Add a ejb reference.paramthe ejb reference
Add an env-entryparamthe env-entry
Add a resource-env-refparamthe jmsDestRef
Add a message-destination-refparamthe msgDestRef
Add a resource referenceparamthe resource reference
Looks up an ejb reference with the given name. Return null if it is not found.paramthe name of the ejb-reference
Looks up an entity manager factory reference with the given name. Return null if it is not found.paramthe name of the emf reference
Looks up an entity manager reference with the given name. Return null if it is not found.paramthe name of the emf reference
Looks up an env-entry with the given name. Return null if it is not found.paramthe name of the env-entry
Looks up a resource-env-ref with the given name. Return null if it is not found.paramthe name of the resource-env-ref
Looks up a message-destination-ref with the given name. Return null if it is not found.paramthe name of the message-destination-ref
Look up an post-construct LifecycleCallbackDescriptor with the given name. Return null if it is not foundparamclassName
Look up an pre-destroy LifecycleCallbackDescriptor with the given name. Return null if it is not foundparamclassName
Looks up an resource reference with the given name. Return null if it is not found.paramthe name of the resource-reference