BitMapInfopublic class BitMapInfo extends Object
Fields Summary |
public int | biWidth | public int | biHeight | public int | biPlanes | public int | biBitCount | public String | fourcc | public int | biSizeImage | public int | biXPelsPerMeter | public int | biYPelsPerMeter | public int | biClrUsed | public int | biClrImportant | public int | extraSize | public byte[] | extraBytes |
Constructors Summary |
public BitMapInfo()
| public BitMapInfo(String fourcc, int width, int height)
this.biWidth = width;
this.biHeight = height;
this.fourcc = fourcc;
if (fourcc.equals("RGB"))
biSizeImage = width * height * 3;
if (fourcc.equals("MSVC"))
this.fourcc = "CRAM";
| public BitMapInfo(String fourcc, int width, int height, int planes, int bitcount, int sizeImage, int clrused, int clrimportant)
this(fourcc, width, height);
biPlanes = planes;
biBitCount = bitcount;
biSizeImage = sizeImage;
biClrUsed = clrused;
biClrImportant = clrimportant;
| public BitMapInfo(VideoFormat format)
Dimension size = format.getSize();
if (size == null)
size = new Dimension(320, 240);
Class arrayType = format.getDataType();
int elSize = (arrayType == Format.byteArray) ? 1 :
((arrayType == Format.intArray) ? 4 : 2);
biWidth = size.width;
biHeight = size.height;
biPlanes = 1;
biSizeImage = format.getMaxDataLength() * elSize;
fourcc = format.getEncoding();
if (fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("msvc")) {
fourcc = "CRAM";
if (format instanceof AviVideoFormat) {
AviVideoFormat avif = (AviVideoFormat) format;
biPlanes = avif.getPlanes();
biBitCount = avif.getBitsPerPixel();
biXPelsPerMeter = avif.getXPelsPerMeter();
biYPelsPerMeter = avif.getYPelsPerMeter();
biClrUsed = avif.getClrUsed();
biClrImportant = avif.getClrImportant();
extraBytes = avif.getCodecSpecificHeader();
if (extraBytes != null)
extraSize = extraBytes.length;
} else if (format instanceof RGBFormat) {
RGBFormat rgb = (RGBFormat) format;
fourcc = "RGB";
biBitCount = rgb.getBitsPerPixel();
if (rgb.getFlipped() == Format.FALSE)
biHeight = -biHeight;
} else if (format instanceof YUVFormat) {
YUVFormat yuv = (YUVFormat) format;
switch (yuv.getYuvType()) {
case YUVFormat.YUV_420:
if (yuv.getOffsetU() < yuv.getOffsetV())
fourcc = "I420";
fourcc = "YV12";
case YUVFormat.YUV_YUYV:
if (yuv.getOffsetY() == 0 && yuv.getOffsetU() == 1)
fourcc = "YUY2";
else if (yuv.getOffsetY() == 0 && yuv.getOffsetU() == 3)
fourcc = "YVYU";
else if (yuv.getOffsetU() == 0)
fourcc = "UYVY";
if (fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("yv12") ||
fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("i420") ||
fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("y411") ) {
biBitCount = 12;
} else if (fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("yuy2")) {
biBitCount = 16;
Methods Summary |
public | createVideoFormat(java.lang.Class arrayType)
return createVideoFormat(arrayType, Format.NOT_SPECIFIED);
| public | createVideoFormat(java.lang.Class arrayType, float frameRate)
VideoFormat format;
if (fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase(VideoFormat.RGB)) {
// Assume its one of byte[], short[] and int[]
int elSize = (arrayType == Format.byteArray) ? 1 :
((arrayType == Format.intArray) ? 4 : 2);
// Size of the array
int maxDataLength = biSizeImage / elSize;
int rm = Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, gm = Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, bm = Format.NOT_SPECIFIED;
if (biBitCount == 16) {
rm = 0x7C00; gm = 0x03E0; bm = 0x001F;
} else if (biBitCount == 32) {
if (elSize == 4)
{ rm = 0xFF0000; gm = 0x00FF00; bm = 0x0000FF; }
{ rm = 3; gm = 2; bm = 1; }
} else if (biBitCount == 24) {
rm = 3; gm = 2; bm = 1;
int bytesPerLine = biWidth * biBitCount / 8;
int lineStride = bytesPerLine / elSize;
int pixelStride = lineStride / biWidth;
int actualHeight = biHeight;
int flipped = Format.TRUE;
if (biHeight < 0) {
actualHeight = -actualHeight;
flipped = Format.FALSE;
format = new RGBFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(biWidth, actualHeight),
maxDataLength, arrayType,
rm, gm, bm, pixelStride, lineStride,
/*flipped */ flipped,
/* } else if (fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("yvu9")) {
int ySize = biWidth * biHeight;
System.err.println("ySize = " + ySize +
"\nbiHeight = " + biHeight +
"\nbiWidth = " + biWidth +
"\nbiSizeImage = " + biSizeImage);
format = new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(biWidth, biHeight),
biSizeImage, Format.byteArray,
biWidth, biWidth / 4,
0, ySize + ySize / 16, ySize);
} else if (fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("yuy2")) {
int ySize = biWidth * biHeight;
format = new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(biWidth, biHeight),
biSizeImage, // max size
byte[].class, // type
YUVFormat.YUV_YUYV, // yuv type
biWidth * 2, biWidth * 2,
0, 1, 3);
} else if (fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("i420")) {
int ySize = biWidth * biHeight;
format = new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(biWidth, biHeight),
biSizeImage, // max size
byte[].class, // type
YUVFormat.YUV_420, // yuv type
biWidth, biWidth / 2,
0, ySize, ySize + ySize / 4);
} else if (fourcc.equalsIgnoreCase("yv12")) {
int ySize = biWidth * biHeight;
format = new YUVFormat(new java.awt.Dimension(biWidth, biHeight),
biSizeImage, // max size
byte[].class, // type
YUVFormat.YUV_420, // yuv type
biWidth, biWidth / 2,
0, ySize + ySize / 4, ySize);
} else {
format = new AviVideoFormat(fourcc,
new java.awt.Dimension(biWidth, biHeight),
biSizeImage, arrayType,
frameRate, // Format.NOT_SPECIFIED,
biPlanes, biBitCount,
return format;
| public java.lang.String | toString()
String s = "Size = " + biWidth + " x " + biHeight + "\t" +
"Planes = " + biPlanes + "\t" +
"BitCount = " + biBitCount + "\t" +
"FourCC = " + fourcc + "\t" +
"SizeImage = " + biSizeImage + "\n" +
"ClrUsed = " + biClrUsed + "\n" +
"ClrImportant = " + biClrImportant + "\n" +
"ExtraSize = " + extraSize + "\n";
if (extraSize > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < extraSize; i++)
s += "\t" + i + " = " + extraBytes[i] + "\n";
return s;