Name.javaAPI DocJCIFS 1.3.17 API6955Tue Oct 18 15:26:24 BST 2011jcifs.netbios


public class Name extends Object

Fields Summary
private static final int
private static final int
private static final String
static final String
public String
public String
public int
Constructors Summary

 /* srcHashCode must be set by name resolution
                      * routines before entry into addressCache

public Name(String name, int hexCode, String scope)

        if( name.length() > 15 ) {
            name = name.substring( 0, 15 );
        } = name.toUpperCase();
        this.hexCode = hexCode;
        this.scope = scope != null && scope.length() > 0 ? scope : DEFAULT_SCOPE;
        this.srcHashCode = 0;
Methods Summary
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)

        Name n;

        if( !( obj instanceof Name )) {
            return false;
        n = (Name)obj;
        if( scope == null && n.scope == null ) {
            return name.equals( ) && hexCode == n.hexCode;
        return name.equals( ) && hexCode == n.hexCode && scope.equals( n.scope );
public inthashCode()

        int result;

        result = name.hashCode();
        result += 65599 * hexCode;
        result += 65599 * srcHashCode; /* hashCode is different depending
                                        * on where it came from
        if( scope != null && scope.length() != 0 ) {
            result += scope.hashCode();
        return result;
intreadScopeWireFormat(byte[] src, int srcIndex)

        int start = srcIndex;
        int n;
        StringBuffer sb;

        if(( n = src[srcIndex++] & 0xFF ) == 0 ) {
            scope = null;
            return 1;

        try {
            sb = new StringBuffer( new String( src, srcIndex, n, Name.OEM_ENCODING ));
            srcIndex += n;
            while(( n = src[srcIndex++] & 0xFF ) != 0 ) {
                sb.append( '." ).append( new String( src, srcIndex, n, Name.OEM_ENCODING ));
                srcIndex += n;
            scope = sb.toString();
        } catch( UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) {

        return srcIndex - start;
intreadWireFormat(byte[] src, int srcIndex)

        byte tmp[] = new byte[SCOPE_OFFSET];
        int length = 15;
        for( int i = 0; i < 15; i++ ) {
            tmp[i] = (byte)((( src[srcIndex + ( 2 * i + 1 )] & 0xFF ) - 0x41 ) << 4 );
            tmp[i] |= (byte)((( src[srcIndex + ( 2 * i + 2 )] & 0xFF ) - 0x41 ) & 0x0F );
            if( tmp[i] != (byte)' " ) {
                length = i + 1;
        try {
            name = new String( tmp, 0, length, Name.OEM_ENCODING );
        } catch( UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) {
        hexCode = (( src[srcIndex + TYPE_OFFSET] & 0xFF ) - 0x41 ) << 4;
        hexCode |= (( src[srcIndex + TYPE_OFFSET + 1] & 0xFF ) - 0x41 ) & 0x0F;
        return SCOPE_OFFSET + readScopeWireFormat( src, srcIndex + SCOPE_OFFSET );
public java.lang.StringtoString()

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        String n = name;

        // fix MSBROWSE name
        if( n == null ) {
            n = "null";
        } else if( n.charAt( 0 ) == 0x01 ) {
            char c[] = n.toCharArray();
            c[0] = '.";
            c[1] = '.";
            c[14] = '.";
            n = new String( c );

        sb.append( n ).append( "<" ).append( Hexdump.toHexString( hexCode, 2 )).append( ">" );
        if( scope != null ) {
            sb.append( "." ).append( scope );
        return sb.toString();
intwriteScopeWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex)

        if( scope == null ) {
            dst[dstIndex] = (byte)0x00;
            return 1;

        // copy new scope in
        dst[dstIndex++] = (byte)'.";
        try {
            System.arraycopy( scope.getBytes( Name.OEM_ENCODING ), 0, dst, dstIndex, scope.length() );
        } catch( UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) {
        dstIndex += scope.length();

        dst[dstIndex++] = (byte)0x00;

        // now go over scope backwards converting '.' to label length

        int i = dstIndex - 2;
        int e = i - scope.length();
        int c = 0;

        do {
            if( dst[i] == '." ) {
                dst[i] = (byte)c;
                c = 0;
            } else {
        } while( i-- > e );
        return scope.length() + 2;
intwriteWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex)

        // write 0x20 in first byte
        dst[dstIndex] = 0x20;

        // write name
        try {
            byte tmp[] = name.getBytes( Name.OEM_ENCODING );
            int i;
            for( i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) {
                dst[dstIndex + ( 2 * i + 1 )] = (byte)((( tmp[i] & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ) + 0x41 );
                dst[dstIndex + ( 2 * i + 2 )] = (byte)(( tmp[i] & 0x0F ) + 0x41 );
            for( ; i < 15; i++ ) {
                dst[dstIndex + ( 2 * i + 1 )] = (byte)0x43;
                dst[dstIndex + ( 2 * i + 2 )] = (byte)0x41;
            dst[dstIndex + TYPE_OFFSET] = (byte)((( hexCode & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ) + 0x41 );
            dst[dstIndex + TYPE_OFFSET + 1] = (byte)(( hexCode & 0x0F ) + 0x41 );
        } catch( UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) {
        return SCOPE_OFFSET + writeScopeWireFormat( dst, dstIndex + SCOPE_OFFSET );