This is the generic datagram interface. It represents an object that
will act as the holder of data to be sent or received from a datagram
The DataInput and DataOutput interfaces are extended by this interface
to provide a simple way to read and write binary data in and out of
the datagram buffer. An additional function reset() may be called to
reset the read/write point to the beginning of the buffer.
It should be noted that in the interests of reducing space and speed
concerns, these mechanisms are very simple. In order to use them
correctly the following restrictions should be observed:
1) The use of the standard DataInput and DataOutput interfaces is
done in order to provide a familiar API for reading and writing
data into and out of a Datagram buffer.
It should be understood however that this is not an API to a Java
stream and does not exhibit all of the features normally associated
with one. The most important difference here is that a Java stream
is either an InputStream or an OutputStream. The interface presented
here is, essentially, both at the same time. As the datagram object
does not have a mode for reading and writing, it is necessary for the
application programmer to realize that no automatic detection of the
wrong mode usage can be done.
2) The DataInput and DataOutput interfaces will not work with any
arbitrary settings of the Datagram state variables. The main
restriction here is that the offset state variable must
at all times be zero. Datagrams may be used in the normal way
where the offset is non-zero but when this is done the DataInput
and DataOutput interfaces cannot be used.
3) The DataInput and DataOutput read() and write() functions work
by using an invisible state variable of the Datagram object. Before
any data is read from or written to the datagram buffer, this state
variable must be zeroed using the reset() function. This variable
is not the offset state variable but an additional state
variable used only for the read() and write() functions.
4) Before data is to be received into the datagram's buffer, the
offset state variable and the length state variable
must first be set up to the part of the buffer the data should be
written to. If the intention is to use the read() functions, the
offset must be zero. After receive() is called, the data can be
read from the buffer using the read() functions until an EOF
condition is found. This will occur when the number of characters
represented by the length parameter have been read.
5) To write data into the buffer prior to a send() operation,
the reset() function should first be called. This will zero the
read/write pointer along with the offset and length parameters
of the Datagram object. Then the data can be written using the
write() functions. When this process is complete, the length
state variable will be set to the correct value for the send()
function of the datagram's connection, and so the send operation
can take place. An IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown if
the number of characters written exceeds the size of the buffer. |