AbstractPreferencespublic abstract class AbstractPreferences extends Preferences This class provides a skeletal implementation of the {@link Preferences}
class, greatly easing the task of implementing it.
This class is for Preferences implementers only.
Normal users of the Preferences facility should have no need to
consult this documentation. The {@link Preferences} documentation
should suffice.
Implementors must override the nine abstract service-provider interface
(SPI) methods: {@link #getSpi(String)}, {@link #putSpi(String,String)},
{@link #removeSpi(String)}, {@link #childSpi(String)}, {@link
#removeNodeSpi()}, {@link #keysSpi()}, {@link #childrenNamesSpi()}, {@link
#syncSpi()} and {@link #flushSpi()}. All of the concrete methods specify
precisely how they are implemented atop these SPI methods. The implementor
may, at his discretion, override one or more of the concrete methods if the
default implementation is unsatisfactory for any reason, such as
The SPI methods fall into three groups concerning exception
behavior. The getSpi method should never throw exceptions, but it
doesn't really matter, as any exception thrown by this method will be
intercepted by {@link #get(String,String)}, which will return the specified
default value to the caller. The removeNodeSpi, keysSpi,
childrenNamesSpi, syncSpi and flushSpi methods are specified
to throw {@link BackingStoreException}, and the implementation is required
to throw this checked exception if it is unable to perform the operation.
The exception propagates outward, causing the corresponding API method
to fail.
The remaining SPI methods {@link #putSpi(String,String)}, {@link
#removeSpi(String)} and {@link #childSpi(String)} have more complicated
exception behavior. They are not specified to throw
BackingStoreException, as they can generally obey their contracts
even if the backing store is unavailable. This is true because they return
no information and their effects are not required to become permanent until
a subsequent call to {Preferences#flush()} or
{Preferences#sync()}. Generally speaking, these SPI methods should not
throw exceptions. In some implementations, there may be circumstances
under which these calls cannot even enqueue the requested operation for
later processing. Even under these circumstances it is generally better to
simply ignore the invocation and return, rather than throwing an
exception. Under these circumstances, however, all subsequent invocations
of flush() and sync should return false, as
returning true would imply that all previous operations had
successfully been made permanent.
There is one circumstance under which putSpi, removeSpi and
childSpi should throw an exception: if the caller lacks
sufficient privileges on the underlying operating system to perform the
requested operation. This will, for instance, occur on most systems
if a non-privileged user attempts to modify system preferences.
(The required privileges will vary from implementation to
implementation. On some implementations, they are the right to modify the
contents of some directory in the file system; on others they are the right
to modify contents of some key in a registry.) Under any of these
circumstances, it would generally be undesirable to let the program
continue executing as if these operations would become permanent at a later
time. While implementations are not required to throw an exception under
these circumstances, they are encouraged to do so. A {@link
SecurityException} would be appropriate.
Most of the SPI methods require the implementation to read or write
information at a preferences node. The implementor should beware of the
fact that another VM may have concurrently deleted this node from the
backing store. It is the implementation's responsibility to recreate the
node if it has been deleted.
Implementation note: In Sun's default Preferences
implementations, the user's identity is inherited from the underlying
operating system and does not change for the lifetime of the virtual
machine. It is recognized that server-side Preferences
implementations may have the user identity change from request to request,
implicitly passed to Preferences methods via the use of a
static {@link ThreadLocal} instance. Authors of such implementations are
strongly encouraged to determine the user at the time preferences
are accessed (for example by the {@link #get(String,String)} or {@link
#put(String,String)} method) rather than permanently associating a user
with each Preferences instance. The latter behavior conflicts
with normal Preferences usage and would lead to great confusion. |
Fields Summary |
private final String | nameOur name relative to parent. | private final String | absolutePathOur absolute path name. | final AbstractPreferences | parentOur parent node. | private final AbstractPreferences | rootOur root node. | protected boolean | newNodeThis field should be true if this node did not exist in the
backing store prior to the creation of this object. The field
is initialized to false, but may be set to true by a subclass
constructor (and should not be modified thereafter). This field
indicates whether a node change event should be fired when
creation is complete. | private Map | kidCacheAll known unremoved children of this node. (This "cache" is consulted
prior to calling childSpi() or getChild(). | private boolean | removedThis field is used to keep track of whether or not this node has
been removed. Once it's set to true, it will never be reset to false. | private PreferenceChangeListener[] | prefListenersRegistered preference change listeners. | private NodeChangeListener[] | nodeListenersRegistered node change listeners. | protected final Object | lockAn object whose monitor is used to lock this node. This object
is used in preference to the node itself to reduce the likelihood of
intentional or unintentional denial of service due to a locked node.
To avoid deadlock, a node is never locked by a thread that
holds a lock on a descendant of that node. | private static final String[] | EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY | private static final AbstractPreferences[] | EMPTY_ABSTRACT_PREFS_ARRAY | private static final List | eventQueueQueue of pending notification events. When a preference or node
change event for which there are one or more listeners occurs,
it is placed on this queue and the queue is notified. A background
thread waits on this queue and delivers the events. This decouples
event delivery from preference activity, greatly simplifying
locking and reducing opportunity for deadlock. | private static Thread | eventDispatchThread |
Constructors Summary |
protected AbstractPreferences(AbstractPreferences parent, String name)Creates a preference node with the specified parent and the specified
name relative to its parent.
if (parent==null) {
if (!name.equals(""))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Root name '"+name+
"' must be \"\"");
this.absolutePath = "/";
root = this;
} else {
if (name.indexOf('/") != -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name '" + name +
"' contains '/'");
if (name.equals(""))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal name: empty string");
root = parent.root;
absolutePath = (parent==root ? "/" + name
: parent.absolutePath() + "/" + name);
this.name = name;
this.parent = parent;
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | absolutePath()Implements the absolutePath method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#absolutePath()}.
This implementation merely returns the absolute path name that
was computed at the time that this node was constructed (based on
the name that was passed to this node's constructor, and the names
that were passed to this node's ancestors' constructors).
return absolutePath;
| public void | addNodeChangeListener(java.util.prefs.NodeChangeListener ncl)
if (ncl==null)
throw new NullPointerException("Change listener is null.");
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
// Copy-on-write
if (nodeListeners == null) {
nodeListeners = new NodeChangeListener[1];
nodeListeners[0] = ncl;
} else {
NodeChangeListener[] old = nodeListeners;
nodeListeners = new NodeChangeListener[old.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(old, 0, nodeListeners, 0, old.length);
nodeListeners[old.length] = ncl;
| public void | addPreferenceChangeListener(java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener pcl)
if (pcl==null)
throw new NullPointerException("Change listener is null.");
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
// Copy-on-write
PreferenceChangeListener[] old = prefListeners;
prefListeners = new PreferenceChangeListener[old.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(old, 0, prefListeners, 0, old.length);
prefListeners[old.length] = pcl;
| protected final java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences[] | cachedChildren()Returns all known unremoved children of this node.
return (AbstractPreferences[]) kidCache.values().
| protected abstract java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences | childSpi(java.lang.String name)Returns the named child of this preference node, creating it if it does
not already exist. It is guaranteed that name is non-null,
non-empty, does not contain the slash character ('/'), and is no longer
than {@link #MAX_NAME_LENGTH} characters. Also, it is guaranteed that
this node has not been removed. (The implementor needn't check for any
of these things.)
Finally, it is guaranteed that the named node has not been returned
by a previous invocation of this method or {@link #getChild(String)}
after the last time that it was removed. In other words, a cached
value will always be used in preference to invoking this method.
Subclasses need not maintain their own cache of previously returned
The implementer must ensure that the returned node has not been
removed. If a like-named child of this node was previously removed, the
implementer must return a newly constructed AbstractPreferences
node; once removed, an AbstractPreferences node
cannot be "resuscitated."
If this method causes a node to be created, this node is not
guaranteed to be persistent until the flush method is
invoked on this node or one of its ancestors (or descendants).
This method is invoked with the lock on this node held.
| public java.lang.String[] | childrenNames()Implements the children method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#childrenNames()}.
This implementation obtains this preference node's lock, checks that
the node has not been removed, constructs a TreeSet initialized
to the names of children already cached (the children in this node's
"child-cache"), invokes {@link #childrenNamesSpi()}, and adds all of the
returned child-names into the set. The elements of the tree set are
dumped into a String array using the toArray method,
and this array is returned.
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
Set s = new TreeSet(kidCache.keySet());
String[] kids = childrenNamesSpi();
for(int i=0; i<kids.length; i++)
return (String[]) s.toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);
| protected abstract java.lang.String[] | childrenNamesSpi()Returns the names of the children of this preference node. (The
returned array will be of size zero if this node has no children.)
This method need not return the names of any nodes already cached,
but may do so without harm.
This method is invoked with the lock on this node held.
If this node throws a BackingStoreException, the exception
will propagate out beyond the enclosing {@link #childrenNames()}
| public void | clear()Implements the clear method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#clear()}.
This implementation obtains this preference node's lock,
invokes {@link #keys()} to obtain an array of keys, and
iterates over the array invoking {@link #remove(String)} on each key.
synchronized(lock) {
String[] keys = keys();
for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++)
| private void | enqueueNodeAddedEvent(java.util.prefs.Preferences child)Enqueue a "node added" event for delivery to registered node change
listeners unless there are no registered listeners. Invoked with
this.lock held.
if (nodeListeners.length != 0) {
synchronized(eventQueue) {
eventQueue.add(new NodeAddedEvent(this, child));
| private void | enqueueNodeRemovedEvent(java.util.prefs.Preferences child)Enqueue a "node removed" event for delivery to registered node change
listeners unless there are no registered listeners. Invoked with
this.lock held.
if (nodeListeners.length != 0) {
synchronized(eventQueue) {
eventQueue.add(new NodeRemovedEvent(this, child));
| private void | enqueuePreferenceChangeEvent(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String newValue)Enqueue a preference change event for delivery to registered
preference change listeners unless there are no registered
listeners. Invoked with this.lock held.
if (prefListeners.length != 0) {
synchronized(eventQueue) {
eventQueue.add(new PreferenceChangeEvent(this, key, newValue));
| public void | exportNode(java.io.OutputStream os)Implements the exportNode method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#exportNode(OutputStream)}.
XmlSupport.export(os, this, false);
| public void | exportSubtree(java.io.OutputStream os)Implements the exportSubtree method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#exportSubtree(OutputStream)}.
XmlSupport.export(os, this, true);
| public void | flush()Implements the flush method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#flush()}.
This implementation calls a recursive helper method that locks this
node, invokes flushSpi() on it, unlocks this node, and recursively
invokes this method on each "cached child." A cached child is a child
of this node that has been created in this VM and not subsequently
removed. In effect, this method does a depth first traversal of the
"cached subtree" rooted at this node, calling flushSpi() on each node in
the subTree while only that node is locked. Note that flushSpi() is
invoked top-down.
If this method is invoked on a node that has been removed with
the {@link #removeNode()} method, flushSpi() is invoked on this node,
but not on others.
| private void | flush2()
AbstractPreferences[] cachedKids;
synchronized(lock) {
cachedKids = cachedChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < cachedKids.length; i++)
| protected abstract void | flushSpi()This method is invoked with this node locked. The contract of this
method is to force any cached changes in the contents of this
preference node to the backing store, guaranteeing their persistence.
(It is perfectly possible that this node does not exist on the backing
store, either because it has been deleted by another VM, or because it
has not yet been created.) Note that this method should not
flush the preferences in any subnodes of this node. If the backing
store naturally flushes an entire subtree at once, the implementer is
encouraged to override flush(), rather than merely overriding this
If this node throws a BackingStoreException, the exception
will propagate out beyond the enclosing {@link #flush()} invocation.
| public java.lang.String | get(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String def)Implements the get method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#get(String,String)}.
This implementation first checks to see if key is
null throwing a NullPointerException if this is
the case. Then it obtains this preference node's lock,
checks that the node has not been removed, invokes {@link
#getSpi(String)}, and returns the result, unless the getSpi
invocation returns null or throws an exception, in which case
this invocation returns def.
if (key==null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null key");
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
String result = null;
try {
result = getSpi(key);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignoring exception causes default to be returned
return (result==null ? def : result);
| public boolean | getBoolean(java.lang.String key, boolean def)Implements the getBoolean method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#getBoolean(String,boolean)}.
This implementation invokes {@link #get(String,String) get(key,
null)}. If the return value is non-null, it is compared with
"true" using {@link String#equalsIgnoreCase(String)}. If the
comparison returns true, this invocation returns
true. Otherwise, the original return value is compared with
"false", again using {@link String#equalsIgnoreCase(String)}.
If the comparison returns true, this invocation returns
false. Otherwise, this invocation returns def.
boolean result = def;
String value = get(key, null);
if (value != null) {
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
result = true;
else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
result = false;
return result;
| public byte[] | getByteArray(java.lang.String key, byte[] def)Implements the getByteArray method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#getByteArray(String,byte[])}.
byte[] result = def;
String value = get(key, null);
try {
if (value != null)
result = Base64.base64ToByteArray(value);
catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Ignoring exception causes specified default to be returned
return result;
| protected java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences | getChild(java.lang.String nodeName)Returns the named child if it exists, or null if it does not.
It is guaranteed that nodeName is non-null, non-empty,
does not contain the slash character ('/'), and is no longer than
{@link #MAX_NAME_LENGTH} characters. Also, it is guaranteed
that this node has not been removed. (The implementor needn't check
for any of these things if he chooses to override this method.)
Finally, it is guaranteed that the named node has not been returned
by a previous invocation of this method or {@link #childSpi} after the
last time that it was removed. In other words, a cached value will
always be used in preference to invoking this method. (The implementor
needn't maintain his own cache of previously returned children if he
chooses to override this method.)
This implementation obtains this preference node's lock, invokes
{@link #childrenNames()} to get an array of the names of this node's
children, and iterates over the array comparing the name of each child
with the specified node name. If a child node has the correct name,
the {@link #childSpi(String)} method is invoked and the resulting
node is returned. If the iteration completes without finding the
specified name, null is returned.
synchronized(lock) {
// assert kidCache.get(nodeName)==null;
String[] kidNames = childrenNames();
for (int i=0; i<kidNames.length; i++)
if (kidNames[i].equals(nodeName))
return childSpi(kidNames[i]);
return null;
| public double | getDouble(java.lang.String key, double def)Implements the getDouble method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#getDouble(String,double)}.
This implementation invokes {@link #get(String,String) get(key,
null)}. If the return value is non-null, the implementation
attempts to translate it to an double with
{@link Double#parseDouble(String)}. If the attempt succeeds, the return
value is returned by this method. Otherwise, def is returned.
double result = def;
try {
String value = get(key, null);
if (value != null)
result = Double.parseDouble(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ignoring exception causes specified default to be returned
return result;
| public float | getFloat(java.lang.String key, float def)Implements the getFloat method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#getFloat(String,float)}.
This implementation invokes {@link #get(String,String) get(key,
null)}. If the return value is non-null, the implementation
attempts to translate it to an float with
{@link Float#parseFloat(String)}. If the attempt succeeds, the return
value is returned by this method. Otherwise, def is returned.
float result = def;
try {
String value = get(key, null);
if (value != null)
result = Float.parseFloat(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ignoring exception causes specified default to be returned
return result;
| public int | getInt(java.lang.String key, int def)Implements the getInt method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#getInt(String,int)}.
This implementation invokes {@link #get(String,String) get(key,
null)}. If the return value is non-null, the implementation
attempts to translate it to an int with
{@link Integer#parseInt(String)}. If the attempt succeeds, the return
value is returned by this method. Otherwise, def is returned.
int result = def;
try {
String value = get(key, null);
if (value != null)
result = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ignoring exception causes specified default to be returned
return result;
| public long | getLong(java.lang.String key, long def)Implements the getLong method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#getLong(String,long)}.
This implementation invokes {@link #get(String,String) get(key,
null)}. If the return value is non-null, the implementation
attempts to translate it to a long with
{@link Long#parseLong(String)}. If the attempt succeeds, the return
value is returned by this method. Otherwise, def is returned.
long result = def;
try {
String value = get(key, null);
if (value != null)
result = Long.parseLong(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ignoring exception causes specified default to be returned
return result;
| protected abstract java.lang.String | getSpi(java.lang.String key)Return the value associated with the specified key at this preference
node, or null if there is no association for this key, or the
association cannot be determined at this time. It is guaranteed that
key is non-null. Also, it is guaranteed that this node has
not been removed. (The implementor needn't check for either of these
Generally speaking, this method should not throw an exception
under any circumstances. If, however, if it does throw an exception,
the exception will be intercepted and treated as a null
return value.
This method is invoked with the lock on this node held.
| protected boolean | isRemoved()Returns true iff this node (or an ancestor) has been
removed with the {@link #removeNode()} method. This method
locks this node prior to returning the contents of the private
field used to track this state.
synchronized(lock) {
return removed;
| public boolean | isUserNode()Implements the isUserNode method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#isUserNode()}.
This implementation compares this node's root node (which is stored
in a private field) with the value returned by
{@link Preferences#userRoot()}. If the two object references are
identical, this method returns true.
Boolean result = (Boolean)
AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction() {
public Object run() {
return new Boolean(root == Preferences.userRoot());
return result.booleanValue();
| public java.lang.String[] | keys()Implements the keys method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#keys()}.
This implementation obtains this preference node's lock, checks that
the node has not been removed and invokes {@link #keysSpi()}.
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
return keysSpi();
| protected abstract java.lang.String[] | keysSpi()Returns all of the keys that have an associated value in this
preference node. (The returned array will be of size zero if
this node has no preferences.) It is guaranteed that this node has not
been removed.
This method is invoked with the lock on this node held.
If this node throws a BackingStoreException, the exception
will propagate out beyond the enclosing {@link #keys()} invocation.
| public java.lang.String | name()Implements the name method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#name()}.
This implementation merely returns the name that was
passed to this node's constructor.
return name;
| public java.util.prefs.Preferences | node(java.lang.String path)Implements the node method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#node(String)}.
This implementation obtains this preference node's lock and checks
that the node has not been removed. If path is "",
this node is returned; if path is "/", this node's
root is returned. If the first character in path is
not '/', the implementation breaks path into
tokens and recursively traverses the path from this node to the
named node, "consuming" a name and a slash from path at
each step of the traversal. At each step, the current node is locked
and the node's child-cache is checked for the named node. If it is
not found, the name is checked to make sure its length does not
exceed MAX_NAME_LENGTH. Then the {@link #childSpi(String)}
method is invoked, and the result stored in this node's child-cache.
If the newly created Preferences object's {@link #newNode}
field is true and there are any node change listeners,
a notification event is enqueued for processing by the event dispatch
When there are no more tokens, the last value found in the
child-cache or returned by childSpi is returned by this
method. If during the traversal, two "/" tokens occur
consecutively, or the final token is "/" (rather than a name),
an appropriate IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
If the first character of path is '/'
(indicating an absolute path name name) this preference node's
lock is dropped prior to breaking path into tokens, and
this method recursively traverses the path starting from the root
(rather than starting from this node). The traversal is otherwise
identical to the one described for relative path names. Dropping
the lock on this node prior to commencing the traversal at the root
node is essential to avoid the possibility of deadlock, as per the
{@link #lock locking invariant}.
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
if (path.equals(""))
return this;
if (path.equals("/"))
return root;
if (path.charAt(0) != '/")
return node(new StringTokenizer(path, "/", true));
// Absolute path. Note that we've dropped our lock to avoid deadlock
return root.node(new StringTokenizer(path.substring(1), "/", true));
| private java.util.prefs.Preferences | node(java.util.StringTokenizer path)tokenizer contains {'/' }*
String token = path.nextToken();
if (token.equals("/")) // Check for consecutive slashes
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Consecutive slashes in path");
synchronized(lock) {
AbstractPreferences child=(AbstractPreferences)kidCache.get(token);
if (child == null) {
if (token.length() > MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Node name " + token + " too long");
child = childSpi(token);
if (child.newNode)
kidCache.put(token, child);
if (!path.hasMoreTokens())
return child;
path.nextToken(); // Consume slash
if (!path.hasMoreTokens())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path ends with slash");
return child.node(path);
| public boolean | nodeExists(java.lang.String path)Implements the nodeExists method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#nodeExists(String)}.
This implementation is very similar to {@link #node(String)},
except that {@link #getChild(String)} is used instead of {@link
synchronized(lock) {
if (path.equals(""))
return !removed;
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
if (path.equals("/"))
return true;
if (path.charAt(0) != '/")
return nodeExists(new StringTokenizer(path, "/", true));
// Absolute path. Note that we've dropped our lock to avoid deadlock
return root.nodeExists(new StringTokenizer(path.substring(1), "/",
| private boolean | nodeExists(java.util.StringTokenizer path)tokenizer contains {'/' }*
String token = path.nextToken();
if (token.equals("/")) // Check for consecutive slashes
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Consecutive slashes in path");
synchronized(lock) {
AbstractPreferences child=(AbstractPreferences)kidCache.get(token);
if (child == null)
child = getChild(token);
if (child==null)
return false;
if (!path.hasMoreTokens())
return true;
path.nextToken(); // Consume slash
if (!path.hasMoreTokens())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path ends with slash");
return child.nodeExists(path);
| java.util.prefs.NodeChangeListener[] | nodeListeners()
synchronized(lock) {
return nodeListeners;
| public java.util.prefs.Preferences | parent()Implements the parent method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#parent()}.
This implementation obtains this preference node's lock, checks that
the node has not been removed and returns the parent value that was
passed to this node's constructor.
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
return parent;
| java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener[] | prefListeners()Return this node's preference/node change listeners. Even though
we're using a copy-on-write lists, we use synchronized accessors to
ensure information transmission from the writing thread to the
reading thread.
synchronized(lock) {
return prefListeners;
| public void | put(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)Implements the put method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#put(String,String)}.
This implementation checks that the key and value are legal,
obtains this preference node's lock, checks that the node
has not been removed, invokes {@link #putSpi(String,String)}, and if
there are any preference change listeners, enqueues a notification
event for processing by the event dispatch thread.
if (key==null || value==null)
throw new NullPointerException();
if (key.length() > MAX_KEY_LENGTH)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key too long: "+key);
if (value.length() > MAX_VALUE_LENGTH)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value too long: "+value);
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
putSpi(key, value);
enqueuePreferenceChangeEvent(key, value);
| public void | putBoolean(java.lang.String key, boolean value)Implements the putBoolean method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#putBoolean(String,boolean)}.
This implementation translates value to a string with
{@link String#valueOf(boolean)} and invokes {@link #put(String,String)}
on the result.
put(key, String.valueOf(value));
| public void | putByteArray(java.lang.String key, byte[] value)Implements the putByteArray method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#putByteArray(String,byte[])}.
put(key, Base64.byteArrayToBase64(value));
| public void | putDouble(java.lang.String key, double value)Implements the putDouble method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#putDouble(String,double)}.
This implementation translates value to a string with
{@link Double#toString(double)} and invokes {@link #put(String,String)}
on the result.
put(key, Double.toString(value));
| public void | putFloat(java.lang.String key, float value)Implements the putFloat method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#putFloat(String,float)}.
This implementation translates value to a string with
{@link Float#toString(float)} and invokes {@link #put(String,String)}
on the result.
put(key, Float.toString(value));
| public void | putInt(java.lang.String key, int value)Implements the putInt method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#putInt(String,int)}.
This implementation translates value to a string with
{@link Integer#toString(int)} and invokes {@link #put(String,String)}
on the result.
put(key, Integer.toString(value));
| public void | putLong(java.lang.String key, long value)Implements the putLong method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#putLong(String,long)}.
This implementation translates value to a string with
{@link Long#toString(long)} and invokes {@link #put(String,String)}
on the result.
put(key, Long.toString(value));
| protected abstract void | putSpi(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)Put the given key-value association into this preference node. It is
guaranteed that key and value are non-null and of
legal length. Also, it is guaranteed that this node has not been
removed. (The implementor needn't check for any of these things.)
This method is invoked with the lock on this node held.
| public void | remove(java.lang.String key)Implements the remove(String) method as per the specification
in {@link Preferences#remove(String)}.
This implementation obtains this preference node's lock,
checks that the node has not been removed, invokes
{@link #removeSpi(String)} and if there are any preference
change listeners, enqueues a notification event for processing by the
event dispatch thread.
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
enqueuePreferenceChangeEvent(key, null);
| public void | removeNode()Implements the removeNode() method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#removeNode()}.
This implementation checks to see that this node is the root; if so,
it throws an appropriate exception. Then, it locks this node's parent,
and calls a recursive helper method that traverses the subtree rooted at
this node. The recursive method locks the node on which it was called,
checks that it has not already been removed, and then ensures that all
of its children are cached: The {@link #childrenNamesSpi()} method is
invoked and each returned child name is checked for containment in the
child-cache. If a child is not already cached, the {@link
#childSpi(String)} method is invoked to create a Preferences
instance for it, and this instance is put into the child-cache. Then
the helper method calls itself recursively on each node contained in its
child-cache. Next, it invokes {@link #removeNodeSpi()}, marks itself
as removed, and removes itself from its parent's child-cache. Finally,
if there are any node change listeners, it enqueues a notification
event for processing by the event dispatch thread.
Note that the helper method is always invoked with all ancestors up
to the "closest non-removed ancestor" locked.
if (this==root)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't remove the root!");
synchronized(parent.lock) {
| private void | removeNode2()
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node already removed.");
// Ensure that all children are cached
String[] kidNames = childrenNamesSpi();
for (int i=0; i<kidNames.length; i++)
if (!kidCache.containsKey(kidNames[i]))
kidCache.put(kidNames[i], childSpi(kidNames[i]));
// Recursively remove all cached children
for (Iterator i=kidCache.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
// Now we have no descendants - it's time to die!
removed = true;
| public void | removeNodeChangeListener(java.util.prefs.NodeChangeListener ncl)
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
if ((nodeListeners == null) || (nodeListeners.length == 0))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener not registered.");
// Copy-on-write
NodeChangeListener[] newNl =
new NodeChangeListener[nodeListeners.length - 1];
int i = 0;
while (i < nodeListeners.length && nodeListeners[i] != ncl)
newNl[i] = nodeListeners[i++];
if (i == nodeListeners.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener not registered.");
while (i < newNl.length)
newNl[i] = nodeListeners[++i];
nodeListeners = newNl;
| protected abstract void | removeNodeSpi()Removes this preference node, invalidating it and any preferences that
it contains. The named child will have no descendants at the time this
invocation is made (i.e., the {@link Preferences#removeNode()} method
invokes this method repeatedly in a bottom-up fashion, removing each of
a node's descendants before removing the node itself).
This method is invoked with the lock held on this node and its
parent (and all ancestors that are being removed as a
result of a single invocation to {@link Preferences#removeNode()}).
The removal of a node needn't become persistent until the
flush method is invoked on this node (or an ancestor).
If this node throws a BackingStoreException, the exception
will propagate out beyond the enclosing {@link #removeNode()}
| public void | removePreferenceChangeListener(java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener pcl)
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed.");
if ((prefListeners == null) || (prefListeners.length == 0))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener not registered.");
// Copy-on-write
PreferenceChangeListener[] newPl =
new PreferenceChangeListener[prefListeners.length - 1];
int i = 0;
while (i < newPl.length && prefListeners[i] != pcl)
newPl[i] = prefListeners[i++];
if (i == newPl.length && prefListeners[i] != pcl)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener not registered.");
while (i < newPl.length)
newPl[i] = prefListeners[++i];
prefListeners = newPl;
| protected abstract void | removeSpi(java.lang.String key)Remove the association (if any) for the specified key at this
preference node. It is guaranteed that key is non-null.
Also, it is guaranteed that this node has not been removed.
(The implementor needn't check for either of these things.)
This method is invoked with the lock on this node held.
| private static synchronized void | startEventDispatchThreadIfNecessary()This method starts the event dispatch thread the first time it
is called. The event dispatch thread will be started only
if someone registers a listener.
if (eventDispatchThread == null) {
// XXX Log "Starting event dispatch thread"
eventDispatchThread = new EventDispatchThread();
| public void | sync()Implements the sync method as per the specification in
{@link Preferences#sync()}.
This implementation calls a recursive helper method that locks this
node, invokes syncSpi() on it, unlocks this node, and recursively
invokes this method on each "cached child." A cached child is a child
of this node that has been created in this VM and not subsequently
removed. In effect, this method does a depth first traversal of the
"cached subtree" rooted at this node, calling syncSpi() on each node in
the subTree while only that node is locked. Note that syncSpi() is
invoked top-down.
| private void | sync2()
AbstractPreferences[] cachedKids;
synchronized(lock) {
if (removed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Node has been removed");
cachedKids = cachedChildren();
for (int i=0; i<cachedKids.length; i++)
| protected abstract void | syncSpi()This method is invoked with this node locked. The contract of this
method is to synchronize any cached preferences stored at this node
with any stored in the backing store. (It is perfectly possible that
this node does not exist on the backing store, either because it has
been deleted by another VM, or because it has not yet been created.)
Note that this method should not synchronize the preferences in
any subnodes of this node. If the backing store naturally syncs an
entire subtree at once, the implementer is encouraged to override
sync(), rather than merely overriding this method.
If this node throws a BackingStoreException, the exception
will propagate out beyond the enclosing {@link #sync()} invocation.
| public java.lang.String | toString()Returns the absolute path name of this preferences node.
return (this.isUserNode() ? "User" : "System") +
" Preference Node: " + this.absolutePath();