Fields Summary |
private byte | reasonThe reason code for this exception |
private javax.microedition.pki.Certificate | certThe certificate that caused the exception |
public static final byte | BAD_EXTENSIONSIndicates a certificate has unrecognized critical extensions.
The value is 1. |
public static final byte | CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_TOO_LONGIndicates the server certificate chain exceeds the length allowed
by an issuer's policy.
The value is 2. |
public static final byte | EXPIREDIndicates a certificate is expired.
The value is 3. |
public static final byte | UNAUTHORIZED_INTERMEDIATE_CAIndicates an intermediate certificate in the chain does not have the
authority to be a intermediate CA. The value is 4. |
public static final byte | MISSING_SIGNATUREIndicates a certificate object does not contain a signature.
The value is 5. |
public static final byte | NOT_YET_VALIDIndicates a certificate is not yet valid.
The value is 6. |
public static final byte | SITENAME_MISMATCHIndicates a certificate does not contain the correct site name.
The value is 7. |
public static final byte | UNRECOGNIZED_ISSUERIndicates a certificate was issued by an unrecognized entity.
The value is 8. |
public static final byte | UNSUPPORTED_SIGALGIndicates a certificate was signed using an unsupported algorithm.
The value is 9. |
public static final byte | INAPPROPRIATE_KEY_USAGEIndicates a certificate public key has been used in way deemed
inappropriate by the issuer. The value is 10. |
public static final byte | BROKEN_CHAINIndicates a certificate in a chain was not issued by the next
authority in the chain. The value is 11. |
public static final byte | ROOT_CA_EXPIREDIndicates the root CA's public key is expired. The value is 12. |
public static final byte | UNSUPPORTED_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPEIndicates that type of the public key in a certificate is not
supported by the device. The value is 13. |
public static final byte | VERIFICATION_FAILEDIndicates a certificate failed verification.
The value is 14. |