Methods Summary |
public void | close()Closes this GDataClient, cleaning up any resources, persistent connections, etc.,
it may have.
public | createEntry(java.lang.String feedUrl, java.lang.String authToken, entry)Connects to a GData server (specified by the feedUrl) and creates a new
entry. The response from the server is returned as an
{@link InputStream}. The caller is responsible for calling
{@link InputStream#close()} on the returned {@link InputStream}.
public QueryParams | createQueryParams()Creates a new QueryParams that should be used to restrict the feed
contents that are fetched.
public void | deleteEntry(java.lang.String editUri, java.lang.String authToken)Connects to a GData server (specified by the editUri) and deletes an
existing entry.
public java.lang.String | encodeUri(java.lang.String uri)URI encodes the supplied uri (using UTF-8).
public | getFeedAsStream(java.lang.String feedUrl, java.lang.String authToken)Connects to a GData server (specified by the feedUrl) and fetches the
specified feed as an InputStream. The caller is responsible for calling
{@link InputStream#close()} on the returned {@link InputStream}.
public | getMediaEntryAsStream(java.lang.String mediaEntryUrl, java.lang.String authToken)Connects to a GData server (specified by the mediaEntryUrl) and fetches the
specified media entry as an InputStream. The caller is responsible for calling
{@link InputStream#close()} on the returned {@link InputStream}.
public | updateEntry(java.lang.String editUri, java.lang.String authToken, entry)Connects to a GData server (specified by the editUri) and updates an
existing entry. The response from the server is returned as an
{@link InputStream}. The caller is responsible for calling
{@link InputStream#close()} on the returned {@link InputStream}.
public | updateMediaEntry(java.lang.String editUri, java.lang.String authToken, mediaEntryInputStream, java.lang.String contentType)Connects to a GData server (specified by the editUri) and updates an
existing media entry. The response from the server is returned as an
{@link InputStream}. The caller is responsible for calling
{@link InputStream#close()} on the returned {@link InputStream}.