filesystem = fs;
DocumentEntry docProps =
// Grab the document stream
_docstream = new byte[docProps.getSize()];
// Check it's really visio
String typeString = new String(_docstream, 0, 20);
if(! typeString.equals(VISIO_HEADER)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wasn't a valid visio document, started with " + typeString);
// Grab the version number, 0x1a -> 0x1b
version = LittleEndian.getShort(_docstream, 0x1a);
// Grab the document size, 0x1c -> 0x1f
docSize = LittleEndian.getUInt(_docstream, 0x1c);
// ??? 0x20 -> 0x23
// Create the Chunk+Pointer Factories for the document version
ptrFactory = new PointerFactory(version);
chunkFactory = new ChunkFactory(version);
// Grab the pointer to the trailer
trailerPointer = ptrFactory.createPointer(_docstream, 0x24);
// Now grab the trailer
trailer = (TrailerStream)
Stream.createStream(trailerPointer, _docstream, chunkFactory, ptrFactory);
// Finally, find all our streams