A tag that creates a HTML <a href='' /> that when clicked calls a URL remote XMLHttpRequest call via the dojo
- href
- errorText
- listenTopics
- notifyTopics
- executeScripts
- loadingText
- listenTopics
- handler
- formId
- formFilter
- targets
- showErrorTransportText
- targets
- indicator
'resultDivId' Deprecated. Use targets.
'targets' is a list of element ids whose content will be updated with the
text returned from request.
'errorText' is the text that will be displayed when there is an error making the request.
'onLoadJS' Deprecated. Use 'notifyTopics'.
'preInvokeJS' Deprecated. Use 'notifyTopics'.
'executeScripts' if set to true will execute javascript sections in the returned text.
'loadingText' is the text that will be displayed on the 'targets' elements while making the
'handler' is the name of the function that will take care of making the AJAX request. Dojo's widget
and dom node are passed as parameters).
'formId' is the id of the html form whose fields will be seralized and passed as parameters
in the request.
'formFilter' is the name of a function which will be used to filter the fields that will be
seralized. This function takes as a parameter the element and returns true if the element
should be included.
'listenTopics' comma separated list of topics names, that will trigger a request
'indicator' element to be shown while the request executing
'showErrorTransportText': whether errors should be displayed (on 'targets')
'showLoadingText' show loading text on targets
'notifyTopics' comma separated list of topics names, that will be published. Three parameters are passed:
- data: html or json object when type='load' or type='error'
- type: 'before' before the request is made, 'load' when the request succeeds, or 'error' when it fails
- request: request javascript object, when type='load' or type='error'
<s:a id="link1" theme="ajax" href="/DoIt.action" errorText="An error ocurred" loadingText="Loading...">
<img border="none" src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/images/delete.gif"/>
<s:param name="id" value="1"/>
Results in
<a dojoType="BindAnchor" executeScripts="true" id="link1" href="/DoIt.action?id=1" errorText="An error ocurred"></a>
Here is an example that uses the beforeLoading. This example is in altSyntax=true:
<s:a id="test" theme="ajax" href="/simpeResult.action" beforeLoading="confirm('Are you sure?')">