Methods Summary |
public void | deliverTicket(javax.jms.MapMessage reservationMsg, com.titan.travelagent.TicketDO ticket)
// create a ticket and send it to the proper destination
System.out.println ("ReservationProcessor::deliverTicket()..");
Queue queue = (Queue)reservationMsg.getJMSReplyTo ();
QueueConnectionFactory factory = (QueueConnectionFactory)
jndiContext.lookup ("java:comp/env/jms/QueueFactory");
QueueConnection connect = factory.createQueueConnection ();
QueueSession session = connect.createQueueSession (false,0);
QueueSender sender = session.createSender (queue);
ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage ();
message.setObject (ticket);
System.out.println ("Sending message back to sender..");
sender.send (message);
connect.close ();
public void | ejbCreate()
public void | ejbRemove()
jndiContext.close ();
ejbContext = null;
} catch(NamingException ignored) { }
public com.titan.cabin.CabinLocal | getCabin(java.lang.Integer key)
// get a local reference to the Cabin EJB
CabinHomeLocal home = (CabinHomeLocal)
jndiContext.lookup ("java:comp/env/ejb/CabinHomeLocal");
CabinLocal cruise = home.findByPrimaryKey (key);
return cruise;
public | getCruise(java.lang.Integer key)
// get a local reference to the Cruise EJB
CruiseHomeLocal home = (CruiseHomeLocal)
jndiContext.lookup ("java:comp/env/ejb/CruiseHomeLocal");
CruiseLocal cruise = home.findByPrimaryKey (key);
return cruise;
public com.titan.customer.CustomerRemote | getCustomer(java.lang.Integer key)
// get a remote reference to the Customer EJB
Object ref = jndiContext.lookup ("java:comp/env/ejb/CustomerHomeRemote");
CustomerHomeRemote home = (CustomerHomeRemote)
PortableRemoteObject.narrow (ref, CustomerHomeRemote.class);
CustomerRemote customer = (CustomerRemote)home.findByPrimaryKey (key);
return customer;
public void | onMessage(javax.jms.Message message)
System.out.println ("ReservationProcessor::onMessage() called..");
MapMessage reservationMsg = (MapMessage)message;
Integer customerPk = (Integer)
reservationMsg.getObject ("CustomerID");
Integer cruisePk = (Integer)
reservationMsg.getObject ("CruiseID");
Integer cabinPk = (Integer)
reservationMsg.getObject ("CabinID");
double price = reservationMsg.getDouble ("Price");
String creditCardNum = reservationMsg.getString ("CreditCardNum");
Date creditCardExpDate = new Date ( reservationMsg.getLong ("CreditCardExpDate") );
String creditCardType = reservationMsg.getString ("CreditCardType");
CreditCardDO card = new CreditCardDO (creditCardNum,creditCardExpDate,creditCardType);
System.out.println ("Customer ID = "+customerPk+", Cruise ID = "+cruisePk+", Cabin ID = "+cabinPk+", Price = "+price);
CustomerRemote customer = getCustomer (customerPk);
CruiseLocal cruise = getCruise (cruisePk);
CabinLocal cabin = getCabin (cabinPk);
ReservationHomeLocal resHome = (ReservationHomeLocal)
jndiContext.lookup ("java:comp/env/ejb/ReservationHomeLocal");
ReservationLocal reservation =
resHome.create (customer, cruise, cabin, price, new Date ());
Object ref = jndiContext.lookup ("java:comp/env/ejb/ProcessPaymentHomeRemote");
ProcessPaymentHomeRemote ppHome = (ProcessPaymentHomeRemote)
PortableRemoteObject.narrow (ref, ProcessPaymentHomeRemote.class);
ProcessPaymentRemote process = ppHome.create ();
process.byCredit (customer, card, price);
TicketDO ticket = new TicketDO (customer,cruise,cabin,price);
deliverTicket (reservationMsg, ticket);
catch(Exception e)
throw new EJBException (e);
public void | setMessageDrivenContext(javax.ejb.MessageDrivenContext mdc)
ejbContext = mdc;
jndiContext = new InitialContext ();
} catch(NamingException ne)
throw new EJBException (ne);