TestRecordFactory.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.16921Mon Jan 01 12:39:46 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.hssf.record


public class TestRecordFactory extends TestCase
Tests the record factory
Glen Stampoultzis (glens at
Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org)
Csaba Nagy (ncsaba at yahoo dot com)

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public TestRecordFactory(String testCaseName)
Creates new TestRecordFactory


Methods Summary
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] ignored_args)

            .println("Testing org.apache.poi.hssf.record.TestRecordFactory");;
public voidtestBasicRecordConstruction()
TEST NAME: Test Basic Record Construction

OBJECTIVE: Test that the RecordFactory given the required parameters for know record types can construct the proper record w/values.

SUCCESS: Record factory creates the records with the expected values.

FAILURE: The wrong records are creates or contain the wrong values

        short    recType = BOFRecord.sid;
        byte[]   data    = new byte[]
            0, 6, 5, 0, -2, 28, -51, 7, -55, 64, 0, 0, 6, 1, 0, 0
        short    size    = 16;
        Record[] record  = RecordFactory.createRecord(new TestcaseRecordInputStream(recType, size, data));

                     record[ 0 ].getClass().getName());
        BOFRecord bofRecord = ( BOFRecord ) record[ 0 ];

        assertEquals(7422, bofRecord.getBuild());
        assertEquals(1997, bofRecord.getBuildYear());
        assertEquals(16585, bofRecord.getHistoryBitMask());
        assertEquals(20, bofRecord.getRecordSize());
        assertEquals(262, bofRecord.getRequiredVersion());
        assertEquals(2057, bofRecord.getSid());
        assertEquals(5, bofRecord.getType());
        assertEquals(1536, bofRecord.getVersion());
        recType = MMSRecord.sid;
        size    = 2;
        data    = new byte[]
            0, 0
        record  = RecordFactory.createRecord(new TestcaseRecordInputStream(recType, size, data));
                     record[ 0 ].getClass().getName());
        MMSRecord mmsRecord = ( MMSRecord ) record[ 0 ];

        assertEquals(0, mmsRecord.getAddMenuCount());
        assertEquals(0, mmsRecord.getDelMenuCount());
        assertEquals(6, mmsRecord.getRecordSize());
        assertEquals(193, mmsRecord.getSid());
public voidtestContinuedUnknownRecord()
TEST NAME: Test Creating ContinueRecords After Unknown Records From An InputStream

OBJECTIVE: Test that the RecordFactory given an InputStream constructs the expected array of records.

SUCCESS: Record factory creates the expected records.

FAILURE: The wrong records are created or contain the wrong values

        byte[]   data    = new byte[]
            0, -1, 0, 0, // an unknown record with 0 length
            0x3C , 0, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, // a continuation record with 3 bytes of data
            0x3C , 0, 1, 0, 4 // one more continuation record with 1 byte of data

        ByteArrayInputStream bois = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
        Record[] records = (Record[])
          RecordFactory.createRecords(bois).toArray(new Record[0]);
        assertEquals("Created record count", 3, records.length);
        assertEquals("1st record's type",
                     records[ 0 ].getClass().getName());
        assertEquals("1st record's sid", (short)-256, records[0].getSid());
        assertEquals("2nd record's type",
                     records[ 1 ].getClass().getName());
        ContinueRecord record = (ContinueRecord) records[1];
        assertEquals("2nd record's sid", 0x3C, record.getSid());
        assertEquals("1st data byte", 1, record.getData()[ 0 ]);
        assertEquals("2nd data byte", 2, record.getData()[ 1 ]);
        assertEquals("3rd data byte", 3, record.getData()[ 2 ]);
        assertEquals("3rd record's type",
                     records[ 2 ].getClass().getName());
        record = (ContinueRecord) records[2];
        assertEquals("3nd record's sid", 0x3C, record.getSid());
        assertEquals("4th data byte", 4, record.getData()[ 0 ]);
public voidtestSpecial()
TEST NAME: Test Special Record Construction

OBJECTIVE: Test that the RecordFactory given the required parameters for constructing a RKRecord will return a NumberRecord.

SUCCESS: Record factory creates the Number record with the expected values.

FAILURE: The wrong records are created or contain the wrong values

        short    recType = RKRecord.sid;
        byte[]   data    = new byte[]
            0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        short    size    = 10;
        Record[] record  = RecordFactory.createRecord(new TestcaseRecordInputStream(recType, size, data));

                     record[ 0 ].getClass().getName());
        NumberRecord numberRecord = ( NumberRecord ) record[ 0 ];

        assertEquals(0, numberRecord.getColumn());
        assertEquals(18, numberRecord.getRecordSize());
        assertEquals(0, numberRecord.getRow());
        assertEquals(515, numberRecord.getSid());
        assertEquals(0.0, numberRecord.getValue(), 0.001);
        assertEquals(21, numberRecord.getXFIndex());