Methods Summary |
public | getAsciiStream()Gets the value of this {@code Clob} object as an ASCII stream.
public | getCharacterStream()Gets the data of this {@code Clob} object in a {@code}.
public java.lang.String | getSubString(long pos, int length)Gets a copy of a specified substring in this {@code Clob}.
public long | length()Retrieves the number of characters in this {@code Clob} object.
public long | position(java.sql.Clob searchstr, long start)Retrieves the character position at which a specified {@code Clob} object
appears in this {@code Clob} object.
public long | position(java.lang.String searchstr, long start)Retrieves the character position at which a specified substring appears
in this {@code Clob} object.
public | setAsciiStream(long pos)Retrieves a stream which can be used to write Ascii characters to this
{@code Clob} object, starting at specified position.
public | setCharacterStream(long pos)Retrieves a stream which can be used to write a stream of unicode
characters to this {@code Clob} object, at a specified position.
public int | setString(long pos, java.lang.String str, int offset, int len)Writes {@code len} characters of a string, starting at a specified
character offset, to this {@code Clob}.
public int | setString(long pos, java.lang.String str)Writes a given Java String to this {@code Clob} object at a specified
public void | truncate(long len)Truncates this {@code Clob} after the specified number of characters.