logger.entering("ArchiveFactoryImpl", "createArchive", new Object[]{url});
Archive result;
String protocol = url.getProtocol();
logger.logp(Level.FINER, "ArchiveFactoryImpl", "createArchive", "protocol = {0}", protocol);
if ("file".equals(protocol)) {
URI uri = null;
try {
// Attempt to use url.toURI since it will deal with all urls
// without special characters and URISyntaxException allows us
// to catch issues with special characters. This will handle
// URLs that already have special characters replaced such as
// URLS derived from searches for persistence.xml on the Java
// System class loader
uri = url.toURI();
} catch (URISyntaxException exception) {
// Use multi-argument constructor for URI since single-argument
// constructor and URL.toURI() do not deal with special
// characters in path
uri = new URI(url.getProtocol(), url.getUserInfo(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), url.getPath(), url.getQuery(), null);
File f = new File(uri);
if (f.isDirectory()) {
// e.g. file:/tmp/a_ear/ejb_jar
result = new DirectoryArchive(f);
} else {
// e.g. file:/tmp/a_ear/lib/pu.jar
// It's not a directory. Then it must be a jar file.
result = new JarFileArchive(new JarFile(f));
} else if ("jar".equals(protocol)) { // NOI18N
JarURLConnection conn = JarURLConnection.class.cast(url.openConnection());
JarEntry je = conn.getJarEntry();
if (je == null) {
// e.g. jar:file:/tmp/a_ear/lib/pu.jar!/
// No entryName specified, hence URL points to a JAR file and
// not to any entry inside it. Ideally this should have been
// file:/tmp/a_ear/lib/pu.jar,
// but containers (e.g.) WebLogic return this kind of URL,
// so we better handle this in our code to imrove pluggability.
// Read the entire jar file.
result = new JarFileArchive(conn.getJarFile());
} else if (je.isDirectory()) {
// e.g. jar:file:/tmp/a_ear/b.war!/WEB-INF/classes/
// entryName [je.getName()] is a directory
result = new DirectoryInsideJarURLArchive(url);
} else {
// some URL (e.g.) jar:file:/tmp/a_ear/b.war!/WEB-INF/lib/pu.jar
// entryName [je.getName()] is a file, so treat this URL as a
// URL from which a JAR format InputStream can be obtained.
result = new JarInputStreamURLArchive(url);
} else if (isJarInputStream(url)){
result = new JarInputStreamURLArchive(url);
} else {
result = new URLArchive(url);
logger.exiting("ArchiveFactoryImpl", "createArchive", result);
return result;