KeyPairGeneratorSpecTest.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API6313Thu Mar 12 22:22:30 GMT


public class KeyPairGeneratorSpecTest extends android.test.AndroidTestCase

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final X500Principal
private static final long
private static final BigInteger
private static final Date
private static final Date
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidtestBuilder_Success()

        KeyPairGeneratorSpec spec = new KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder(getContext())

        assertEquals("Context should be the one specified", getContext(), spec.getContext());

        assertEquals("Alias should be the one specified", TEST_ALIAS_1, spec.getKeystoreAlias());

        assertEquals("Key algorithm should be the one specified", "RSA", spec.getKeyType());

        assertEquals("Key size should be the one specified", 1024, spec.getKeySize());

        assertEquals("subjectDN should be the one specified", TEST_DN_1, spec.getSubjectDN());

        assertEquals("startDate should be the one specified", NOW, spec.getStartDate());

        assertEquals("endDate should be the one specified", NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, spec.getEndDate());

        assertEquals("encryption flag should be on", KeyStore.FLAG_ENCRYPTED, spec.getFlags());
public voidtestConstructor_EndBeforeStart_Failure()

        try {
            new KeyPairGeneratorSpec(getContext(), TEST_ALIAS_1, "RSA", 1024, null, TEST_DN_1, SERIAL_1,
                    NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, NOW, 0);
            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException when end is before start");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {
public voidtestConstructor_NullContext_Failure()

        try {
            new KeyPairGeneratorSpec(null, TEST_ALIAS_1, "RSA", 1024, null, TEST_DN_1, SERIAL_1, NOW,
                    NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, 0);
            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException when context is null");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {
public voidtestConstructor_NullEndDate_Failure()

        try {
            new KeyPairGeneratorSpec(getContext(), TEST_ALIAS_1, "RSA", 1024, null, TEST_DN_1, SERIAL_1,
                    NOW, null, 0);
            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException when keystoreAlias is null");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {
public voidtestConstructor_NullKeystoreAlias_Failure()

        try {
            new KeyPairGeneratorSpec(getContext(), null, "RSA", 1024, null, TEST_DN_1, SERIAL_1, NOW,
                    NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, 0);
            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException when keystoreAlias is null");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {
public voidtestConstructor_NullSerial_Failure()

        try {
            new KeyPairGeneratorSpec(getContext(), TEST_ALIAS_1, "RSA", 1024, null, TEST_DN_1, null, NOW,
                    NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, 0);
            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException when startDate is null");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {
public voidtestConstructor_NullStartDate_Failure()

        try {
            new KeyPairGeneratorSpec(getContext(), TEST_ALIAS_1, "RSA", 1024, null, TEST_DN_1, SERIAL_1,
                    null, NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, 0);
            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException when startDate is null");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {
public voidtestConstructor_NullSubjectDN_Failure()

        try {
            new KeyPairGeneratorSpec(getContext(), TEST_ALIAS_1, "RSA", 1024, null, null, SERIAL_1, NOW,
                    NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, 0);
            fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException when subjectDN is null");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {
public voidtestConstructor_Success()

        KeyPairGeneratorSpec spec =
                new KeyPairGeneratorSpec(getContext(), TEST_ALIAS_1, "RSA", 1024, null, TEST_DN_1,
                        SERIAL_1, NOW, NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, 0);

        assertEquals("Context should be the one specified", getContext(), spec.getContext());

        assertEquals("Alias should be the one specified", TEST_ALIAS_1, spec.getKeystoreAlias());

        assertEquals("Key algorithm should be the one specified", "RSA", spec.getKeyType());

        assertEquals("Key size should be the one specified", 1024, spec.getKeySize());

        assertEquals("subjectDN should be the one specified", TEST_DN_1, spec.getSubjectDN());

        assertEquals("startDate should be the one specified", NOW, spec.getStartDate());

        assertEquals("endDate should be the one specified", NOW_PLUS_10_YEARS, spec.getEndDate());