Read sampled audio data from the specified URL and play it
AudioInputStream ain = null; // We read audio data from here
SourceDataLine line = null; // And write it here.
try {
// Get an audio input stream from the URL
// Get information about the format of the stream
AudioFormat format = ain.getFormat();
DataLine.Info info=new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,format);
// If the format is not supported directly (i.e. if it is not PCM
// encoded, then try to transcode it to PCM.
if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) {
// This is the PCM format we want to transcode to.
// The parameters here are audio format details that you
// shouldn't need to understand for casual use.
AudioFormat pcm =
new AudioFormat(format.getSampleRate(), 16,
format.getChannels(), true, false);
// Get a wrapper stream around the input stream that does the
// transcoding for us.
ain = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(pcm, ain);
// Update the format and info variables for the transcoded data
format = ain.getFormat();
info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format);
// Open the line through which we'll play the streaming audio.
line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);;
// Allocate a buffer for reading from the input stream and writing
// to the line. Make it large enough to hold 4k audio frames.
// Note that the SourceDataLine also has its own internal buffer.
int framesize = format.getFrameSize();
byte[] buffer = new byte[4 * 1024 * framesize]; // the buffer
int numbytes = 0; // how many bytes
// We haven't started the line yet.
boolean started = false;
for(;;) { // We'll exit the loop when we reach the end of stream
// First, read some bytes from the input stream.
// If there were no more bytes to read, we're done.
if (bytesread == -1) break;
numbytes += bytesread;
// Now that we've got some audio data, to write to the line,
// start the line, so it will play that data as we write it.
if (!started) {
started = true;
// We must write bytes to the line in an integer multiple of
// the framesize. So figure out how many bytes we'll write.
int bytestowrite = (numbytes/framesize)*framesize;
// Now write the bytes. The line will buffer them and play
// them. This call will block until all bytes are written.
line.write(buffer, 0, bytestowrite);
// If we didn't have an integer multiple of the frame size,
// then copy the remaining bytes to the start of the buffer.
int remaining = numbytes - bytestowrite;
if (remaining > 0)
numbytes = remaining;
// Now block until all buffered sound finishes playing.
finally { // Always relinquish the resources we use
if (line != null) line.close();
if (ain != null) ain.close();