of original string after sorting.
private final int
Always: in the range 0 .. 9. The current block size is 100000 * this number.
private boolean
private int
private int
private final CRC
private int
private int
private int
private int
private boolean
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private Data
All memory intensive stuff.
private OutputStream
Constructors Summary
public CBZip2OutputStream(OutputStream out)
Constructs a new CBZip2OutputStream with a blocksize of 900k.

Attention: The caller is resonsible to write the two BZip2 magic bytes "BZ" to the specified stream prior to calling this constructor.

out * the destination stream.
IOException if an I/O error occurs in the specified stream.
NullPointerException if out == null.

        this(out, MAX_BLOCKSIZE);
public CBZip2OutputStream(OutputStream out, int blockSize)
Constructs a new CBZip2OutputStream with specified blocksize.

Attention: The caller is resonsible to write the two BZip2 magic bytes "BZ" to the specified stream prior to calling this constructor.

out the destination stream.
blockSize the blockSize as 100k units.
IOException if an I/O error occurs in the specified stream.
IllegalArgumentException if (blockSize < 1) || (blockSize > 9).
NullPointerException if out == null.


        if (blockSize < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("blockSize(" + blockSize
                                               + ") < 1");
        if (blockSize > 9) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("blockSize(" + blockSize
                                               + ") > 9");

        this.blockSize100k = blockSize;
        this.out = out;
Methods Summary
private voidblockSort()

        this.workLimit = WORK_FACTOR * this.last;
        this.workDone = 0;
        this.blockRandomised = false;
        this.firstAttempt = true;

        if (this.firstAttempt && (this.workDone > this.workLimit)) {
            this.workLimit = this.workDone = 0;
            this.firstAttempt = false;

        int[] fmap =;
        this.origPtr = -1;
        for (int i = 0, lastShadow = this.last; i <= lastShadow; i++) {
            if (fmap[i] == 0) {
                this.origPtr = i;

        // assert (this.origPtr != -1) : this.origPtr;
private voidbsFinishedWithStream()

        while (this.bsLive > 0) {
            int ch = this.bsBuff >> 24;
            this.out.write(ch); // write 8-bit
            this.bsBuff <<= 8;
            this.bsLive -= 8;
private voidbsPutInt(int u)

        bsW(8, (u >> 24) & 0xff);
        bsW(8, (u >> 16) & 0xff);
        bsW(8, (u >>  8) & 0xff);
        bsW(8,  u        & 0xff);
private voidbsPutUByte(int c)

        bsW(8, c);
private voidbsW(int n, int v)

        final OutputStream outShadow = this.out;
        int bsLiveShadow    = this.bsLive;
        int bsBuffShadow    = this.bsBuff;

        while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
            outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24); // write 8-bit
            bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
            bsLiveShadow -= 8;

        this.bsBuff = bsBuffShadow | (v << (32 - bsLiveShadow - n));
        this.bsLive = bsLiveShadow + n;
public static intchooseBlockSize(long inputLength)
Chooses a blocksize based on the given length of the data to compress.

The blocksize, between {@link #MIN_BLOCKSIZE} and {@link #MAX_BLOCKSIZE} both inclusive. For a negative inputLength this method returns MAX_BLOCKSIZE always.
inputLength The length of the data which will be compressed by CBZip2OutputStream.

        return (inputLength > 0)
            ? (int) Math.min((inputLength / 132000) + 1, 9)
            : MAX_BLOCKSIZE;
public voidclose()

        OutputStream outShadow = this.out;
        if (outShadow != null) {
            try {
                if (this.runLength > 0) {
                this.currentChar = -1;
            } finally {
                this.out = null;
       = null;
private voidendBlock()

        this.blockCRC = this.crc.getFinalCRC();
        this.combinedCRC = (this.combinedCRC << 1) | (this.combinedCRC >>> 31);
        this.combinedCRC ^= this.blockCRC;

        // empty block at end of file
        if (this.last == -1) {

        /* sort the block and establish posn of original string */

          A 6-byte block header, the value chosen arbitrarily
          as 0x314159265359 :-).  A 32 bit value does not really
          give a strong enough guarantee that the value will not
          appear by chance in the compressed datastream.  Worst-case
          probability of this event, for a 900k block, is about
          2.0e-3 for 32 bits, 1.0e-5 for 40 bits and 4.0e-8 for 48 bits.
          For a compressed file of size 100Gb -- about 100000 blocks --
          only a 48-bit marker will do.  NB: normal compression/
          decompression do *not* rely on these statistical properties.
          They are only important when trying to recover blocks from
          damaged files.

        /* Now the block's CRC, so it is in a known place. */

        /* Now a single bit indicating randomisation. */
        if (this.blockRandomised) {
            bsW(1, 1);
        } else {
            bsW(1, 0);

        /* Finally, block's contents proper. */
private voidendCompression()

          Now another magic 48-bit number, 0x177245385090, to
          indicate the end of the last block.  (sqrt(pi), if
          you want to know.  I did want to use e, but it contains
          too much repetition -- 27 18 28 18 28 46 -- for me
          to feel statistically comfortable.  Call me paranoid.)

protected voidfinalize()
Overriden to close the stream.

public voidflush()

        OutputStream outShadow = this.out;
        if (outShadow != null) {
private voidgenerateMTFValues()

        final int lastShadow          = this.last;
        final Data dataShadow         =;
        final boolean[] inUse   = dataShadow.inUse;
        final byte[] block      = dataShadow.block;
        final int[] fmap        = dataShadow.fmap;
        final char[] sfmap      = dataShadow.sfmap;
        final int[] mtfFreq     = dataShadow.mtfFreq;
        final byte[] unseqToSeq = dataShadow.unseqToSeq;
        final byte[] yy         = dataShadow.generateMTFValues_yy;

        // make maps
        int nInUseShadow = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
            if (inUse[i]) {
                unseqToSeq[i] = (byte) nInUseShadow;
        this.nInUse = nInUseShadow;

        final int eob = nInUseShadow + 1;

        for (int i = eob; i >= 0; i--) {
            mtfFreq[i] = 0;

        for (int i = nInUseShadow; --i >= 0;) {
            yy[i] = (byte) i;

        int wr = 0;
        int zPend = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i <= lastShadow; i++) {
            final byte ll_i = unseqToSeq[block[fmap[i]] & 0xff];
            byte tmp = yy[0];
            int j = 0;

            while (ll_i != tmp) {
                byte tmp2 = tmp;
                tmp = yy[j];
                yy[j] = tmp2;
            yy[0] = tmp;

            if (j == 0) {
            } else {
                if (zPend > 0) {
                    while (true) {
                        if ((zPend & 1) == 0) {
                            sfmap[wr] = RUNA;
                        } else {
                            sfmap[wr] = RUNB;

                        if (zPend >= 2) {
                            zPend = (zPend - 2) >> 1;
                        } else {
                    zPend = 0;
                sfmap[wr] = (char) (j + 1);
                mtfFreq[j + 1]++;

        if (zPend > 0) {
            while (true) {
                if ((zPend & 1) == 0) {
                    sfmap[wr] = RUNA;
                } else {
                    sfmap[wr] = RUNB;

                if (zPend >= 2) {
                    zPend = (zPend - 2) >> 1;
                } else {

        sfmap[wr] = (char) eob;
        this.nMTF = wr + 1;
public final intgetBlockSize()
Returns the blocksize parameter specified at construction time.

        return this.blockSize100k;
private static voidhbAssignCodes(int[] code, byte[] length, int minLen, int maxLen, int alphaSize)

        int vec = 0;
        for (int n = minLen; n <= maxLen; n++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < alphaSize; i++) {
                if ((length[i] & 0xff) == n) {
                    code[i] = vec;
            vec <<= 1;
protected static voidhbMakeCodeLengths(char[] len, int[] freq, int alphaSize, int maxLen)
This method is accessible by subclasses for historical purposes. If you don't know what it does then you don't need it.

          Nodes and heap entries run from 1.  Entry 0
          for both the heap and nodes is a sentinel.
        final int[] heap    = new int[MAX_ALPHA_SIZE * 2];
        final int[] weight  = new int[MAX_ALPHA_SIZE * 2];
        final int[] parent  = new int[MAX_ALPHA_SIZE * 2];

        for (int i = alphaSize; --i >= 0;) {
            weight[i + 1] = (freq[i] == 0 ? 1 : freq[i]) << 8;

        for (boolean tooLong = true; tooLong;) {
            tooLong = false;

            int nNodes = alphaSize;
            int nHeap = 0;
            heap[0] = 0;
            weight[0] = 0;
            parent[0] = -2;

            for (int i = 1; i <= alphaSize; i++) {
                parent[i] = -1;
                heap[nHeap] = i;

                int zz = nHeap;
                int tmp = heap[zz];
                while (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[zz >> 1]]) {
                    heap[zz] = heap[zz >> 1];
                    zz >>= 1;
                heap[zz] = tmp;

            // assert (nHeap < (MAX_ALPHA_SIZE + 2)) : nHeap;

            while (nHeap > 1) {
                int n1 = heap[1];
                heap[1] = heap[nHeap];

                int yy = 0;
                int zz = 1;
                int tmp = heap[1];

                while (true) {
                    yy = zz << 1;

                    if (yy > nHeap) {

                    if ((yy < nHeap)
                        && (weight[heap[yy + 1]] < weight[heap[yy]])) {

                    if (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[yy]]) {

                    heap[zz] = heap[yy];
                    zz = yy;

                heap[zz] = tmp;

                int n2 = heap[1];
                heap[1] = heap[nHeap];

                yy = 0;
                zz = 1;
                tmp = heap[1];

                while (true) {
                    yy = zz << 1;

                    if (yy > nHeap) {

                    if ((yy < nHeap)
                        && (weight[heap[yy + 1]] < weight[heap[yy]])) {

                    if (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[yy]]) {

                    heap[zz] = heap[yy];
                    zz = yy;

                heap[zz] = tmp;
                parent[n1] = parent[n2] = nNodes;

                final int weight_n1 = weight[n1];
                final int weight_n2 = weight[n2];
                weight[nNodes] = (((weight_n1 & 0xffffff00)
                                   + (weight_n2 & 0xffffff00))
                                  | (1 + (((weight_n1 & 0x000000ff)
                                           > (weight_n2 & 0x000000ff))
                                          ? (weight_n1 & 0x000000ff)
                                          : (weight_n2 & 0x000000ff))));
                parent[nNodes] = -1;
                heap[nHeap] = nNodes;

                tmp = 0;
                zz = nHeap;
                tmp = heap[zz];
                final int weight_tmp = weight[tmp];
                while (weight_tmp < weight[heap[zz >> 1]]) {
                    heap[zz] = heap[zz >> 1];
                    zz >>= 1;
                heap[zz] = tmp;


            // assert (nNodes < (MAX_ALPHA_SIZE * 2)) : nNodes;

            for (int i = 1; i <= alphaSize; i++) {
                int j = 0;
                int k = i;

                for (int parent_k; (parent_k = parent[k]) >= 0;) {
                    k = parent_k;

                len[i - 1] = (char) j;
                if (j > maxLen) {
                    tooLong = true;

            if (tooLong) {
                for (int i = 1; i < alphaSize; i++) {
                    int j = weight[i] >> 8;
                    j = 1 + (j >> 1);
                    weight[i] = j << 8;
private static voidhbMakeCodeLengths(byte[] len, int[] freq,$Data dat, int alphaSize, int maxLen)

          Nodes and heap entries run from 1.  Entry 0
          for both the heap and nodes is a sentinel.
        final int[] heap    = dat.heap;
        final int[] weight  = dat.weight;
        final int[] parent  = dat.parent;

        for (int i = alphaSize; --i >= 0;) {
            weight[i + 1] = (freq[i] == 0 ? 1 : freq[i]) << 8;

        for (boolean tooLong = true; tooLong;) {
            tooLong = false;

            int nNodes = alphaSize;
            int nHeap = 0;
            heap[0] = 0;
            weight[0] = 0;
            parent[0] = -2;

            for (int i = 1; i <= alphaSize; i++) {
                parent[i] = -1;
                heap[nHeap] = i;

                int zz = nHeap;
                int tmp = heap[zz];
                while (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[zz >> 1]]) {
                    heap[zz] = heap[zz >> 1];
                    zz >>= 1;
                heap[zz] = tmp;

            while (nHeap > 1) {
                int n1 = heap[1];
                heap[1] = heap[nHeap];

                int yy = 0;
                int zz = 1;
                int tmp = heap[1];

                while (true) {
                    yy = zz << 1;

                    if (yy > nHeap) {

                    if ((yy < nHeap)
                        && (weight[heap[yy + 1]] < weight[heap[yy]])) {

                    if (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[yy]]) {

                    heap[zz] = heap[yy];
                    zz = yy;

                heap[zz] = tmp;

                int n2 = heap[1];
                heap[1] = heap[nHeap];

                yy = 0;
                zz = 1;
                tmp = heap[1];

                while (true) {
                    yy = zz << 1;

                    if (yy > nHeap) {

                    if ((yy < nHeap)
                        && (weight[heap[yy + 1]] < weight[heap[yy]])) {

                    if (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[yy]]) {

                    heap[zz] = heap[yy];
                    zz = yy;

                heap[zz] = tmp;
                parent[n1] = parent[n2] = nNodes;

                final int weight_n1 = weight[n1];
                final int weight_n2 = weight[n2];
                weight[nNodes] = ((weight_n1 & 0xffffff00)
                                  + (weight_n2 & 0xffffff00))
                    | (1 + (((weight_n1 & 0x000000ff)
                             > (weight_n2 & 0x000000ff))
                            ? (weight_n1 & 0x000000ff)
                            : (weight_n2 & 0x000000ff)));

                parent[nNodes] = -1;
                heap[nHeap] = nNodes;

                tmp = 0;
                zz = nHeap;
                tmp = heap[zz];
                final int weight_tmp = weight[tmp];
                while (weight_tmp < weight[heap[zz >> 1]]) {
                    heap[zz] = heap[zz >> 1];
                    zz >>= 1;
                heap[zz] = tmp;


            for (int i = 1; i <= alphaSize; i++) {
                int j = 0;
                int k = i;

                for (int parent_k; (parent_k = parent[k]) >= 0;) {
                    k = parent_k;

                len[i - 1] = (byte) j;
                if (j > maxLen) {
                    tooLong = true;

            if (tooLong) {
                for (int i = 1; i < alphaSize; i++) {
                    int j = weight[i] >> 8;
                    j = 1 + (j >> 1);
                    weight[i] = j << 8;
private voidinit()

        // write magic: done by caller who created this stream
        //this.out.write('Z'); = new Data(this.blockSize100k);

        /* Write `magic' bytes h indicating file-format == huffmanised,
           followed by a digit indicating blockSize100k.
        bsPutUByte('0" + this.blockSize100k);

        this.combinedCRC = 0;
private voidinitBlock()

        //        blockNo++;
        this.last = -1;
        //        ch = 0;

        boolean[] inUse =;
        for (int i = 256; --i >= 0;) {
            inUse[i] = false;

        /* 20 is just a paranoia constant */
            = (this.blockSize100k * BZip2Constants.baseBlockSize) - 20;
private voidmainQSort3($Data dataShadow, int loSt, int hiSt, int dSt)
Method "mainQSort3", file "blocksort.c", BZip2 1.0.2

        final int[] stack_ll = dataShadow.stack_ll;
        final int[] stack_hh = dataShadow.stack_hh;
        final int[] stack_dd = dataShadow.stack_dd;
        final int[] fmap     = dataShadow.fmap;
        final byte[] block   = dataShadow.block;

        stack_ll[0] = loSt;
        stack_hh[0] = hiSt;
        stack_dd[0] = dSt;

        for (int sp = 1; --sp >= 0;) {
            final int lo = stack_ll[sp];
            final int hi = stack_hh[sp];
            final int d = stack_dd[sp];

            if ((hi - lo < SMALL_THRESH) || (d > DEPTH_THRESH)) {
                if (mainSimpleSort(dataShadow, lo, hi, d)) {
            } else {
                final int d1 = d + 1;
                final int med = med3(block[fmap[lo]              + d1],
                                     block[fmap[hi            ]  + d1],
                                     block[fmap[(lo + hi) >> 1]  + d1])
                    & 0xff;

                int unLo = lo;
                int unHi = hi;
                int ltLo = lo;
                int gtHi = hi;

                while (true) {
                    while (unLo <= unHi) {
                        final int n =
                            ((int) block[fmap[unLo] + d1] & 0xff) - med;
                        if (n == 0) {
                            final int temp = fmap[unLo];
                            fmap[unLo++] = fmap[ltLo];
                            fmap[ltLo++] = temp;
                        } else if (n < 0) {
                        } else {

                    while (unLo <= unHi) {
                        final int n =
                            ((int) block[fmap[unHi] + d1] & 0xff) - med;
                        if (n == 0) {
                            final int temp = fmap[unHi];
                            fmap[unHi--] = fmap[gtHi];
                            fmap[gtHi--] = temp;
                        } else if (n > 0) {
                        } else {

                    if (unLo <= unHi) {
                        final int temp = fmap[unLo];
                        fmap[unLo++] = fmap[unHi];
                        fmap[unHi--] = temp;
                    } else {

                if (gtHi < ltLo) {
                    stack_ll[sp] = lo;
                    stack_hh[sp] = hi;
                    stack_dd[sp] = d1;
                } else {
                    int n = ((ltLo - lo) < (unLo - ltLo))
                        ? (ltLo - lo) : (unLo - ltLo);
                    vswap(fmap, lo, unLo - n, n);
                    int m = ((hi - gtHi) < (gtHi - unHi))
                        ? (hi - gtHi) : (gtHi - unHi);
                    vswap(fmap, unLo, hi - m + 1, m);

                    n = lo + unLo - ltLo - 1;
                    m = hi - (gtHi - unHi) + 1;

                    stack_ll[sp] = lo;
                    stack_hh[sp] = n;
                    stack_dd[sp] = d;

                    stack_ll[sp] = n + 1;
                    stack_hh[sp] = m - 1;
                    stack_dd[sp] = d1;

                    stack_ll[sp] = m;
                    stack_hh[sp] = hi;
                    stack_dd[sp] = d;
private booleanmainSimpleSort($Data dataShadow, int lo, int hi, int d)
This is the most hammered method of this class.

This is the version using unrolled loops. Normally I never use such ones in Java code. The unrolling has shown a noticable performance improvement on JRE 1.4.2 (Linux i586 / HotSpot Client). Of course it depends on the JIT compiler of the vm.

        final int bigN = hi - lo + 1;
        if (bigN < 2) {
            return this.firstAttempt && (this.workDone > this.workLimit);

        int hp = 0;
        while (INCS[hp] < bigN) {

        final int[] fmap            = dataShadow.fmap;
        final char[] quadrant       = dataShadow.quadrant;
        final byte[] block          = dataShadow.block;
        final int lastShadow              = this.last;
        final int lastPlus1         = lastShadow + 1;
        final boolean firstAttemptShadow  = this.firstAttempt;
        final int workLimitShadow         = this.workLimit;
        int workDoneShadow                = this.workDone;

        // Following block contains unrolled code which could be shortened by
        // coding it in additional loops.

        HP: while (--hp >= 0) {
            final int h = INCS[hp];
            final int mj = lo + h - 1;

            for (int i = lo + h; i <= hi;) {
                // copy
                for (int k = 3; (i <= hi) && (--k >= 0); i++) {
                    final int v = fmap[i];
                    final int vd = v + d;
                    int j = i;

                    //  for (int a;
                    //       (j > mj) && mainGtU((a = fmap[j - h]) + d, vd,
                    //                           block, quadrant, lastShadow);
                    //       j -= h) {
                    //      fmap[j] = a;
                    //  }
                    // unrolled version:

                    // start inline mainGTU
                    boolean onceRunned = false;
                    int a = 0;

                    HAMMER: while (true) {
                        if (onceRunned) {
                            fmap[j] = a;
                            if ((j -= h) <= mj) {
                                break HAMMER;
                        } else {
                            onceRunned = true;

                        a = fmap[j - h];
                        int i1 = a + d;
                        int i2 = vd;

                        // following could be done in a loop, but
                        // unrolled it for performance:
                        if (block[i1 + 1] == block[i2 + 1]) {
                            if (block[i1 + 2] == block[i2 + 2]) {
                                if (block[i1 + 3] == block[i2 + 3]) {
                                    if (block[i1 + 4] == block[i2 + 4]) {
                                        if (block[i1 + 5] == block[i2 + 5]) {
                                            if (block[(i1 += 6)]
                                                == block[(i2 += 6)]) {
                                                int x = lastShadow;
                                                X: while (x > 0) {
                                                    x -= 4;

                                                    if (block[i1 + 1]
                                                        == block[i2 + 1]) {
                                                        if (quadrant[i1]
                                                            == quadrant[i2]) {
                                                            if (block[i1 + 2] == block[i2 + 2]) {
                                                                if (quadrant[i1 + 1] == quadrant[i2 + 1]) {
                                                                    if (block[i1 + 3] == block[i2 + 3]) {
                                                                        if (quadrant[i1 + 2] == quadrant[i2 + 2]) {
                                                                            if (block[i1 + 4] == block[i2 + 4]) {
                                                                                if (quadrant[i1 + 3] == quadrant[i2 + 3]) {
                                                                                    if ((i1 += 4) >= lastPlus1) {
                                                                                        i1 -= lastPlus1;
                                                                                    if ((i2 += 4) >= lastPlus1) {
                                                                                        i2 -= lastPlus1;
                                                                                    continue X;
                                                                                } else if ((quadrant[i1 + 3] > quadrant[i2 + 3])) {
                                                                                    continue HAMMER;
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    break HAMMER;
                                                                            } else if ((block[i1 + 4] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 4] & 0xff)) {
                                                                                continue HAMMER;
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                break HAMMER;
                                                                        } else if ((quadrant[i1 + 2] > quadrant[i2 + 2])) {
                                                                            continue HAMMER;
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            break HAMMER;
                                                                    } else if ((block[i1 + 3] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 3] & 0xff)) {
                                                                        continue HAMMER;
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        break HAMMER;
                                                                } else if ((quadrant[i1 + 1] > quadrant[i2 + 1])) {
                                                                    continue HAMMER;
                                                                } else {
                                                                    break HAMMER;
                                                            } else if ((block[i1 + 2] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 2] & 0xff)) {
                                                                continue HAMMER;
                                                            } else {
                                                                break HAMMER;
                                                        } else if ((quadrant[i1] > quadrant[i2])) {
                                                            continue HAMMER;
                                                        } else {
                                                            break HAMMER;
                                                    } else if ((block[i1 + 1] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 1] & 0xff)) {
                                                        continue HAMMER;
                                                    } else {
                                                        break HAMMER;

                                                break HAMMER;
                                            } // while x > 0
                                            else {
                                                if ((block[i1] & 0xff)
                                                    > (block[i2] & 0xff)) {
                                                    continue HAMMER;
                                                } else {
                                                    break HAMMER;
                                        } else if ((block[i1 + 5] & 0xff)
                                                   > (block[i2 + 5] & 0xff)) {
                                            continue HAMMER;
                                        } else {
                                            break HAMMER;
                                    } else if ((block[i1 + 4] & 0xff)
                                               > (block[i2 + 4] & 0xff)) {
                                        continue HAMMER;
                                    } else {
                                        break HAMMER;
                                } else if ((block[i1 + 3] & 0xff)
                                           > (block[i2 + 3] & 0xff)) {
                                    continue HAMMER;
                                } else {
                                    break HAMMER;
                            } else if ((block[i1 + 2] & 0xff)
                                       > (block[i2 + 2] & 0xff)) {
                                continue HAMMER;
                            } else {
                                break HAMMER;
                        } else if ((block[i1 + 1] & 0xff)
                                   > (block[i2 + 1] & 0xff)) {
                            continue HAMMER;
                        } else {
                            break HAMMER;

                    } // HAMMER
                    // end inline mainGTU

                    fmap[j] = v;

                if (firstAttemptShadow && (i <= hi) && (workDoneShadow > workLimitShadow)) {
                    break HP;

        this.workDone = workDoneShadow;
        return firstAttemptShadow && (workDoneShadow > workLimitShadow);
private voidmainSort()

        final Data dataShadow             =;
        final int[] runningOrder    = dataShadow.mainSort_runningOrder;
        final int[] copy            = dataShadow.mainSort_copy;
        final boolean[] bigDone     = dataShadow.mainSort_bigDone;
        final int[] ftab            = dataShadow.ftab;
        final byte[] block          = dataShadow.block;
        final int[] fmap            = dataShadow.fmap;
        final char[] quadrant       = dataShadow.quadrant;
        final int lastShadow              = this.last;
        final int workLimitShadow         = this.workLimit;
        final boolean firstAttemptShadow  = this.firstAttempt;

        // Set up the 2-byte frequency table
        for (int i = 65537; --i >= 0;) {
            ftab[i] = 0;

          In the various block-sized structures, live data runs
          from 0 to last+NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES inclusive.  First,
          set up the overshoot area for block.
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES; i++) {
            block[lastShadow + i + 2] = block[(i % (lastShadow + 1)) + 1];
        for (int i = lastShadow + NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES; --i >= 0;) {
            quadrant[i] = 0;
        block[0] = block[lastShadow + 1];

        // Complete the initial radix sort:

        int c1 = block[0] & 0xff;
        for (int i = 0; i <= lastShadow; i++) {
            final int c2 = block[i + 1] & 0xff;
            ftab[(c1 << 8) + c2]++;
            c1 = c2;

        for (int i = 1; i <= 65536; i++)
            ftab[i] += ftab[i - 1];

        c1 = block[1] & 0xff;
        for (int i = 0; i < lastShadow; i++) {
            final int c2 = block[i + 2] & 0xff;
            fmap[--ftab[(c1 << 8) + c2]] = i;
            c1 = c2;

        fmap[--ftab[((block[lastShadow + 1] & 0xff) << 8) + (block[1] & 0xff)]]
            = lastShadow;

              Now ftab contains the first loc of every small bucket.
              Calculate the running order, from smallest to largest
              big bucket.
        for (int i = 256; --i >= 0;) {
            bigDone[i] = false;
            runningOrder[i] = i;

        for (int h = 364; h != 1;) {
            h /= 3;
            for (int i = h; i <= 255; i++) {
                final int vv = runningOrder[i];
                final int a = ftab[(vv + 1) << 8] - ftab[vv << 8];
                final int b = h - 1;
                int j = i;
                for (int ro = runningOrder[j - h];
                     (ftab[(ro + 1) << 8] - ftab[ro << 8]) > a;
                     ro = runningOrder[j - h]) {
                    runningOrder[j] = ro;
                    j -= h;
                    if (j <= b) {
                runningOrder[j] = vv;

              The main sorting loop.
        for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
                  Process big buckets, starting with the least full.
            final int ss = runningOrder[i];

            // Step 1:
                  Complete the big bucket [ss] by quicksorting
                  any unsorted small buckets [ss, j].  Hopefully
                  previous pointer-scanning phases have already
                  completed many of the small buckets [ss, j], so
                  we don't have to sort them at all.
            for (int j = 0; j <= 255; j++) {
                final int sb = (ss << 8) + j;
                final int ftab_sb = ftab[sb];
                if ((ftab_sb & SETMASK) != SETMASK) {
                    final int lo = ftab_sb & CLEARMASK;
                    final int hi = (ftab[sb + 1] & CLEARMASK) - 1;
                    if (hi > lo) {
                        mainQSort3(dataShadow, lo, hi, 2);
                        if (firstAttemptShadow && (this.workDone > workLimitShadow)) {
                    ftab[sb] = ftab_sb | SETMASK;

            // Step 2:
            // Now scan this big bucket so as to synthesise the
            // sorted order for small buckets [t, ss] for all t != ss.

            for (int j = 0; j <= 255; j++) {
                copy[j] = ftab[(j << 8) + ss] & CLEARMASK;

            for (int j = ftab[ss << 8] & CLEARMASK,
                     hj = (ftab[(ss + 1) << 8] & CLEARMASK);
                 j < hj;
                 j++) {
                final int fmap_j = fmap[j];
                c1 = block[fmap_j] & 0xff;
                if (!bigDone[c1]) {
                    fmap[copy[c1]] = (fmap_j == 0) ? lastShadow : (fmap_j - 1);

            for (int j = 256; --j >= 0;)
                ftab[(j << 8) + ss] |= SETMASK;

            // Step 3:
                  The ss big bucket is now done.  Record this fact,
                  and update the quadrant descriptors.  Remember to
                  update quadrants in the overshoot area too, if
                  necessary.  The "if (i < 255)" test merely skips
                  this updating for the last bucket processed, since
                  updating for the last bucket is pointless.
            bigDone[ss] = true;

            if (i < 255) {
                final int bbStart = ftab[ss << 8] & CLEARMASK;
                final int bbSize  = 
                    (ftab[(ss + 1) << 8] & CLEARMASK) - bbStart;
                int shifts = 0;

                while ((bbSize >> shifts) > 65534) {

                for (int j = 0; j < bbSize; j++) {
                    final int a2update = fmap[bbStart + j];
                    final char qVal = (char) (j >> shifts);
                    quadrant[a2update] = qVal;
                    if (a2update < NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES) {
                        quadrant[a2update + lastShadow + 1] = qVal;

private static bytemed3(byte a, byte b, byte c)

        return (a < b)
            ? (b < c ? b : a < c ? c : a)
            : (b > c ? b : a > c ? c : a);
private voidmoveToFrontCodeAndSend()

        bsW(24, this.origPtr);
private voidrandomiseBlock()

        final boolean[] inUse =;
        final byte[] block    =;
        final int lastShadow        = this.last;

        for (int i = 256; --i >= 0;)
            inUse[i] = false;

        int rNToGo = 0;
        int rTPos  = 0;
        for (int i = 0, j = 1; i <= lastShadow; i = j, j++) {
            if (rNToGo == 0) {
                rNToGo = (char) BZip2Constants.rNums[rTPos];
                if (++rTPos == 512) {
                    rTPos = 0;

            block[j] ^= ((rNToGo == 1) ? 1 : 0);

            // handle 16 bit signed numbers
            inUse[block[j] & 0xff] = true;

        this.blockRandomised = true;
private voidsendMTFValues()

        final byte[][] len  =;
        final int alphaSize = this.nInUse + 2;

        for (int t = N_GROUPS; --t >= 0;) {
            byte[] len_t = len[t];
            for (int v = alphaSize; --v >= 0;) {
                len_t[v] = GREATER_ICOST;

        /* Decide how many coding tables to use */
        // assert (this.nMTF > 0) : this.nMTF;
        final int nGroups =
            (this.nMTF <  200) ? 2
            : (this.nMTF <  600) ? 3
            : (this.nMTF < 1200) ? 4
            : (this.nMTF < 2400) ? 5
            : 6;

        /* Generate an initial set of coding tables */
        sendMTFValues0(nGroups, alphaSize);

          Iterate up to N_ITERS times to improve the tables.
        final int nSelectors = sendMTFValues1(nGroups, alphaSize);

        /* Compute MTF values for the selectors. */
        sendMTFValues2(nGroups, nSelectors);

        /* Assign actual codes for the tables. */
        sendMTFValues3(nGroups, alphaSize);

        /* Transmit the mapping table. */

        /* Now the selectors. */
        sendMTFValues5(nGroups, nSelectors);

        /* Now the coding tables. */
        sendMTFValues6(nGroups, alphaSize);

        /* And finally, the block data proper */
private voidsendMTFValues0(int nGroups, int alphaSize)

        final byte[][] len  =;
        final int[] mtfFreq =;

        int remF = this.nMTF;
        int gs = 0;

        for (int nPart = nGroups; nPart > 0; nPart--) {
            final int tFreq = remF / nPart;
            int ge = gs - 1;
            int aFreq = 0;

            for (final int a = alphaSize - 1; (aFreq < tFreq) && (ge < a);) {
                aFreq += mtfFreq[++ge];

            if ((ge > gs)
                && (nPart != nGroups)
                && (nPart != 1)
                && (((nGroups - nPart) & 1) != 0)) {
                aFreq -= mtfFreq[ge--];

            final byte[] len_np = len[nPart - 1];
            for (int v = alphaSize; --v >= 0;) {
                if ((v >= gs) && (v <= ge)) {
                    len_np[v] = LESSER_ICOST;
                } else {
                    len_np[v] = GREATER_ICOST;

            gs = ge + 1;
            remF -= aFreq;
private intsendMTFValues1(int nGroups, int alphaSize)

        final Data dataShadow       =;
        final int[][] rfreq   = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_rfreq;
        final int[] fave      = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_fave;
        final short[] cost    = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_cost;
        final char[] sfmap    = dataShadow.sfmap;
        final byte[] selector = dataShadow.selector;
        final byte[][] len    = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_len;
        final byte[] len_0 = len[0];
        final byte[] len_1 = len[1];
        final byte[] len_2 = len[2];
        final byte[] len_3 = len[3];
        final byte[] len_4 = len[4];
        final byte[] len_5 = len[5];
        final int nMTFShadow = this.nMTF;

        int nSelectors = 0;

        for (int iter = 0; iter < N_ITERS; iter++) {
            for (int t = nGroups; --t >= 0;) {
                fave[t] = 0;
                int[] rfreqt = rfreq[t];
                for (int i = alphaSize; --i >= 0;) {
                    rfreqt[i] = 0;

            nSelectors = 0;

            for (int gs = 0; gs < this.nMTF;) {
                /* Set group start & end marks. */

                  Calculate the cost of this group as coded
                  by each of the coding tables.

                final int ge = Math.min(gs + G_SIZE - 1, nMTFShadow - 1);

                if (nGroups == N_GROUPS) {
                    // unrolled version of the else-block

                    short cost0 = 0;
                    short cost1 = 0;
                    short cost2 = 0;
                    short cost3 = 0;
                    short cost4 = 0;
                    short cost5 = 0;

                    for (int i = gs; i <= ge; i++) {
                        final int icv = sfmap[i];
                        cost0 += len_0[icv] & 0xff;
                        cost1 += len_1[icv] & 0xff;
                        cost2 += len_2[icv] & 0xff;
                        cost3 += len_3[icv] & 0xff;
                        cost4 += len_4[icv] & 0xff;
                        cost5 += len_5[icv] & 0xff;

                    cost[0] = cost0;
                    cost[1] = cost1;
                    cost[2] = cost2;
                    cost[3] = cost3;
                    cost[4] = cost4;
                    cost[5] = cost5;

                } else {
                    for (int t = nGroups; --t >= 0;) {
                        cost[t] = 0;

                    for (int i = gs; i <= ge; i++) {
                        final int icv = sfmap[i];
                        for (int t = nGroups; --t >= 0;) {
                            cost[t] += len[t][icv] & 0xff;

                  Find the coding table which is best for this group,
                  and record its identity in the selector table.
                int bt = -1;
                for (int t = nGroups, bc = 999999999; --t >= 0;) {
                    final int cost_t = cost[t];
                    if (cost_t < bc) {
                        bc = cost_t;
                        bt = t;

                selector[nSelectors] = (byte) bt;

                  Increment the symbol frequencies for the selected table.
                final int[] rfreq_bt = rfreq[bt];
                for (int i = gs; i <= ge; i++) {

                gs = ge + 1;

              Recompute the tables based on the accumulated frequencies.
            for (int t = 0; t < nGroups; t++) {
                hbMakeCodeLengths(len[t], rfreq[t],, alphaSize, 20);

        return nSelectors;
private voidsendMTFValues2(int nGroups, int nSelectors)

        // assert (nGroups < 8) : nGroups;

        final Data dataShadow =;
        byte[] pos = dataShadow.sendMTFValues2_pos;

        for (int i = nGroups; --i >= 0;) {
            pos[i] = (byte) i;

        for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors; i++) {
            final byte ll_i = dataShadow.selector[i];
            byte tmp = pos[0];
            int j = 0;

            while (ll_i != tmp) {
                byte tmp2 = tmp;
                tmp = pos[j];
                pos[j] = tmp2;

            pos[0] = tmp;
            dataShadow.selectorMtf[i] = (byte) j;
private voidsendMTFValues3(int nGroups, int alphaSize)

        int[][] code  =;
        byte[][] len  =;

        for (int t = 0; t < nGroups; t++) {
            int minLen = 32;
            int maxLen = 0;
            final byte[] len_t = len[t];
            for (int i = alphaSize; --i >= 0;) {
                final int l = len_t[i] & 0xff;
                if (l > maxLen) {
                    maxLen = l;
                if (l < minLen) {
                    minLen = l;

            // assert (maxLen <= 20) : maxLen;
            // assert (minLen >= 1) : minLen;

            hbAssignCodes(code[t], len[t], minLen, maxLen, alphaSize);
private voidsendMTFValues4()

        final boolean[] inUse =;
        final boolean[] inUse16 =;

        for (int i = 16; --i >= 0;) {
            inUse16[i] = false;
            final int i16 = i * 16;
            for (int j = 16; --j >= 0;) {
                if (inUse[i16 + j]) {
                    inUse16[i] = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            bsW(1, inUse16[i] ? 1 : 0);

        final OutputStream outShadow = this.out;
        int bsLiveShadow    = this.bsLive;
        int bsBuffShadow    = this.bsBuff;

        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            if (inUse16[i]) {
                final int i16 = i * 16;
                for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
                    // inlined: bsW(1, inUse[i16 + j] ? 1 : 0);
                    while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
                        outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24); // write 8-bit
                        bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
                        bsLiveShadow -= 8;
                    if (inUse[i16 + j]) {
                        bsBuffShadow |= 1 << (32 - bsLiveShadow - 1);

        this.bsBuff = bsBuffShadow;
        this.bsLive = bsLiveShadow;
private voidsendMTFValues5(int nGroups, int nSelectors)

        bsW(3, nGroups);
        bsW(15, nSelectors);

        final OutputStream outShadow = this.out;
        final byte[] selectorMtf =;

        int bsLiveShadow    = this.bsLive;
        int bsBuffShadow    = this.bsBuff;

        for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors; i++) {
            for (int j = 0, hj = selectorMtf[i] & 0xff; j < hj; j++) {
                // inlined: bsW(1, 1);
                while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
                    outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24);
                    bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
                    bsLiveShadow -= 8;
                bsBuffShadow |= 1 << (32 - bsLiveShadow - 1);

            // inlined: bsW(1, 0);
            while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
                outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24);
                bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
                bsLiveShadow -= 8;
            //bsBuffShadow |= 0 << (32 - bsLiveShadow - 1);

        this.bsBuff = bsBuffShadow;
        this.bsLive = bsLiveShadow;
private voidsendMTFValues6(int nGroups, int alphaSize)

        final byte[][] len =;
        final OutputStream outShadow = this.out;

        int bsLiveShadow = this.bsLive;
        int bsBuffShadow = this.bsBuff;

        for (int t = 0; t < nGroups; t++) {
            byte[] len_t = len[t];
            int curr = len_t[0] & 0xff;

            // inlined: bsW(5, curr);
            while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
                outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24); // write 8-bit
                bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
                bsLiveShadow -= 8;
            bsBuffShadow |= curr << (32 - bsLiveShadow - 5);
            bsLiveShadow += 5;

            for (int i = 0; i < alphaSize; i++) {
                int lti = len_t[i] & 0xff;
                while (curr < lti) {
                    // inlined: bsW(2, 2);
                    while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
                        outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24); // write 8-bit
                        bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
                        bsLiveShadow -= 8;
                    bsBuffShadow |= 2 << (32 - bsLiveShadow - 2);
                    bsLiveShadow += 2;

                    curr++; /* 10 */

                while (curr > lti) {
                    // inlined: bsW(2, 3);
                    while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
                        outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24); // write 8-bit
                        bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
                        bsLiveShadow -= 8;
                    bsBuffShadow |= 3 << (32 - bsLiveShadow - 2);
                    bsLiveShadow += 2;

                    curr--; /* 11 */

                // inlined: bsW(1, 0);
                while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
                    outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24); // write 8-bit
                    bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
                    bsLiveShadow -= 8;
                // bsBuffShadow |= 0 << (32 - bsLiveShadow - 1);

        this.bsBuff = bsBuffShadow;
        this.bsLive = bsLiveShadow;
private voidsendMTFValues7(int nSelectors)

        final Data dataShadow         =;
        final byte[][] len      = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_len;
        final int[][] code      = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_code;
        final OutputStream outShadow  = this.out;
        final byte[] selector   = dataShadow.selector;
        final char[] sfmap      = dataShadow.sfmap;
        final int nMTFShadow          = this.nMTF;

        int selCtr = 0;

        int bsLiveShadow = this.bsLive;
        int bsBuffShadow = this.bsBuff;

        for (int gs = 0; gs < nMTFShadow;) {
            final int ge = Math.min(gs + G_SIZE - 1, nMTFShadow - 1);
            final int selector_selCtr = selector[selCtr] & 0xff;
            final int[] code_selCtr = code[selector_selCtr];
            final byte[] len_selCtr = len[selector_selCtr];

            while (gs <= ge) {
                final int sfmap_i = sfmap[gs];

                // inlined: bsW(len_selCtr[sfmap_i] & 0xff,
                //              code_selCtr[sfmap_i]);
                while (bsLiveShadow >= 8) {
                    outShadow.write(bsBuffShadow >> 24);
                    bsBuffShadow <<= 8;
                    bsLiveShadow -= 8;
                final int n = len_selCtr[sfmap_i] & 0xFF;
                bsBuffShadow |= code_selCtr[sfmap_i] << (32 - bsLiveShadow - n);
                bsLiveShadow += n;


            gs = ge + 1;

        this.bsBuff = bsBuffShadow;
        this.bsLive = bsLiveShadow;
private static voidvswap(int[] fmap, int p1, int p2, int n)

        n += p1;
        while (p1 < n) {
            int t = fmap[p1];
            fmap[p1++] = fmap[p2];
            fmap[p2++] = t;
public voidwrite(byte[] buf, int offs, int len)

        if (offs < 0) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offs(" + offs + ") < 0.");
        if (len < 0) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("len(" + len + ") < 0.");
        if (offs + len > buf.length) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offs(" + offs + ") + len("
                                                + len + ") > buf.length("
                                                + buf.length + ").");
        if (this.out == null) {
            throw new IOException("stream closed");

        for (int hi = offs + len; offs < hi;) {
public voidwrite(int b)

        if (this.out != null) {
        } else {
            throw new IOException("closed");
private voidwrite0(int b)

        if (this.currentChar != -1) {
            b &= 0xff;
            if (this.currentChar == b) {
                if (++this.runLength > 254) {
                    this.currentChar = -1;
                    this.runLength = 0;
                // else nothing to do
            } else {
                this.runLength = 1;
                this.currentChar = b;
        } else {
            this.currentChar = b & 0xff;
private voidwriteRun()

        final int lastShadow = this.last;

        if (lastShadow < this.allowableBlockSize) {
            final int currentCharShadow = this.currentChar;
            final Data dataShadow =;
            dataShadow.inUse[currentCharShadow] = true;
            final byte ch = (byte) currentCharShadow;

            int runLengthShadow = this.runLength;
            this.crc.updateCRC(currentCharShadow, runLengthShadow);

            switch (runLengthShadow) {
            case 1:
                dataShadow.block[lastShadow + 2] = ch;
                this.last = lastShadow + 1;

            case 2:
                dataShadow.block[lastShadow + 2] = ch;
                dataShadow.block[lastShadow + 3] = ch;
                this.last = lastShadow + 2;

            case 3:
                    final byte[] block = dataShadow.block;
                    block[lastShadow + 2] = ch;
                    block[lastShadow + 3] = ch;
                    block[lastShadow + 4] = ch;
                    this.last = lastShadow + 3;

                    runLengthShadow -= 4;
                    dataShadow.inUse[runLengthShadow] = true;
                    final byte[] block = dataShadow.block;
                    block[lastShadow + 2] = ch;
                    block[lastShadow + 3] = ch;
                    block[lastShadow + 4] = ch;
                    block[lastShadow + 5] = ch;
                    block[lastShadow + 6] = (byte) runLengthShadow;
                    this.last = lastShadow + 5;

        } else {