Poll to see if AMX is ready for use. It is more efficient to instead listen
for a Notification of type {@link #AMX_READY_NOTIFICATION_TYPE}. That
should be done by first registering the listener, then checking
just after registration in case the Notification was issued in the ensuing
interval just before the listener became registered.
Return the name of this appserver domain. Not to be confused with the
JMX domain name, which may be derived from this name and is
available from any ObjectName in AMX by calling
{@link Util#getObjectName}
The domain name is equivalent to the name of
the directory containing the domain configuration. This name
is not part of the configuration and can only be changed by
using a different directory to house the configuration for the
Get the NotificationEmitterService whose name is
{@link NotificationEmitterServiceKeys#DOMAIN_KEY}. Same
as calling getNotificationEmitterServiceMap().get( DOMAIN_KEY ).