HTMLTableCellElementImpl.javaAPI DocApache Xerces 3.0.16450Fri Sep 14 20:33:54 BST 2007org.apache.html.dom


public class HTMLTableCellElementImpl extends HTMLElementImpl implements HTMLTableCellElement
$Revision: 449313 $ $Date: 2006-09-23 18:01:43 -0400 (Sat, 23 Sep 2006) $
Assaf Arkin

Fields Summary
private static final long
Constructors Summary
public HTMLTableCellElementImpl(HTMLDocumentImpl owner, String name)
Constructor requires owner document.

owner The owner HTML document

        super( owner, name );
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringgetAbbr()

        return getAttribute( "abbr" );
public java.lang.StringgetAlign()

        return capitalize( getAttribute( "align" ) );
public java.lang.StringgetAxis()

        return getAttribute( "axis" );
public java.lang.StringgetBgColor()

        return getAttribute( "bgcolor" );
public intgetCellIndex()

        Node    parent;
        Node    child;
        int        index;
        parent = getParentNode();
        index = 0;
        if ( parent instanceof HTMLTableRowElement )
            child = parent.getFirstChild();
            while ( child != null )
                if ( child instanceof HTMLTableCellElement )
                    if ( child == this )
                        return index;
                    ++ index;
                child = child.getNextSibling();
        return -1;
public java.lang.StringgetCh()

        String    ch;
        // Make sure that the access key is a single character.
        ch = getAttribute( "char" );
        if ( ch != null && ch.length() > 1 )
            ch = ch.substring( 0, 1 );
        return ch;
public java.lang.StringgetChOff()

        return getAttribute( "charoff" );
public intgetColSpan()

        return getInteger( getAttribute( "colspan" ) );
public java.lang.StringgetHeaders()

        return getAttribute( "headers" );
public java.lang.StringgetHeight()

        return getAttribute( "height" );
public booleangetNoWrap()

        return getBinary( "nowrap" );
public intgetRowSpan()

        return getInteger( getAttribute( "rowspan" ) );
public java.lang.StringgetScope()

        return getAttribute( "scope" );
public java.lang.StringgetVAlign()

        return capitalize( getAttribute( "valign" ) );
public java.lang.StringgetWidth()

        return getAttribute( "width" );
public voidsetAbbr(java.lang.String abbr)

        setAttribute( "abbr", abbr );
public voidsetAlign(java.lang.String align)

        setAttribute( "align", align );
public voidsetAxis(java.lang.String axis)

        setAttribute( "axis", axis );
public voidsetBgColor(java.lang.String bgColor)

        setAttribute( "bgcolor", bgColor );
public voidsetCellIndex(int cellIndex)

        Node    parent;
        Node    child;
        parent = getParentNode();
        if ( parent instanceof HTMLTableRowElement )
            child = parent.getFirstChild();
            while ( child != null )
                if ( child instanceof HTMLTableCellElement )
                    if ( cellIndex == 0 )
                        if ( this != child )
                            parent.insertBefore( this, child );
                    -- cellIndex;
                child = child.getNextSibling();
        parent.appendChild( this );
public voidsetCh(java.lang.String ch)

        // Make sure that the access key is a single character.
        if ( ch != null && ch.length() > 1 )
            ch = ch.substring( 0, 1 );
        setAttribute( "char", ch );
public voidsetChOff(java.lang.String chOff)

        setAttribute( "charoff", chOff );
public voidsetColSpan(int colspan)

        setAttribute( "colspan", String.valueOf( colspan ) );
public voidsetHeaders(java.lang.String headers)

        setAttribute( "headers", headers );
public voidsetHeight(java.lang.String height)

        setAttribute( "height", height );
public voidsetNoWrap(boolean noWrap)

        setAttribute( "nowrap", noWrap );
public voidsetRowSpan(int rowspan)

        setAttribute( "rowspan", String.valueOf( rowspan ) );
public voidsetScope(java.lang.String scope)

        setAttribute( "scope", scope );
public voidsetVAlign(java.lang.String vAlign)

        setAttribute( "valign", vAlign );
public voidsetWidth(java.lang.String width)

        setAttribute( "width", width );