LayoutTransition.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API69015Thu Mar 12 22:22:08 GMT 2015android.animation


public class LayoutTransition extends Object
This class enables automatic animations on layout changes in ViewGroup objects. To enable transitions for a layout container, create a LayoutTransition object and set it on any ViewGroup by calling {@link ViewGroup#setLayoutTransition(LayoutTransition)}. This will cause default animations to run whenever items are added to or removed from that container. To specify custom animations, use the {@link LayoutTransition#setAnimator(int, Animator) setAnimator()} method.

One of the core concepts of these transition animations is that there are two types of changes that cause the transition and four different animations that run because of those changes. The changes that trigger the transition are items being added to a container (referred to as an "appearing" transition) or removed from a container (also known as "disappearing"). Setting the visibility of views (between GONE and VISIBLE) will trigger the same add/remove logic. The animations that run due to those events are one that animates items being added, one that animates items being removed, and two that animate the other items in the container that change due to the add/remove occurrence. Users of the transition may want different animations for the changing items depending on whether they are changing due to an appearing or disappearing event, so there is one animation for each of these variations of the changing event. Most of the API of this class is concerned with setting up the basic properties of the animations used in these four situations, or with setting up custom animations for any or all of the four.

By default, the DISAPPEARING animation begins immediately, as does the CHANGE_APPEARING animation. The other animations begin after a delay that is set to the default duration of the animations. This behavior facilitates a sequence of animations in transitions as follows: when an item is being added to a layout, the other children of that container will move first (thus creating space for the new item), then the appearing animation will run to animate the item being added. Conversely, when an item is removed from a container, the animation to remove it will run first, then the animations of the other children in the layout will run (closing the gap created in the layout when the item was removed). If this default choreography behavior is not desired, the {@link #setDuration(int, long)} and {@link #setStartDelay(int, long)} of any or all of the animations can be changed as appropriate.

The animations specified for the transition, both the defaults and any custom animations set on the transition object, are templates only. That is, these animations exist to hold the basic animation properties, such as the duration, start delay, and properties being animated. But the actual target object, as well as the start and end values for those properties, are set automatically in the process of setting up the transition each time it runs. Each of the animations is cloned from the original copy and the clone is then populated with the dynamic values of the target being animated (such as one of the items in a layout container that is moving as a result of the layout event) as well as the values that are changing (such as the position and size of that object). The actual values that are pushed to each animation depends on what properties are specified for the animation. For example, the default CHANGE_APPEARING animation animates the left, top, right, bottom, scrollX, and scrollY properties. Values for these properties are updated with the pre- and post-layout values when the transition begins. Custom animations will be similarly populated with the target and values being animated, assuming they use ObjectAnimator objects with property names that are known on the target object.

This class, and the associated XML flag for containers, animateLayoutChanges="true", provides a simple utility meant for automating changes in straightforward situations. Using LayoutTransition at multiple levels of a nested view hierarchy may not work due to the interrelationship of the various levels of layout. Also, a container that is being scrolled at the same time as items are being added or removed is probably not a good candidate for this utility, because the before/after locations calculated by LayoutTransition may not match the actual locations when the animations finish due to the container being scrolled as the animations are running. You can work around that particular issue by disabling the 'changing' animations by setting the CHANGE_APPEARING and CHANGE_DISAPPEARING animations to null, and setting the startDelay of the other animations appropriately.

Fields Summary
public static final int
A flag indicating the animation that runs on those items that are changing due to a new item appearing in the container.
public static final int
A flag indicating the animation that runs on those items that are changing due to an item disappearing from the container.
public static final int
A flag indicating the animation that runs on those items that are appearing in the container.
public static final int
A flag indicating the animation that runs on those items that are disappearing from the container.
public static final int
A flag indicating the animation that runs on those items that are changing due to a layout change not caused by items being added to or removed from the container. This transition type is not enabled by default; it can be enabled via {@link #enableTransitionType(int)}.
private static final int
Private bit fields used to set the collection of enabled transition types for mTransitionTypes.
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private Animator
These variables hold the animations that are currently used to run the transition effects. These animations are set to defaults, but can be changed to custom animations by calls to setAnimator().
private Animator
private Animator
private Animator
private Animator
private static ObjectAnimator
These are the default animations, defined in the constructor, that will be used unless the user specifies custom animations.
private static ObjectAnimator
private static ObjectAnimator
private static ObjectAnimator
private static ObjectAnimator
private static long
The default duration used by all animations.
private long
The durations of the different animations
private long
private long
private long
private long
private long
The start delays of the different animations. Note that the default behavior of the appearing item is the default duration, since it should wait for the items to move before fading it. Same for the changing animation when disappearing; it waits for the item to fade out before moving the other items.
private long
private long
private long
private long
private long
The inter-animation delays used on the changing animations
private long
private long
private static TimeInterpolator
Static interpolators - these are stateless and can be shared across the instances
private static TimeInterpolator
private static TimeInterpolator
private static TimeInterpolator
private static TimeInterpolator
private static TimeInterpolator
private static TimeInterpolator
private TimeInterpolator
The default interpolators used for the animations
private TimeInterpolator
private TimeInterpolator
private TimeInterpolator
private TimeInterpolator
private final HashMap
These hashmaps are used to store the animations that are currently running as part of the transition. The reason for this is that a further layout event should cause existing animations to stop where they are prior to starting new animations. So we cache all of the current animations in this map for possible cancellation on another layout event. LinkedHashMaps are used to preserve the order in which animations are inserted, so that we process events (such as setting up start values) in the same order.
private final LinkedHashMap
private final LinkedHashMap
private final LinkedHashMap
private final HashMap
This hashmap is used to track the listeners that have been added to the children of a container. When a layout change occurs, an animation is created for each View, so that the pre-layout values can be cached in that animation. Then a listener is added to the view to see whether the layout changes the bounds of that view. If so, the animation is set with the final values and then run. If not, the animation is not started. When the process of setting up and running all appropriate animations is done, we need to remove these listeners and clear out the map.
private long
Used to track the current delay being assigned to successive animations as they are started. This value is incremented for each new animation, then zeroed before the next transition begins.
private int
These are the types of transition animations that the LayoutTransition is reacting to. By default, appearing/disappearing and the change animations related to them are enabled (not CHANGING).
private ArrayList
The set of listeners that should be notified when APPEARING/DISAPPEARING transitions start and end.
private boolean
Controls whether changing animations automatically animate the parent hierarchy as well. This behavior prevents artifacts when wrap_content layouts snap to the end state as the transition begins, causing visual glitches and clipping. Default value is true.
Constructors Summary
public LayoutTransition()
Constructs a LayoutTransition object. By default, the object will listen to layout events on any ViewGroup that it is set on and will run default animations for each type of layout event.

        if (defaultChangeIn == null) {
            // "left" is just a placeholder; we'll put real properties/values in when needed
            PropertyValuesHolder pvhLeft = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("left", 0, 1);
            PropertyValuesHolder pvhTop = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("top", 0, 1);
            PropertyValuesHolder pvhRight = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("right", 0, 1);
            PropertyValuesHolder pvhBottom = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("bottom", 0, 1);
            PropertyValuesHolder pvhScrollX = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("scrollX", 0, 1);
            PropertyValuesHolder pvhScrollY = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("scrollY", 0, 1);
            defaultChangeIn = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder((Object)null,
                    pvhLeft, pvhTop, pvhRight, pvhBottom, pvhScrollX, pvhScrollY);
            defaultChangeOut = defaultChangeIn.clone();
            defaultChange = defaultChangeIn.clone();

            defaultFadeIn = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(null, "alpha", 0f, 1f);
            defaultFadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(null, "alpha", 1f, 0f);
        mChangingAppearingAnim = defaultChangeIn;
        mChangingDisappearingAnim = defaultChangeOut;
        mChangingAnim = defaultChange;
        mAppearingAnim = defaultFadeIn;
        mDisappearingAnim = defaultFadeOut;
Methods Summary
private voidaddChild(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child, boolean changesLayout)
This method is called by ViewGroup when a child view is about to be added to the container. This callback starts the process of a transition; we grab the starting values, listen for changes to all of the children of the container, and start appropriate animations.

parent The ViewGroup to which the View is being added.
child The View being added to the ViewGroup.
changesLayout Whether the removal will cause changes in the layout of other views in the container. INVISIBLE views becoming VISIBLE will not cause changes and thus will not affect CHANGE_APPEARING or CHANGE_DISAPPEARING animations.

        if (parent.getWindowVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) {
        if ((mTransitionTypes & FLAG_APPEARING) == FLAG_APPEARING) {
            // Want disappearing animations to finish up before proceeding
        if (changesLayout && (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_CHANGE_APPEARING) == FLAG_CHANGE_APPEARING) {
            // Also, cancel changing animations so that we start fresh ones from current locations
        if (hasListeners() && (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_APPEARING) == FLAG_APPEARING) {
            ArrayList<TransitionListener> listeners =
                    (ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
            for (TransitionListener listener : listeners) {
                listener.startTransition(this, parent, child, APPEARING);
        if (changesLayout && (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_CHANGE_APPEARING) == FLAG_CHANGE_APPEARING) {
            runChangeTransition(parent, child, APPEARING);
        if ((mTransitionTypes & FLAG_APPEARING) == FLAG_APPEARING) {
            runAppearingTransition(parent, child);
public voidaddChild(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child)
This method is called by ViewGroup when a child view is about to be added to the container. This callback starts the process of a transition; we grab the starting values, listen for changes to all of the children of the container, and start appropriate animations.

parent The ViewGroup to which the View is being added.
child The View being added to the ViewGroup.

        addChild(parent, child, true);
public voidaddTransitionListener(android.animation.LayoutTransition$TransitionListener listener)
Add a listener that will be called when the bounds of the view change due to layout processing.

listener The listener that will be called when layout bounds change.

        if (mListeners == null) {
            mListeners = new ArrayList<TransitionListener>();
public voidcancel()
Cancels the currently running transition. Note that we cancel() the changing animations but end() the visibility animations. This is because this method is currently called in the context of starting a new transition, so we want to move things from their mid- transition positions, but we want them to have their end-transition visibility.


        if (currentChangingAnimations.size() > 0) {
            LinkedHashMap<View, Animator> currentAnimCopy =
                    (LinkedHashMap<View, Animator>) currentChangingAnimations.clone();
            for (Animator anim : currentAnimCopy.values()) {
        if (currentAppearingAnimations.size() > 0) {
            LinkedHashMap<View, Animator> currentAnimCopy =
                    (LinkedHashMap<View, Animator>) currentAppearingAnimations.clone();
            for (Animator anim : currentAnimCopy.values()) {
        if (currentDisappearingAnimations.size() > 0) {
            LinkedHashMap<View, Animator> currentAnimCopy =
                    (LinkedHashMap<View, Animator>) currentDisappearingAnimations.clone();
            for (Animator anim : currentAnimCopy.values()) {
public voidcancel(int transitionType)
Cancels the specified type of transition. Note that we cancel() the changing animations but end() the visibility animations. This is because this method is currently called in the context of starting a new transition, so we want to move things from their mid- transition positions, but we want them to have their end-transition visibility.


        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
            case CHANGING:
                if (currentChangingAnimations.size() > 0) {
                    LinkedHashMap<View, Animator> currentAnimCopy =
                            (LinkedHashMap<View, Animator>) currentChangingAnimations.clone();
                    for (Animator anim : currentAnimCopy.values()) {
            case APPEARING:
                if (currentAppearingAnimations.size() > 0) {
                    LinkedHashMap<View, Animator> currentAnimCopy =
                            (LinkedHashMap<View, Animator>) currentAppearingAnimations.clone();
                    for (Animator anim : currentAnimCopy.values()) {
            case DISAPPEARING:
                if (currentDisappearingAnimations.size() > 0) {
                    LinkedHashMap<View, Animator> currentAnimCopy =
                            (LinkedHashMap<View, Animator>) currentDisappearingAnimations.clone();
                    for (Animator anim : currentAnimCopy.values()) {
public voiddisableTransitionType(int transitionType)
Disables the specified transitionType for this LayoutTransition object. By default, all transition types except {@link #CHANGING} are enabled.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case APPEARING:
                mTransitionTypes &= ~FLAG_APPEARING;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                mTransitionTypes &= ~FLAG_DISAPPEARING;
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                mTransitionTypes &= ~FLAG_CHANGE_APPEARING;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                mTransitionTypes &= ~FLAG_CHANGE_DISAPPEARING;
            case CHANGING:
                mTransitionTypes &= ~FLAG_CHANGING;
public voidenableTransitionType(int transitionType)
Enables the specified transitionType for this LayoutTransition object. By default, a LayoutTransition listens for changes in children being added/remove/hidden/shown in the container, and runs the animations associated with those events. That is, all transition types besides {@link #CHANGING} are enabled by default. You can also enable {@link #CHANGING} animations by calling this method with the {@link #CHANGING} transitionType.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case APPEARING:
                mTransitionTypes |= FLAG_APPEARING;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                mTransitionTypes |= FLAG_DISAPPEARING;
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                mTransitionTypes |= FLAG_CHANGE_APPEARING;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                mTransitionTypes |= FLAG_CHANGE_DISAPPEARING;
            case CHANGING:
                mTransitionTypes |= FLAG_CHANGING;
public voidendChangingAnimations()
Ends the animations that are set up for a CHANGING transition. This is a variant of startChangingAnimations() which is called when the window the transition is playing in is not visible. We need to make sure the animations put their targets in their end states and that the transition finishes to remove any mid-process state (such as isRunning()).


        LinkedHashMap<View, Animator> currentAnimCopy =
                (LinkedHashMap<View, Animator>) currentChangingAnimations.clone();
        for (Animator anim : currentAnimCopy.values()) {
        // listeners should clean up the currentChangingAnimations list, but just in case...
public AnimatorgetAnimator(int transitionType)
Gets the animation used during one of the transition types that may run.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}, which determines the animation whose animator is being returned.
Animator The animation being used for the given transition type.
#setAnimator(int, Animator)

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                return mChangingAppearingAnim;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                return mChangingDisappearingAnim;
            case CHANGING:
                return mChangingAnim;
            case APPEARING:
                return mAppearingAnim;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                return mDisappearingAnim;
        // shouldn't reach here
        return null;
public longgetDuration(int transitionType)
Gets the duration on one of the animation objects used by this transition. The transitionType parameter determines the animation whose duration is returned.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}, which determines the animation whose duration is returned.
long The duration of the specified animation.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                return mChangingAppearingDuration;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                return mChangingDisappearingDuration;
            case CHANGING:
                return mChangingDuration;
            case APPEARING:
                return mAppearingDuration;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                return mDisappearingDuration;
        // shouldn't reach here
        return 0;
public TimeInterpolatorgetInterpolator(int transitionType)
Gets the interpolator on one of the animation objects used by this transition. The transitionType parameter determines the animation whose interpolator is returned.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}, which determines the animation whose interpolator is being returned.
TimeInterpolator The interpolator that the specified animation uses.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                return mChangingAppearingInterpolator;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                return mChangingDisappearingInterpolator;
            case CHANGING:
                return mChangingInterpolator;
            case APPEARING:
                return mAppearingInterpolator;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                return mDisappearingInterpolator;
        // shouldn't reach here
        return null;
public longgetStagger(int transitionType)
Gets the length of time to delay between starting each animation during one of the change animations.

transitionType A value of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, or {@link #CHANGING}.
long The length of time, in milliseconds, to delay before launching the next animation in the sequence.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                return mChangingAppearingStagger;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                return mChangingDisappearingStagger;
            case CHANGING:
                return mChangingStagger;
        // shouldn't reach here
        return 0;
public longgetStartDelay(int transitionType)
Gets the start delay on one of the animation objects used by this transition. The transitionType parameter determines the animation whose start delay is returned.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}, which determines the animation whose start delay is returned.
long The start delay of the specified animation.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                return mChangingAppearingDelay;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                return mChangingDisappearingDelay;
            case CHANGING:
                return mChangingDelay;
            case APPEARING:
                return mAppearingDelay;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                return mDisappearingDelay;
        // shouldn't reach here
        return 0;
public java.util.ListgetTransitionListeners()
Gets the current list of listeners for layout changes.


        return mListeners;
private booleanhasListeners()

        return mListeners != null && mListeners.size() > 0;
public voidhideChild(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child)

Use {@link #hideChild(android.view.ViewGroup, android.view.View, int)}.

        removeChild(parent, child, true);
public voidhideChild(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child, int newVisibility)
This method is called by ViewGroup when a child view is about to be hidden in container. This callback starts the process of a transition; we grab the starting values, listen for changes to all of the children of the container, and start appropriate animations.

parent The parent ViewGroup of the View being hidden.
child The View being hidden.
newVisibility The new visibility value of the child View, either {@link View#GONE} or {@link View#INVISIBLE}.

        removeChild(parent, child, newVisibility == View.GONE);
public booleanisChangingLayout()
Returns true if animations are running which animate layout-related properties. This essentially means that either CHANGE_APPEARING or CHANGE_DISAPPEARING animations are running, since these animations operate on layout-related properties.

true if CHANGE_APPEARING or CHANGE_DISAPPEARING animations are currently running.

        return (currentChangingAnimations.size() > 0);
public booleanisRunning()
Returns true if any of the animations in this transition are currently running.

true if any animations in the transition are running.

        return (currentChangingAnimations.size() > 0 || currentAppearingAnimations.size() > 0 ||
                currentDisappearingAnimations.size() > 0);
public booleanisTransitionTypeEnabled(int transitionType)
Returns whether the specified transitionType is enabled for this LayoutTransition object. By default, all transition types except {@link #CHANGING} are enabled.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}.
true if the specified transitionType is currently enabled, false otherwise.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case APPEARING:
                return (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_APPEARING) == FLAG_APPEARING;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                return (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_DISAPPEARING) == FLAG_DISAPPEARING;
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                return (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_CHANGE_APPEARING) == FLAG_CHANGE_APPEARING;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                return (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_CHANGE_DISAPPEARING) == FLAG_CHANGE_DISAPPEARING;
            case CHANGING:
                return (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_CHANGING) == FLAG_CHANGING;
        return false;
public voidlayoutChange(android.view.ViewGroup parent)
This method is called by ViewGroup when there is a call to layout() on the container with this LayoutTransition. If the CHANGING transition is enabled and if there is no other transition currently running on the container, then this call runs a CHANGING transition. The transition does not start immediately; it just sets up the mechanism to run if any of the children of the container change their layout parameters (similar to the CHANGE_APPEARING and CHANGE_DISAPPEARING transitions).

parent The ViewGroup whose layout() method has been called.

        if (parent.getWindowVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) {
        if ((mTransitionTypes & FLAG_CHANGING) == FLAG_CHANGING  && !isRunning()) {
            // This method is called for all calls to layout() in the container, including
            // those caused by add/remove/hide/show events, which will already have set up
            // transition animations. Avoid setting up CHANGING animations in this case; only
            // do so when there is not a transition already running on the container.
            runChangeTransition(parent, null, CHANGING);
private voidremoveChild(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child, boolean changesLayout)
This method is called by ViewGroup when a child view is about to be removed from the container. This callback starts the process of a transition; we grab the starting values, listen for changes to all of the children of the container, and start appropriate animations.

parent The ViewGroup from which the View is being removed.
child The View being removed from the ViewGroup.
changesLayout Whether the removal will cause changes in the layout of other views in the container. Views becoming INVISIBLE will not cause changes and thus will not affect CHANGE_APPEARING or CHANGE_DISAPPEARING animations.

        if (parent.getWindowVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) {
        if ((mTransitionTypes & FLAG_DISAPPEARING) == FLAG_DISAPPEARING) {
            // Want appearing animations to finish up before proceeding
        if (changesLayout &&
                (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_CHANGE_DISAPPEARING) == FLAG_CHANGE_DISAPPEARING) {
            // Also, cancel changing animations so that we start fresh ones from current locations
        if (hasListeners() && (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_DISAPPEARING) == FLAG_DISAPPEARING) {
            ArrayList<TransitionListener> listeners = (ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners
            for (TransitionListener listener : listeners) {
                listener.startTransition(this, parent, child, DISAPPEARING);
        if (changesLayout &&
                (mTransitionTypes & FLAG_CHANGE_DISAPPEARING) == FLAG_CHANGE_DISAPPEARING) {
            runChangeTransition(parent, child, DISAPPEARING);
        if ((mTransitionTypes & FLAG_DISAPPEARING) == FLAG_DISAPPEARING) {
            runDisappearingTransition(parent, child);
public voidremoveChild(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child)
This method is called by ViewGroup when a child view is about to be removed from the container. This callback starts the process of a transition; we grab the starting values, listen for changes to all of the children of the container, and start appropriate animations.

parent The ViewGroup from which the View is being removed.
child The View being removed from the ViewGroup.

        removeChild(parent, child, true);
public voidremoveTransitionListener(android.animation.LayoutTransition$TransitionListener listener)
Remove a listener for layout changes.

listener The listener for layout bounds change.

        if (mListeners == null) {
private voidrunAppearingTransition(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child)
This method runs the animation that makes an added item appear.

parent The ViewGroup to which the View is being added.
child The View being added to the ViewGroup.

        Animator currentAnimation = currentDisappearingAnimations.get(child);
        if (currentAnimation != null) {
        if (mAppearingAnim == null) {
            if (hasListeners()) {
                ArrayList<TransitionListener> listeners =
                        (ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
                for (TransitionListener listener : listeners) {
                    listener.endTransition(LayoutTransition.this, parent, child, APPEARING);
        Animator anim = mAppearingAnim.clone();
        if (mAppearingInterpolator != sAppearingInterpolator) {
        if (anim instanceof ObjectAnimator) {
            ((ObjectAnimator) anim).setCurrentPlayTime(0);
        anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator anim) {
                if (hasListeners()) {
                    ArrayList<TransitionListener> listeners =
                            (ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
                    for (TransitionListener listener : listeners) {
                        listener.endTransition(LayoutTransition.this, parent, child, APPEARING);
        currentAppearingAnimations.put(child, anim);
private voidrunChangeTransition(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View newView, int changeReason)
This function sets up animations on all of the views that change during layout. For every child in the parent, we create a change animation of the appropriate type (appearing, disappearing, or changing) and ask it to populate its start values from its target view. We add layout listeners to all child views and listen for changes. For those views that change, we populate the end values for those animations and start them. Animations are not run on unchanging views.

parent The container which is undergoing a change.
newView The view being added to or removed from the parent. May be null if the changeReason is CHANGING.
changeReason A value of APPEARING, DISAPPEARING, or CHANGING, indicating whether the transition is occurring because an item is being added to or removed from the parent, or if it is running in response to a layout operation (that is, if the value is CHANGING).

        Animator baseAnimator = null;
        Animator parentAnimator = null;
        final long duration;
        switch (changeReason) {
            case APPEARING:
                baseAnimator = mChangingAppearingAnim;
                duration = mChangingAppearingDuration;
                parentAnimator = defaultChangeIn;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                baseAnimator = mChangingDisappearingAnim;
                duration = mChangingDisappearingDuration;
                parentAnimator = defaultChangeOut;
            case CHANGING:
                baseAnimator = mChangingAnim;
                duration = mChangingDuration;
                parentAnimator = defaultChange;
                // Shouldn't reach here
                duration = 0;
        // If the animation is null, there's nothing to do
        if (baseAnimator == null) {

        // reset the inter-animation delay, in case we use it later
        staggerDelay = 0;

        final ViewTreeObserver observer = parent.getViewTreeObserver(); // used for later cleanup
        if (!observer.isAlive()) {
            // If the observer's not in a good state, skip the transition
        int numChildren = parent.getChildCount();

        for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
            final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);

            // only animate the views not being added or removed
            if (child != newView) {
                setupChangeAnimation(parent, changeReason, baseAnimator, duration, child);
        if (mAnimateParentHierarchy) {
            ViewGroup tempParent = parent;
            while (tempParent != null) {
                ViewParent parentParent = tempParent.getParent();
                if (parentParent instanceof ViewGroup) {
                    setupChangeAnimation((ViewGroup)parentParent, changeReason, parentAnimator,
                            duration, tempParent);
                    tempParent = (ViewGroup) parentParent;
                } else {
                    tempParent = null;


        // This is the cleanup step. When we get this rendering event, we know that all of
        // the appropriate animations have been set up and run. Now we can clear out the
        // layout listeners.
        observer.addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
            public boolean onPreDraw() {
                int count = layoutChangeListenerMap.size();
                if (count > 0) {
                    Collection<View> views = layoutChangeListenerMap.keySet();
                    for (View view : views) {
                        View.OnLayoutChangeListener listener = layoutChangeListenerMap.get(view);
                return true;
private voidrunDisappearingTransition(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child)
This method runs the animation that makes a removed item disappear.

parent The ViewGroup from which the View is being removed.
child The View being removed from the ViewGroup.

        Animator currentAnimation = currentAppearingAnimations.get(child);
        if (currentAnimation != null) {
        if (mDisappearingAnim == null) {
            if (hasListeners()) {
                ArrayList<TransitionListener> listeners =
                        (ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
                for (TransitionListener listener : listeners) {
                    listener.endTransition(LayoutTransition.this, parent, child, DISAPPEARING);
        Animator anim = mDisappearingAnim.clone();
        if (mDisappearingInterpolator != sDisappearingInterpolator) {
        final float preAnimAlpha = child.getAlpha();
        anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator anim) {
                if (hasListeners()) {
                    ArrayList<TransitionListener> listeners =
                            (ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
                    for (TransitionListener listener : listeners) {
                        listener.endTransition(LayoutTransition.this, parent, child, DISAPPEARING);
        if (anim instanceof ObjectAnimator) {
            ((ObjectAnimator) anim).setCurrentPlayTime(0);
        currentDisappearingAnimations.put(child, anim);
public voidsetAnimateParentHierarchy(boolean animateParentHierarchy)
This flag controls whether CHANGE_APPEARING or CHANGE_DISAPPEARING animations will cause the default changing animation to be run on the parent hierarchy as well. This allows containers of transitioning views to also transition, which may be necessary in situations where the containers bounds change between the before/after states and may clip their children during the transition animations. For example, layouts with wrap_content will adjust their bounds according to the dimensions of their children.

The default changing transitions animate the bounds and scroll positions of the target views. These are the animations that will run on the parent hierarchy, not the custom animations that happen to be set on the transition. This allows custom behavior for the children of the transitioning container, but uses standard behavior of resizing/rescrolling on any changing parents.

animateParentHierarchy A boolean value indicating whether the parents of transitioning views should also be animated during the transition. Default value is true.

        mAnimateParentHierarchy = animateParentHierarchy;
public voidsetAnimator(int transitionType, Animator animator)
Sets the animation used during one of the transition types that may run. Any Animator object can be used, but to be most useful in the context of layout transitions, the animation should either be a ObjectAnimator or a AnimatorSet of animations including PropertyAnimators. Also, these ObjectAnimator objects should be able to get and set values on their target objects automatically. For example, a ObjectAnimator that animates the property "left" is able to set and get the left property from the View objects being animated by the layout transition. The transition works by setting target objects and properties dynamically, according to the pre- and post-layoout values of those objects, so having animations that can handle those properties appropriately will work best for custom animation. The dynamic setting of values is only the case for the CHANGE animations; the APPEARING and DISAPPEARING animations are simply run with the values they have.

It is also worth noting that any and all animations (and their underlying PropertyValuesHolder objects) will have their start and end values set according to the pre- and post-layout values. So, for example, a custom animation on "alpha" as the CHANGE_APPEARING animation will inherit the real value of alpha on the target object (presumably 1) as its starting and ending value when the animation begins. Animations which need to use values at the beginning and end that may not match the values queried when the transition begins may need to use a different mechanism than a standard ObjectAnimator object.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}, which determines the animation whose animator is being set.
animator The animation being assigned. A value of null means that no animation will be run for the specified transitionType.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                mChangingAppearingAnim = animator;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                mChangingDisappearingAnim = animator;
            case CHANGING:
                mChangingAnim = animator;
            case APPEARING:
                mAppearingAnim = animator;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                mDisappearingAnim = animator;
public voidsetDuration(long duration)
Sets the duration to be used by all animations of this transition object. If you want to set the duration of just one of the animations in particular, use the {@link #setDuration(int, long)} method.

duration The length of time, in milliseconds, that the transition animations should last.

        mChangingAppearingDuration = duration;
        mChangingDisappearingDuration = duration;
        mChangingDuration = duration;
        mAppearingDuration = duration;
        mDisappearingDuration = duration;
public voidsetDuration(int transitionType, long duration)
Sets the duration on one of the animation objects used by this transition. The transitionType parameter determines the animation whose duration is being set.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}, which determines the animation whose duration is being set.
duration The length of time, in milliseconds, that the specified animation should run.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                mChangingAppearingDuration = duration;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                mChangingDisappearingDuration = duration;
            case CHANGING:
                mChangingDuration = duration;
            case APPEARING:
                mAppearingDuration = duration;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                mDisappearingDuration = duration;
public voidsetInterpolator(int transitionType, TimeInterpolator interpolator)
Sets the interpolator on one of the animation objects used by this transition. The transitionType parameter determines the animation whose interpolator is being set.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}, which determines the animation whose interpolator is being set.
interpolator The interpolator that the specified animation should use.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                mChangingAppearingInterpolator = interpolator;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                mChangingDisappearingInterpolator = interpolator;
            case CHANGING:
                mChangingInterpolator = interpolator;
            case APPEARING:
                mAppearingInterpolator = interpolator;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                mDisappearingInterpolator = interpolator;
public voidsetStagger(int transitionType, long duration)
Sets the length of time to delay between starting each animation during one of the change animations.

transitionType A value of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, or {@link #CHANGING}.
duration The length of time, in milliseconds, to delay before launching the next animation in the sequence.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                mChangingAppearingStagger = duration;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                mChangingDisappearingStagger = duration;
            case CHANGING:
                mChangingStagger = duration;
            // noop other cases
public voidsetStartDelay(int transitionType, long delay)
Sets the start delay on one of the animation objects used by this transition. The transitionType parameter determines the animation whose start delay is being set.

transitionType One of {@link #CHANGE_APPEARING}, {@link #CHANGE_DISAPPEARING}, {@link #CHANGING}, {@link #APPEARING}, or {@link #DISAPPEARING}, which determines the animation whose start delay is being set.
delay The length of time, in milliseconds, to delay before starting the animation.

        switch (transitionType) {
            case CHANGE_APPEARING:
                mChangingAppearingDelay = delay;
            case CHANGE_DISAPPEARING:
                mChangingDisappearingDelay = delay;
            case CHANGING:
                mChangingDelay = delay;
            case APPEARING:
                mAppearingDelay = delay;
            case DISAPPEARING:
                mDisappearingDelay = delay;
private voidsetupChangeAnimation(android.view.ViewGroup parent, int changeReason, Animator baseAnimator, long duration, android.view.View child)
Utility function called by runChangingTransition for both the children and the parent hierarchy.

        // If we already have a listener for this child, then we've already set up the
        // changing animation we need. Multiple calls for a child may occur when several
        // add/remove operations are run at once on a container; each one will trigger
        // changes for the existing children in the container.
        if (layoutChangeListenerMap.get(child) != null) {

        // Don't animate items up from size(0,0); this is likely because the objects
        // were offscreen/invisible or otherwise measured to be infinitely small. We don't
        // want to see them animate into their real size; just ignore animation requests
        // on these views
        if (child.getWidth() == 0 && child.getHeight() == 0) {

        // Make a copy of the appropriate animation
        final Animator anim = baseAnimator.clone();

        // Set the target object for the animation

        // A ObjectAnimator (or AnimatorSet of them) can extract start values from
        // its target object

        // If there's an animation running on this view already, cancel it
        Animator currentAnimation = pendingAnimations.get(child);
        if (currentAnimation != null) {
        // Cache the animation in case we need to cancel it later
        pendingAnimations.put(child, anim);

        // For the animations which don't get started, we have to have a means of
        // removing them from the cache, lest we leak them and their target objects.
        // We run an animator for the default duration+100 (an arbitrary time, but one
        // which should far surpass the delay between setting them up here and
        // handling layout events which start them.
        ValueAnimator pendingAnimRemover = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f).
                setDuration(duration + 100);
        pendingAnimRemover.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {

        // Add a listener to track layout changes on this view. If we don't get a callback,
        // then there's nothing to animate.
        final View.OnLayoutChangeListener listener = new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
            public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
                    int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {

                // Tell the animation to extract end values from the changed object
                if (anim instanceof ValueAnimator) {
                    boolean valuesDiffer = false;
                    ValueAnimator valueAnim = (ValueAnimator)anim;
                    PropertyValuesHolder[] oldValues = valueAnim.getValues();
                    for (int i = 0; i < oldValues.length; ++i) {
                        PropertyValuesHolder pvh = oldValues[i];
                        if (pvh.mKeyframes instanceof KeyframeSet) {
                            KeyframeSet keyframeSet = (KeyframeSet) pvh.mKeyframes;
                            if (keyframeSet.mFirstKeyframe == null ||
                                    keyframeSet.mLastKeyframe == null ||
                                            keyframeSet.mLastKeyframe.getValue())) {
                                valuesDiffer = true;
                        } else if (!pvh.mKeyframes.getValue(0).equals(pvh.mKeyframes.getValue(1))) {
                            valuesDiffer = true;
                    if (!valuesDiffer) {

                long startDelay = 0;
                switch (changeReason) {
                    case APPEARING:
                        startDelay = mChangingAppearingDelay + staggerDelay;
                        staggerDelay += mChangingAppearingStagger;
                        if (mChangingAppearingInterpolator != sChangingAppearingInterpolator) {
                    case DISAPPEARING:
                        startDelay = mChangingDisappearingDelay + staggerDelay;
                        staggerDelay += mChangingDisappearingStagger;
                        if (mChangingDisappearingInterpolator !=
                                sChangingDisappearingInterpolator) {
                    case CHANGING:
                        startDelay = mChangingDelay + staggerDelay;
                        staggerDelay += mChangingStagger;
                        if (mChangingInterpolator != sChangingInterpolator) {

                Animator prevAnimation = currentChangingAnimations.get(child);
                if (prevAnimation != null) {
                Animator pendingAnimation = pendingAnimations.get(child);
                if (pendingAnimation != null) {
                // Cache the animation in case we need to cancel it later
                currentChangingAnimations.put(child, anim);


                // this only removes listeners whose views changed - must clear the
                // other listeners later
        // Remove the animation from the cache when it ends
        anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

            public void onAnimationStart(Animator animator) {
                if (hasListeners()) {
                    ArrayList<TransitionListener> listeners =
                            (ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
                    for (TransitionListener listener : listeners) {
                        listener.startTransition(LayoutTransition.this, parent, child,
                                changeReason == APPEARING ?
                                        CHANGE_APPEARING : changeReason == DISAPPEARING ?
                                        CHANGE_DISAPPEARING : CHANGING);

            public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animator) {

            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) {
                if (hasListeners()) {
                    ArrayList<TransitionListener> listeners =
                            (ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
                    for (TransitionListener listener : listeners) {
                        listener.endTransition(LayoutTransition.this, parent, child,
                                changeReason == APPEARING ?
                                        CHANGE_APPEARING : changeReason == DISAPPEARING ?
                                        CHANGE_DISAPPEARING : CHANGING);

        // cache the listener for later removal
        layoutChangeListenerMap.put(child, listener);
public voidshowChild(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child)

Use {@link #showChild(android.view.ViewGroup, android.view.View, int)}.

        addChild(parent, child, true);
public voidshowChild(android.view.ViewGroup parent, android.view.View child, int oldVisibility)
This method is called by ViewGroup when a child view is about to be made visible in the container. This callback starts the process of a transition; we grab the starting values, listen for changes to all of the children of the container, and start appropriate animations.

parent The ViewGroup in which the View is being made visible.
child The View being made visible.
oldVisibility The previous visibility value of the child View, either {@link View#GONE} or {@link View#INVISIBLE}.

        addChild(parent, child, oldVisibility == View.GONE);
public voidstartChangingAnimations()
Starts the animations set up for a CHANGING transition. We separate the setup of these animations from actually starting them, to avoid side-effects that starting the animations may have on the properties of the affected objects. After setup, we tell the affected parent that this transition should be started. The parent informs its ViewAncestor, which then starts the transition after the current layout/measurement phase, just prior to drawing the view hierarchy.


        LinkedHashMap<View, Animator> currentAnimCopy =
                (LinkedHashMap<View, Animator>) currentChangingAnimations.clone();
        for (Animator anim : currentAnimCopy.values()) {
            if (anim instanceof ObjectAnimator) {
                ((ObjectAnimator) anim).setCurrentPlayTime(0);