HQLTest.javaAPI DocHibernate 3.2.563113Fri Jun 08 14:21:58 BST 2007org.hibernate.test.hql


public class HQLTest extends QueryTranslatorTestCase
Tests cases where the AST based query translator and the 'classic' query translator generate identical SQL.
Gavin King

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public HQLTest(String x)

		super( x );
Methods Summary
private java.util.MapbuildTrueFalseReplacementMapForDialect()

		HashMap replacements = new HashMap();
		try {
			String dialectTrueRepresentation = getDialect().toBooleanValueString( true );
			// if this call succeeds, then the dialect is saying to represent true/false as int values...
			Integer.parseInt( dialectTrueRepresentation );
			replacements.put( "true", "1" );
			replacements.put( "false", "0" );
		catch( NumberFormatException nfe ) {
			// the Integer#parseInt call failed...
		return replacements;
private voidcheck(org.hibernate.engine.query.ReturnMetadata returnMetadata, boolean expectingEmptyTypes, boolean expectingEmptyAliases)

		assertNotNull( "null return metadata", returnMetadata );
		assertNotNull( "null return metadata - types", returnMetadata );
		assertEquals( "unexpected return size", 1, returnMetadata.getReturnTypes().length );
		if ( expectingEmptyTypes ) {
			assertNull( "non-empty types", returnMetadata.getReturnTypes()[0] );
		else {
			assertNotNull( "empty types", returnMetadata.getReturnTypes()[0] );
		if ( expectingEmptyAliases ) {
			assertNull( "non-empty aliases", returnMetadata.getReturnAliases() );
		else {
			assertNotNull( "empty aliases", returnMetadata.getReturnAliases() );
			assertNotNull( "empty aliases", returnMetadata.getReturnAliases()[0] );
protected voidcleanupTest()

		SelectClause.VERSION2_SQL = false;
private voidcompileWithAstQueryTranslator(java.lang.String hql, boolean scalar)

		Map replacements = new HashMap();
		QueryTranslatorFactory ast = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();
		SessionFactoryImplementor factory = getSessionFactoryImplementor();
		QueryTranslator newQueryTranslator = ast.createQueryTranslator( hql, hql, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, factory );
		newQueryTranslator.compile( replacements, scalar );
public booleancreateSchema()

		return false;
protected voidprepareTest()

		SelectClause.VERSION2_SQL = true;
		DotNode.ILLEGAL_COLL_DEREF_EXCP_BUILDER = new DotNode.IllegalCollectionDereferenceExceptionBuilder() {
			public QueryException buildIllegalCollectionDereferenceException(String propertyName, FromReferenceNode lhs) {
				throw new QueryException( "illegal syntax near collection: " + propertyName );
public booleanrecreateSchemaAfterFailure()

		return false;
public voidselectWhereElements()

		assertTranslation( "select foo from Foo foo, Baz baz where foo in elements(baz.fooArray)" );
public static junit.framework.Testsuite()

		return new FunctionalTestClassTestSuite( HQLTest.class );
public voidtestAggregation()

		assertTranslation( "select count(an) from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select count(*) from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select count(distinct an) from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select count(distinct from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select count(all from Animal an" );
public voidtestAssociationPropertyWithoutAlias()

		// The classic translator doesn't do this right, so don't bother asserting.
		compileWithAstQueryTranslator("from Animal where zoo is null", false);
public voidtestCaseExprWhenElse()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h where case h.nickName when '1ovthafew' then 'Gavin' when 'turin' then 'Christian' else h.nickName end =" );
public voidtestCaseWhenElse()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h where case when h.nickName='1ovthafew' then 'Gavin' when h.nickName='turin' then 'Christian' else h.nickName end =" );
public voidtestClassName()

		// The Zoo reference is OK; Zoo is discriminator-based;
		// the old parser could handle these correctly
		// However, the Animal one ares not; Animal is joined subclassing;
		// the old parser does not handle thee correctly.  The new parser
		// previously did not handle them correctly in that same way.  So they
		// used to pass regression even though the output was bogus SQL...
		// I have moved the Animal ones (plus duplicating the Zoo one)
		// to ASTParserLoadingTest for syntax checking.
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where zoo.class = PettingZoo" );
//		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal an where an.class = Dog" );
//		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.class = Dog" );
public voidtestClassProperty()

		// This test causes failures on theta-join dialects because the SQL is different.
		// The queries are semantically the same however.
		if ( getDialect() instanceof Oracle9Dialect ) return;
		if ( getDialect() instanceof Oracle8iDialect ) return;
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a.mother.class = Reptile" );
public voidtestCollectionElementInWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 4 > some elements(zoo.animals)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 4 > all elements(zoo.animals)" );
public voidtestCollectionFetchWithExplicitThetaJoin()

		assertTranslation( "select m from Master m1, Master m left join fetch m.details where" );
public voidtestCollectionFunctions()

		//these are both broken, a join that belongs in the subselect finds its way into the main query
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where size(zoo.animals) > 100" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where maxindex(zoo.mammals) = 'dog'" );
public voidtestCollectionIndexFunctionsInWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 4 = maxindex(zoo.animals)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 2 = minindex(zoo.animals)" );
public voidtestCollectionIndicesInWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 4 > some indices(zoo.animals)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 4 > all indices(zoo.animals)" );
public voidtestCollectionJoinsInSubselect()

		// caused by some goofiness in FromElementFactory that tries to
		// handle correlated subqueries (but fails miserably) even though this
		// is not a correlated subquery.  HHH-1248
				"select, a.description" +
				" from Animal a" +
				"       left join a.offspring" +
				" where a in (" +
				"       select a1 from Animal a1" +
				"           left join a1.offspring o" +
				"       where" +
				"select, h.description" +
		        " from Human h" +
				"      left join h.friends" +
				" where h in (" +
				"      select h1" +
				"      from Human h1" +
				"          left join h1.friends f" +
				"      where" +
public voidtestCollectionOfComponents()

		assertTranslation( "from Baz baz inner join baz.components comp where'foo'" );
public voidtestCollectionOfValues()

		//old parser had a bug where the collection element was not returned!
		//TODO: broken on dialects with theta-style joins
		//      steve (2005.10.06) - this works perfectly for me on Oracle8i
		assertTranslation( "from Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'" );
public voidtestCollectionOfValuesSize()

		//SQL *was* missing a comma
		assertTranslation( "select size(baz.stringDateMap) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Baz baz" );
public voidtestCollectionOrderBy()

		assertTranslation("from Animal a join a.offspring o order by a.description");
		assertTranslation("from Animal a join fetch a.offspring order by a.description");
		assertTranslation("from Animal a join fetch a.offspring o order by o.description");
		assertTranslation("from Animal a join a.offspring o order by a.description, o.description");
public voidtestCollectionSize()

		//SQL is correct, query spaces *was* missing a table
		assertTranslation( "select size(zoo.animals) from Zoo zoo" );
public voidtestCollectionsInSelect2()

		// This one looks okay now, it just generates extra parens in the where clause.
		assertTranslation( "select foo.string from Bar bar left join bar.baz.fooArray foo where bar.string = foo.string" );
public voidtestComplexExpressionInFunction()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs((3-5)/4)" );
public voidtestComponent()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h where = 'Gavin'" );
public voidtestComponent2()

		assertTranslation( "from Dog dog where = 'Gavin'" );
public voidtestComponentManyToOneDereferenceShortcut()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo z where is null" );
public voidtestComponentNoAlias()

		// The classic translator doesn't do this right, so don't bother asserting.
		compileWithAstQueryTranslator( "from Human where name.first = 'Gavin'", false);
public voidtestCompositeKeysWithPropertyNamedId()

		assertTranslation( "select from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e" );
		assertTranslation( "select max( from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e" );
public voidtestConcatenation()

		if ( getDialect() instanceof MySQLDialect || getDialect() instanceof SybaseDialect ) {
			// MySQL uses concat(x, y, z)
			// SQL Server replaces '||' with '+'
			// this is syntax checked in {@link ASTParserLoadingTest#testConcatenation} 
		assertTranslation("from Human h where h.nickName = '1' || 'ov' || 'tha' || 'few'");
public voidtestConstructorNode()

		ConstructorNode n = new ConstructorNode();
		assertNull( n.getFromElement() );
		assertFalse( n.isReturnableEntity() );
public voidtestCorrelatedSubselect1()

		// The old translator generates the theta join before the condition in the sub query.
		// TODO: Decide if we want to bother generating the theta join in the same order (non simple).
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where exists (from a.offspring o where o.bodyWeight>10)" );
public voidtestCorrelatedSubselect2()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a.bodyWeight > (select max(o.bodyWeight) from a.offspring o)" );
public voidtestCrazyIdFieldNames()

		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = true;
		// only regress against non-scalar forms as there appears to be a bug in the classic translator
		// in regards to this issue also.  Specifically, it interprets the wrong return type, though it gets
		// the sql "correct" :/

		String hql = "select e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName from MoreCrazyIdFieldNameStuffEntity e where e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName is not null";
		assertTranslation( hql, new HashMap(), false, ( String ) null );

	    hql = "select e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName from MoreCrazyIdFieldNameStuffEntity e where e.heresAnotherCrazyIdFieldName is not null";
		assertTranslation( hql, new HashMap(), false, ( String ) null );

		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = false;
public voidtestDateTimeArithmeticReturnTypesAndParameterGuessing()

		QueryTranslatorImpl translator = createNewQueryTranslator( "select o.orderDate - o.orderDate from Order o" );
		assertEquals( "incorrect return type count", 1, translator.getReturnTypes().length );
		assertEquals( "incorrect return type", Hibernate.DOUBLE, translator.getReturnTypes()[0] );
		translator = createNewQueryTranslator( "select o.orderDate + 2 from Order o" );
		assertEquals( "incorrect return type count", 1, translator.getReturnTypes().length );
		assertEquals( "incorrect return type", Hibernate.CALENDAR_DATE, translator.getReturnTypes()[0] );
		translator = createNewQueryTranslator( "select o.orderDate -2 from Order o" );
		assertEquals( "incorrect return type count", 1, translator.getReturnTypes().length );
		assertEquals( "incorrect return type", Hibernate.CALENDAR_DATE, translator.getReturnTypes()[0] );

		translator = createNewQueryTranslator( "from Order o where o.orderDate > ?" );
		assertEquals( "incorrect expected param type", Hibernate.CALENDAR_DATE, translator.getParameterTranslations().getOrdinalParameterExpectedType( 1 ) );

		translator = createNewQueryTranslator( "select o.orderDate + ? from Order o" );
		assertEquals( "incorrect return type count", 1, translator.getReturnTypes().length );
		assertEquals( "incorrect return type", Hibernate.CALENDAR_DATE, translator.getReturnTypes()[0] );
		assertEquals( "incorrect expected param type", Hibernate.DOUBLE, translator.getParameterTranslations().getOrdinalParameterExpectedType( 1 ) );

public voidtestDotComponent()

		// from FumTest.testListIdentifiers()
		assertTranslation( "select from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Fum as fum where not fum.fum='FRIEND'" );
public voidtestDuplicateExplicitJoinFailureExpected()

		//very minor issue with select clause:
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a join a.mother m1 join a.mother m2" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an join zoo.mammals m" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals an join zoo.mammals m" );
public voidtestDuplicateImplicitJoinInSelect()

		// This test causes failures on theta-join dialects because the SQL is different.  The old parser
		// duplicates the condition, whereas the new parser does not.  The queries are semantically the
		// same however.
		if ( getDialect() instanceof Oracle9Dialect ) return;
		if ( getDialect() instanceof Oracle8iDialect ) return;
		assertTranslation( "select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an join an.mother m where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10" );
		assertTranslation( "select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10" );
		//assertTranslation("select an.mother from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight is not null");
		assertTranslation( "select an.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an order by an.mother.bodyWeight" );
public voidtestElementsInWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 4 in elements(zoo.animals)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where exists elements(zoo.animals)" );
public voidtestEmptyInListFailureExpected()

		assertTranslation( "select a from Animal a where a.description in ()" );
public voidtestEscapedQuote()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h where h.nickName='1 ov''tha''few'");
public voidtestExceptions()

		DetailedSemanticException dse = new DetailedSemanticException( "test" );
		dse.printStackTrace( new PrintWriter( new StringWriter() ) );
		QuerySyntaxException qse = QuerySyntaxException.convert( new RecognitionException( "test" ), "from bozo b where b.clown = true" );
		assertNotNull( qse.getMessage() );
public voidtestExplicitCollectionJoins()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.offspring os" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an left outer join an.offspring os" );
public voidtestExplicitEntityJoins()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.mother mo" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an left outer join fetch an.mother" );
public voidtestExplicitEntityJoinsWithRestriction()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight" );
public voidtestExplicitJoinMapIndex()

		//TODO: this breaks on dialects with theta-style outerjoins:
		//      steve (2005.10.06) - this works perfectly for me on Oracle8i
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo, Dog dog where zoo.mammals['dog'] = dog" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where zoo.mammals['dog'] = dog" );
public voidtestExplicitJoins()

		Map replacements = buildTrueFalseReplacementMapForDialect();
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals mam where mam.pregnant = true and mam.description like '%white%'", replacements );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where an.description like '%white%'" );
public voidtestExplicitJoinsInSubquery()

		// test for HHH-557,
		// TODO : this passes regardless because the only difference between the two sqls is one extra comma
		// (commas are eaten by the tokenizer during asserTranslation when building the token maps).
		        "from org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal as animal " +
		        "where in (" +
		        "        select " +
		        "        from org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal as a " +
		        "               left join a.mother as mo" +
public voidtestExplicitOuterJoinFetch()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an left outer join fetch an.offspring" );
public voidtestExplicitOuterJoinFetchWithSelect()

		assertTranslation( "select an from Animal an left outer join fetch an.offspring" );
public voidtestExpressionInFunction()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3-5)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3/5)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3+5)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(3*5)" );
		SQLFunction concat = getSessionFactoryImplementor().getSqlFunctionRegistry().findSQLFunction( "concat");
		List list = new ArrayList(); list.add("'fat'"); list.add("'skinny'");
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.description = " + concat.render(list, getSessionFactoryImplementor()) );
public voidtestExpressionWithParamInFunction()

		assertTranslation("from Animal a where abs(a.bodyWeight-:param) < 2.0");
		assertTranslation("from Animal a where abs(:param - a.bodyWeight) < 2.0");
		assertTranslation("from Animal where abs(:x - :y) < 2.0");
		assertTranslation("from Animal where lower(upper(:foo)) like 'f%'");
		if ( ! ( getDialect() instanceof SybaseDialect ) ) {
			// SybaseDialect maps the length function -> len; classic translator does not consider that *when nested*
			assertTranslation("from Animal a where abs(abs(a.bodyWeight - 1.0 + :param) * abs(length('ffobar')-3)) = 3.0");
		if ( !( getDialect() instanceof MySQLDialect || getDialect() instanceof SybaseDialect ) ) {
			assertTranslation("from Animal where lower(upper('foo') || upper(:bar)) like 'f%'");
		if ( getDialect() instanceof PostgreSQLDialect ) {
		assertTranslation("from Animal where abs(cast(1 as float) - cast(:param as float)) = 1.0");
public voidtestFetch()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo left join zoo.mammals" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo left join fetch zoo.mammals" );
public voidtestFetchCollectionOfValues()

		assertTranslation( "from Baz baz left join fetch baz.stringSet" );
public voidtestFetchList()

		assertTranslation( "from User u join fetch u.permissions" );
public voidtestFetchOrderBy()

		assertTranslation("from Animal a left outer join fetch a.offspring where = :mid order by a.description");
public voidtestFromClauseImplicitJoin()

		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner.mother m where m.bodyWeight > 10" );
public voidtestFromOnly()

		// 2004-06-21 [jsd] This test now works with the new AST based QueryTranslatorImpl.
		assertTranslation( "from Animal" );
		assertTranslation( "from Model" );
public voidtestGroupBy()

		assertTranslation( "select, max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an group by" );
		assertTranslation( "select, max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an group by having max(an.bodyWeight)>1.0" );
public voidtestGroupByFunction()

		if ( getDialect() instanceof Oracle9Dialect ) return;
		if ( getDialect() instanceof Oracle8iDialect ) return; // the new hiearchy...
		if ( getDialect() instanceof PostgreSQLDialect ) return;
		assertTranslation( "select count(*) from Human h group by year(h.birthdate)" );
		assertTranslation( "select count(*) from Human h group by trunc( sqrt(h.bodyWeight*4)/2 )" );
		assertTranslation( "select count(*) from Human h group by year(sysdate)" );
public voidtestGroupByMultiple()

		assertTranslation( "select, s.count, count(t), max( from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple s, org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple t where s.count = t.count group by, s.count order by s.count" );
public voidtestHHH719()

        assertTranslation("from Baz b order by org.bazco.SpecialFunction(");
        assertTranslation("from Baz b order by anypackage.anyFunction(");
public voidtestHavingCount()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an group by having count( > 1" );
public voidtestIdProperty()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where = 12" );
public voidtestImplicitJoinContainedByCollectionFunction()

		// HHH-281 : Implied joins in a collection function (i.e., indices or elements)
		assertTranslation( "from Human as h where 'shipping' in indices(h.father.addresses)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human as h where 'shipping' in indices(h.father.father.addresses)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human as h where 'sparky' in elements(h.father.nickNames)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human as h where 'sparky' in elements(h.father.father.nickNames)" );
public voidtestImplicitJoinInExplicitJoin()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother gm" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother.mother ggm" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.mother.mother.mother.mother gggm" );
public voidtestImplicitJoinInFrom()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h join h.mother.mother.offspring o" );
public voidtestImplicitJoinInSelect()

		assertTranslation( "select foo, foo.long from Foo foo" );
		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = true;
		assertTranslation( "select from Foo foo" );
		assertTranslation( "select foo, from Foo foo" );
		assertTranslation( "select from Foo foo where is not null" );
		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = false;
public voidtestImplicitJoinInSubselect()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a = (select an.mother from Animal an)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where = (select from Animal an)" );
public voidtestImplicitJoins()

		// Two dots...
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > ?" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > 10" );
		assertTranslation( "from Dog dog where dog.mother.bodyWeight > 10" );
		// Three dots...
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.mother.mother.bodyWeight > 10" );
		// The new QT doesn't throw an exception here, so this belongs in ASTQueryTranslator test. [jsd]
//		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.offspring.mother.bodyWeight > 10" );
		// Is not null (unary postfix operator)
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.mother is not null" );
		// ID property shortut (no implicit join)
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where = 123" );
public voidtestImplicitJoinsAlongWithCartesianProduct()

		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = true;
		assertTranslation( "select from Foo foo, Foo foo2" );
		assertTranslation( "select from Foo foo, Foo foo2" );
		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = false;
public voidtestImplicitJoinsInGroupBy()

		        "select o.mother.bodyWeight, count(distinct o) " +
		        "from Animal an " +
		        "   join an.offspring as o " +
		        "group by o.mother.bodyWeight"
public voidtestImpliedJoinInSubselectFrom()

		// HHH-276 : Implied joins in a from in a subselect.
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where exists( from a.mother.offspring )" );
public voidtestImpliedManyToManyProperty()

		//missing a table join (SQL correct for a one-to-many, not for a many-to-many)
		assertTranslation( "select c from ContainerX c where c.manyToMany[0].name = 's'" );
public voidtestImpliedSelect()

		assertTranslation( "select zoo from Zoo zoo" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals m" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals" );
public voidtestIndexFunction()

		// Instead of doing the pre-processor trick like the existing QueryTranslator, this
		// is handled by MethodNode.
		//      steve (2005.10.06) - this works perfectly for me on Oracle8i
		//TODO: broken on dialects with theta-style outerjoins:
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where index(dog) = 'dog'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where index(an) = '1234'" );
public voidtestIndexNode()

		IndexNode n = new IndexNode();
		Exception ex = null;
		try {
			n.setScalarColumnText( 0 );
		catch ( UnsupportedOperationException e ) {
			ex = e;
		assertNotNull( ex );
public voidtestIndexWithExplicitJoin()

		//TODO: broken on dialects with theta-style outerjoins:
		//      steve (2005.10.06) - this works perfectly for me on Oracle8i
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where zoo.mammals[ index(an) ] = an" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where zoo.mammals[ index(dog) ] = dog" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.mammals dog where dog = zoo.mammals[ index(dog) ]" );
public voidtestIndicesInWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 4 in indices(zoo.animals)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where exists indices(zoo.animals)" );
public voidtestInvalidCollectionDereferencesFail()

		// should fail with the same exceptions (because of the DotNode.ILLEGAL_COLL_DEREF_EXCP_BUILDER)
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a.offspring.description = 'xyz'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a.offspring.father.description = 'xyz'" );
public voidtestInvalidHql()

		Exception newException = compileBadHql( "from Animal foo where an.bodyWeight > 10", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "select from Animal foo", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "from Animal foo where an.verybogus > 10", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "select an.boguspropertyname from Animal foo", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "select", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "from Animal an where (((an.bodyWeight > 10 and an.bodyWeight < 100)) or an.bodyWeight is null", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight is null where an.bodyWeight is null", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "from where name='foo'", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "from NonexistentClass where name='foo'", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "select new FOO_BOGUS_Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );
		newException = compileBadHql( "select new Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight, 666) from Animal an", false );
		assertTrue( "Wrong exception type!", newException instanceof QuerySyntaxException );

public voidtestJavaConstant()

		assertTranslation( "from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category c where = org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category.ROOT_CATEGORY" );
		assertTranslation( "from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category c where = org.hibernate.test.legacy.Category.ROOT_ID" );
		// todo : additional desired functionality
		//assertTranslation( "from Category c where = Category.ROOT_CATEGORY" );
		//assertTranslation( "select, Category.ROOT_ID from Category as c");
public voidtestJoinFetchCollectionOfValues()

		assertTranslation( "select h from Human as h join fetch h.nickNames" );
public voidtestJoinInSubselect()

		//new parser uses ANSI-style inner join syntax
		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = true;
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a in (select m from Animal an join an.mother m)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a in (select o from Animal an join an.offspring o)" );
		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = false;
public voidtestJoinPathEndingInValueCollection()

		assertTranslation( "select h from Human as h join h.nickNames as nn where h.nickName=:nn1 and (nn=:nn2 or nn=:nn3)" );
public voidtestJoinedSubclassImplicitJoin()

		// From MultiTableTest.testQueries()
		// TODO: This produces the proper from clause now, but the parens in the where clause are different.
		assertTranslation( "from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Lower s where'name'" );
public voidtestJoinedSubclassProduct()

		assertTranslation( "from PettingZoo, PettingZoo" ); //product of two subclasses
public voidtestJoinedSubclassWithOrCondition()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where (an.bodyWeight > 10 and an.bodyWeight < 100) or an.bodyWeight is null" );
public voidtestKeyManyToOneJoinFailureExpected()

		//TODO: new parser generates unnecessary joins (though the query results are correct)
		assertTranslation( "from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems li left join fetch li.product p" );
		assertTranslation( "from Outer o where is not null" );
		assertTranslation( "from Outer o where is not null" );
public voidtestKeywordPropertyName()

		assertTranslation( "from Glarch g order by g.order asc" );
		assertTranslation( "select g.order from Glarch g where g.order = 3" );
public voidtestListElementFunctionInWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from User u where 'read' in elements(u.permissions)" );
		assertTranslation( "from User u where 'write' <> all elements(u.permissions)" );
public voidtestLiteralInFunction()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(5)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > abs(-5)" );
public voidtestManyToAnyReferences()

		assertTranslation( "from PropertySet p where is not null" );
		assertTranslation( "from PropertySet p join p.generalProperties gp where is not null" );
public voidtestManyToMany()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h join h.friends f where f.nickName = 'Gavin'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h join h.friends f where f.bodyWeight > 100" );
public voidtestManyToManyElementFunctionInWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from Human human where human in elements(human.friends)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human human where human = some elements(human.friends)" );
public voidtestManyToManyElementFunctionInWhere2()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h1, Human h2 where h2 in elements(" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h1, Human h2 where 'father' in indices(" );
public voidtestManyToManyFetch()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h left join fetch h.friends" );
public voidtestManyToManyInJoin()

		assertTranslation( "select from Human h1 join x" );
		//assertTranslation("select index(h2) from Human h1 join h2");
public voidtestManyToManyInSubselect()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h1, Human h2 where h2 in (select from x)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h1, Human h2 where 'father' in indices(" );
public voidtestManyToManyIndexAccessor()

		// From ParentChildTest.testCollectionQuery()
		assertTranslation( "select c from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s" );
		assertTranslation( "select s from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s" );
		assertTranslation( "from ContainerX c, Simple s where c.manyToMany[2] = s" );
		//would be nice to have:
		//assertTranslation( "select c.manyToMany[2] from ContainerX c" );
public voidtestManyToManyJoinInSubselect()

		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = true;
		assertTranslation( "select foo from Foo foo where foo in (select elt from Baz baz join baz.fooArray elt)" );
		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = false;
public voidtestManyToManyMaxElementFunctionInWhere()

		//completely broken!!
		assertTranslation( "from Human human where 5 = maxelement(human.friends)" );
public voidtestManyToOneSubselect()

		//TODO: the join in the subselect also shows up in the outer query!
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where 'foo' in (select m.description from a.mother m)" );
public voidtestMapIndex()

		assertTranslation( "from User u where u.permissions['hibernate']='read'" );
public voidtestMaxindexHqlFunctionInElementAccessorFailureExpected()

		//TODO: broken SQL
		//      steve (2005.10.06) - this is perfect SQL, but fairly different from the old parser
		//              tested : HSQLDB (1.8), Oracle8i
		assertTranslation( "select c from ContainerX c where c.manyToMany[ maxindex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2" );
		assertTranslation( "select c from Container c where c.manyToMany[ maxIndex(c.manyToMany) ].count = 2" );
public voidtestMultibyteCharacterConstant()
Test for HHH-559

        assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo join zoo.animals an where an.description like '%\u4e2d%'" );
public voidtestMultipleElementAccessorOperatorsFailureExpected()

		//TODO: broken SQL
		//      steve (2005.10.06) - Yes, this is all hosed ;)
		assertTranslation( "select c from ContainerX c where c.oneToMany[ c.manyToMany[0].count ].name = 's'" );
		assertTranslation( "select c from ContainerX c where c.manyToMany[ c.oneToMany[0].count ].name = 's'" );
public voidtestMultipleExplicitCollectionJoins()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.offspring os join os.offspring gc" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an left outer join an.offspring os left outer join os.offspring gc" );
public voidtestMultipleExplicitEntityJoins()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.mother mo inner join mo.mother gm" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo left outer join mo.mother gm" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.mother m inner join an.father f" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an left join fetch an.mother m left join fetch an.father f" );
public voidtestMultipleExplicitJoins()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an inner join an.mother mo inner join an.offspring os" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an left outer join an.mother mo left outer join an.offspring os" );
public voidtestNamedParameters()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.mother.bodyWeight > :weight" );
public voidtestNestedCollectionImplicitJoins()

		// HHH-770
		assertTranslation( "select h.friends.offspring from Human h" );
public voidtestNestedComponent()

		// From FooBarTest.testQuery()
		//an extra set of parens in new SQL
		assertTranslation( "from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo where'bar'" );
public voidtestNestedComponentIsNull()

		// From MapTest...
		assertTranslation( "from Commento c where c.marelo.commento.mcompr is null" );
public voidtestNestedImplicitJoinsInSelect()

		// NOTE: This test is not likely to generate the exact SQL because of the where clause.  The synthetic
		// theta style joins come out differently in the new QT.
		// From FooBarTest.testQuery()
		// Missing the foo2_ join, and foo3_ should include subclasses, but it doesn't.
//		assertTranslation("select from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo where = 'bar'");
		assertTranslation( "select from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Foo foo" );
public voidtestNotOrWhereClause()

		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or not 'foo'='foo'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or not ('foo'='foo')" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' )" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' )" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' ) or not ('x'='y')" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' ) and not ('x'='y')" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' ) and 'x'='y'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where not ( 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' ) or 'x'='y'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo' or not 'x'='y'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where 'foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo' and not 'x'='y'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where ('foo'='bar' and 'foo'='foo') or 'x'='y'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where ('foo'='bar' or 'foo'='foo') and 'x'='y'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where not( upper( ) ='yada' or 1=2 or 'foo'='bar' or not('foo'='foo') or 'foo' like 'bar' )" );
public voidtestNull()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h where h.nickName is null" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h where h.nickName is not null" );
public voidtestNull2()

		//old parser generates useless extra parens
		assertTranslation( "from Human h where not( h.nickName is null )" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h where not( h.nickName is not null )" );
public voidtestOneToManyElementFunctionInWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where 'dog' in indices(zoo.mammals)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo, Dog dog where dog in elements(zoo.mammals)" );
public voidtestOneToManyIndexAccess()

		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'] is not null" );
public voidtestOneToManyMapIndex()

		//TODO: this breaks on dialects with theta-style outerjoins:
		//      steve (2005.10.06) - this works perfectly for me on Oracle8i
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'].description like '%black%'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'].father.description like '%black%'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where zoo.mammals['dog'] = 1234" );
		assertTranslation( "from Zoo zoo where zoo.animals['1234'].description like '%black%'" );
public voidtestOneToOne()

		assertTranslation( "from User u where u.human.nickName='Steve'" );
		assertTranslation( "from User u where'Steve'" );
public voidtestOneToOneJoinedFetch()

		// From OneToOneTest.testOneToOneOnSubclass
		assertTranslation( "from org.hibernate.test.onetoone.joined.Person p join fetch p.address left join fetch p.mailingAddress" );
public voidtestOrderBy()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight asc" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight desc" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an order by sqrt(an.bodyWeight*4)/2" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an order by an.mother.bodyWeight" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight, an.description" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an order by an.bodyWeight asc, an.description desc" );
		if ( getDialect() instanceof HSQLDialect || getDialect() instanceof DB2Dialect ) {
			assertTranslation( "from Human h order by sqrt(h.bodyWeight), year(h.birthdate)" );
public voidtestOrderByCount()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an group by order by, count(*)" );
public voidtestOuterAliasInSubselect()

		assertTranslation( "from Human h where h = (from Animal an where an = h)" );
public voidtestParameterListExpansion()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal as animal where in (:idList_1, :idList_2)" );
public voidtestPolymorphism()

		Map replacements = buildTrueFalseReplacementMapForDialect();
		assertTranslation( "from Mammal" );
		assertTranslation( "from Dog" );
		assertTranslation( "from Mammal m where m.pregnant = false and m.bodyWeight > 10", replacements );
		assertTranslation( "from Dog d where d.pregnant = false and d.bodyWeight > 10", replacements );
public voidtestPositionalParameters()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > ?" );
public voidtestProduct()

		Map replacements = buildTrueFalseReplacementMapForDialect();
		assertTranslation( "from Animal, Animal" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal x, Animal y where x.bodyWeight = y.bodyWeight" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal x, Mammal y where x.bodyWeight = y.bodyWeight and not y.pregnant = true", replacements );
		assertTranslation( "from Mammal, Mammal" );
public voidtestProjectProduct()

		assertTranslation( "select x from Human x, Human y where x.nickName = y.nickName" );
		assertTranslation( "select x, y from Human x, Human y where x.nickName = y.nickName" );
public voidtestProjectProductJoinedSubclass()

		// TODO: The old QT generates the discriminator and the theta join in a strange order, and with two extra sets of parens, this is okay, right?
		assertTranslation( "select zoo from Zoo zoo, PettingZoo pz where zoo=pz" );
		assertTranslation( "select zoo, pz from Zoo zoo, PettingZoo pz where zoo=pz" );
public voidtestReturnMetadata()

		HQLQueryPlan plan = createQueryPlan( "from Animal a" );
		check( plan.getReturnMetadata(), false, true );

		plan = createQueryPlan( "select a as animal from Animal a" );
		check( plan.getReturnMetadata(), false, false );

		plan = createQueryPlan( "from java.lang.Object" );
		check( plan.getReturnMetadata(), true, true );

		plan = createQueryPlan( "select o as entity from java.lang.Object o" );
		check( plan.getReturnMetadata(), true, false );
public voidtestSelectAssociatedEntityId()

		assertTranslation( "select from Animal an" );
public voidtestSelectClauseImplicitJoin()

		//assertTranslation( "select d.owner.mother from Dog d" ); //bug in old qt
		assertTranslation( "select d.owner.mother.description from Dog d" );
		//assertTranslation( "select d.owner.mother from Dog d, Dog h" );
public voidtestSelectCollectionOfValues()

		//TODO: broken on dialects with theta-style joins
		///old parser had a bug where the collection element was not included in return types!
		//      steve (2005.10.06) - this works perfectly for me on Oracle8i
		assertTranslation( "select baz, date from Baz baz join baz.stringDateMap date where index(date) = 'foo'" );
public voidtestSelectDialectFunction()

		// From SQLFunctionsTest.testDialectSQLFunctions...
		if ( getDialect() instanceof HSQLDialect ) {
			assertTranslation( "select mod(s.count, 2) from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple as s where = 10" );
			//assertTranslation( "from org.hibernate.test.legacy.Simple as s where mod(s.count, 2) = 0" );
		assertTranslation( "select upper( from Human human" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human human where lower( like 'gav%'" );
		assertTranslation( "select upper(a.description) from Animal a" );
		assertTranslation( "select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a" );
public voidtestSelectDistinctAll()

		assertTranslation( "select distinct an.description, an.bodyWeight from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select all an from Animal an" );
public voidtestSelectDistinctComposite()

		// This is from CompositeElementTest.testHandSQL.
		assertTranslation( "select distinct p from org.hibernate.test.compositeelement.Parent p join p.children c where like 'Child%'" );
public voidtestSelectEntity()

		assertTranslation( "select an from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight" );
		assertTranslation( "select mo, an from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight" );
public voidtestSelectEntityProperty()

		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = true;
		assertTranslation( "select an.mother from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select an, an.mother from Animal an" );
		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = false;
public voidtestSelectExpressions()

		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = true;
		assertTranslation( "select an.mother.mother from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select an.mother.mother.mother from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select an.mother.mother.bodyWeight from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select from User user" );
		assertTranslation( "select u.userName, from User u" );
		assertTranslation( "select, from User u" );
		assertTranslation( "select from Bar bar" );
		assertTranslation( "select, bar.baz.count from Bar bar" );
		DotNode.useThetaStyleImplicitJoins = false;
public voidtestSelectNew()

		assertTranslation( "select new Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an" );
		assertTranslation( "select new org.hibernate.test.hql.Animal(an.description, an.bodyWeight) from Animal an" );
public voidtestSelectProperty()

		assertTranslation( "select an.bodyWeight, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight" );
public voidtestSelectProperty2()

		assertTranslation( "select an, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight" );
		assertTranslation( "select an, mo, an.bodyWeight, mo.bodyWeight from Animal an inner join an.mother mo where an.bodyWeight < mo.bodyWeight" );
public voidtestSelectStandardFunctionsNoParens()

		assertTranslation( "select current_date, current_time, current_timestamp from Animal" );
public voidtestSerialJoinPathEndingInValueCollection()

		// HHH-242
		assertTranslation( "select h from Human as h join h.friends as f join f.nickNames as nn where h.nickName=:nn1 and (nn=:nn2 or nn=:nn3)" );
public voidtestSimpleCorrelatedSubselect()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select o.bodyWeight from a.offspring o)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a = (from a.offspring o)" );
public voidtestSimpleCorrelatedSubselect2()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a = (select o from a.offspring o)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a in (select o from a.offspring o)" );
public voidtestSimpleUncorrelatedSubselect()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select an.bodyWeight from Animal an)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a = (from Animal an)" );
public voidtestSimpleUncorrelatedSubselect2()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a = (select an from Animal an)" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a in (select an from Animal an)" );
public voidtestSizeFunctionAndProperty()

		assertTranslation("from Animal a where a.offspring.size > 0");
		assertTranslation("from Animal a join a.offspring where a.offspring.size > 1");
		assertTranslation("from Animal a where size(a.offspring) > 0");
		assertTranslation("from Animal a join a.offspring o where size(a.offspring) > 1");
		assertTranslation("from Animal a where size(a.offspring) > 1 and size(a.offspring) < 100");

		assertTranslation("from Human a where > 0");
		assertTranslation("from Human a join where > 1");
		assertTranslation("from Human a where size( > 0");
		assertTranslation("from Human a join o where size( > 1");
		assertTranslation("from Human a where > 0 and < 100");
public voidtestStandardFunctions()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal where current_date = current_time" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where upper(a.description) = 'FAT'" );
		assertTranslation( "select lower(a.description) from Animal a" );
public voidtestSubComponentReferences()

		assertTranslation( "select from ComponentContainer c" );
		assertTranslation( "select from ComponentContainer c" );
		assertTranslation( "select c.address from ComponentContainer c" );
public voidtestSubclassAssociation()

		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.nickName = 'Gavin'" );
		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal da left join fetch da.owner" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h join h.pets p where p.pregnant = 1" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h join h.pets p where p.bodyWeight > 100" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h left join fetch h.pets" );
public voidtestSubclassExplicitJoin()

		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.nickName = 'gavin'" );
		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal da join da.owner o where o.bodyWeight > 0" );
public voidtestSubclassImplicitJoin()

		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.nickName like 'Gavin%'" );
		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.nickName = 'gavin'" );
		assertTranslation( "from DomesticAnimal da where da.owner.bodyWeight > 0" );
public voidtestSubclassWhere()

		// TODO: The classic QT generates lots of extra parens, etc.
		assertTranslation( "from PettingZoo pz1, PettingZoo pz2 where =" );
		assertTranslation( "from PettingZoo pz1, PettingZoo pz2 where = pz2" );
		assertTranslation( "from PettingZoo pz where > 0 " );
public voidtestSubselectBetween()

		assertTranslation("from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) between :min and :max");
		assertTranslation("from Animal x where (select max(a.description) from Animal a) like 'big%'");
		assertTranslation("from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) is not null");
		assertTranslation("from Animal x where exists (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a)");
		assertTranslation("from Animal x where (select max(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a) in (1,2,3)");
public voidtestSubselectImplicitJoins()

		// HHH-276 : Implied joins in a from in a subselect.
		assertTranslation( "from Simple s where s = some( select sim from Simple sim where sim.other.count=s.other.count )" );
public voidtestSubstitutions()

		Map replacements = buildTrueFalseReplacementMapForDialect();
		replacements.put("yes", "'Y'");
		assertTranslation( "from Human h where h.pregnant = true", replacements );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h where h.pregnant = yes", replacements );
		assertTranslation( "from Human h where h.pregnant = foo", replacements );
public voidtestToOneToManyJoinSequence()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a join a.mother m join m.offspring" );
		assertTranslation( "from Dog d join d.owner m join m.offspring" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal a join a.mother m join m.offspring o where o.bodyWeight > a.bodyWeight" );
public voidtestToOneToManyManyJoinSequence()

		assertTranslation( "from Dog d join d.owner h join h.friends f where like 'joe%'" );
public voidtestTokenReplacement()

		Map replacements = buildTrueFalseReplacementMapForDialect();
		assertTranslation( "from Mammal m where m.pregnant = false and m.bodyWeight > 10", replacements );
public voidtestTwoJoins()

		assertTranslation( "from Human human join human.friends, Human h join h.mother" );
		assertTranslation( "from Human human join human.friends f, Animal an join an.mother m where f=m" );
		assertTranslation( "from Baz baz left join baz.fooToGlarch, Bar bar join" );
public voidtestUncorrelatedSubselect2()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = (select max(an.bodyWeight) from Animal an)" );
public voidtestUnknownFailureFromMultiTableTest()

		assertTranslation( "from Lower s where'name'" );
public voidtestValueAggregate()

		assertTranslation( "select max(p), min(p) from User u join u.permissions p" );
public voidtestVectorSubselect()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where ('foo', 'bar') in (select m.description, m.bodyWeight from a.mother m)" );
public voidtestWhere()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight > 10" );
		// 2004-06-26 [jsd] This one requires NOT GT => LE transform.
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where not an.bodyWeight > 10" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight between 0 and 10" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight not between 0 and 10" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where sqrt(an.bodyWeight)/2 > 10" );
		// 2004-06-27 [jsd] Recognize 'is null' properly.  Generate 'and' and 'or' as well.
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where (an.bodyWeight > 10 and an.bodyWeight < 100) or an.bodyWeight is null" );
public voidtestWhereBetween()

		// 2004-08-31 [jsd] This "just worked"! Woohoo!
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.bodyWeight between 1 and 10" );
public voidtestWhereIn()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.description in ('fat', 'skinny')" );
public voidtestWhereLike()

		assertTranslation( "from Animal a where a.description like '%black%'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where an.description like '%fat%'" );
		assertTranslation( "from Animal an where lower(an.description) like '%fat%'" );
public voidtestWierdSubselectImplicitJoinStuff()

		//note that the new qt used to eliminate unnecessary join, but no more
		assertTranslation("from Simple s where s = some( select sim from Simple sim where sim.other.count=s.other.count ) and s.other.count > 0");