ExpressionEvaluatorManagerpublic class ExpressionEvaluatorManager extends Object A conduit to the JSTL EL. Based on...
An implementation of the ExpressionEvaluatorManager called for by
the JSTL rev1 draft. This class is responsible for delegating a
request for expression evaluating to the particular, "active"
ExpressionEvaluator for the given point in the PageContext object
passed in. |
Fields Summary |
public static final String | EVALUATOR_CLASS | private static HashMap | nameMap | private static org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.Logger | logger |
Methods Summary |
public static java.lang.Object | coerce(java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Class classe)Performs a type conversion according to the EL's rules.
try {
// just delegate the call
return Coercions.coerce(value, classe, logger);
} catch (ELException ex) {
throw new JspException(ex);
| public static java.lang.Object | evaluate(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class expectedType, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag tag, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)Invokes the evaluate() method on the "active" ExpressionEvaluator
for the given pageContext.
// Public static methods
// the evaluator we'll use
ExpressionEvaluator target = getEvaluatorByName(EVALUATOR_CLASS);
// delegate the call
return (target.evaluate(
attributeName, expression, expectedType, tag, pageContext));
| public static java.lang.Object | evaluate(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class expectedType, javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext)Invokes the evaluate() method on the "active" ExpressionEvaluator
for the given pageContext.
// the evaluator we'll use
ExpressionEvaluator target = getEvaluatorByName(EVALUATOR_CLASS);
// delegate the call
return (target.evaluate(
attributeName, expression, expectedType, null, pageContext));
| public static ExpressionEvaluator | getEvaluatorByName(java.lang.String name)Gets an ExpressionEvaluator from the cache, or seeds the cache
if we haven't seen a particular ExpressionEvaluator before.
Object oEvaluator = nameMap.get(name);
if (oEvaluator != null) {
return ((ExpressionEvaluator) oEvaluator);
try {
synchronized (nameMap) {
oEvaluator = nameMap.get(name);
if (oEvaluator != null) {
return ((ExpressionEvaluator) oEvaluator);
ExpressionEvaluator e = (ExpressionEvaluator)
nameMap.put(name, e);
return (e);
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
// just to display a better error message
throw new JspException("invalid ExpressionEvaluator: " +
ex.toString(), ex);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new JspException("couldn't find ExpressionEvaluator: " +
ex.toString(), ex);
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw new JspException("couldn't access ExpressionEvaluator: " +
ex.toString(), ex);
} catch (InstantiationException ex) {
throw new JspException(
"couldn't instantiate ExpressionEvaluator: " +
ex.toString(), ex);