, is described
by a variable-length method_info structure. The structure has the following
method_info {
u2 access_flags;
u2 name_index;
u2 descriptor_index;
u2 attributes_count;
attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];
The value of the access_flags item is a mask of modifiers used to describe
access permission to and properties of a method or instance initialization method.
The value of the name_index item must be a valid index into the constant pool
table. The constant pool entry at that index must be a {@link CONSTANT_Utf8_info}
structure representing either one of the special internal method names, either
<init> or <clinit>, or a valid Java method name, stored as a simple
(not fully qualified) name.
The value of the descriptor_index item must be a valid index into the constant pool
table. The constant pool entry at that index must be a {@link CONSTANT_Utf8_info}
structure representing a valid Java method descriptor.
Each value of the attributes table must be a variable-length attribute structure.
A method can have any number of optional attributes associated with it. The only
attributes defined by this specification for the attributes table of a method_info
structure are the Code and Exceptions attributes. See {@link CodeAttribute_info}
and {@link ExceptionsAttribute_info}.