FreemarkerTemplateEngine.javaAPI DocExample6135Mon Jul 23 13:26:36 BST 2007org.apache.struts2.components.template


public class FreemarkerTemplateEngine extends BaseTemplateEngine
Freemarker based template engine.

Fields Summary
static Class
private org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager
private static final Log
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
protected java.lang.StringgetSuffix()

        return "ftl";
public voidrenderTemplate(TemplateRenderingContext templateContext)

        // get the various items required from the stack
        ValueStack stack = templateContext.getStack();
        Map context = stack.getContext();
        ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) context.get(ServletActionContext.SERVLET_CONTEXT);
        HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) context.get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_REQUEST);
        HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) context.get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_RESPONSE);

        // prepare freemarker
        Configuration config = freemarkerManager.getConfiguration(servletContext);

        // get the list of templates we can use
        List templates = templateContext.getTemplate().getPossibleTemplates(this);

        // find the right template
        freemarker.template.Template template = null;
        String templateName = null;
        Exception exception = null;
        for (Iterator iterator = templates.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Template t = (Template);
            templateName = getFinalTemplateName(t);
            try {
                // try to load, and if it works, stop at the first one
                template = config.getTemplate(templateName);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                if (exception == null) {
                    exception = e;

        if (template == null) {
            LOG.error("Could not load template " + templateContext.getTemplate());
            if (exception != null) {
                throw exception;
            } else {

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Rendering template " + templateName);

        ActionInvocation ai = ActionContext.getContext().getActionInvocation();

        Object action = (ai == null) ? null : ai.getAction();
        SimpleHash model = freemarkerManager.buildTemplateModel(stack, action, servletContext, req, res, config.getObjectWrapper());

        model.put("tag", templateContext.getTag());
        model.put("themeProperties", getThemeProps(templateContext.getTemplate()));

        // the BodyContent JSP writer doesn't like it when FM flushes automatically --
        // so let's just not do it (it will be flushed eventually anyway)
        Writer writer = templateContext.getWriter();
        if (bodyContent != null && bodyContent.isAssignableFrom(writer.getClass())) {
            final Writer wrapped = writer;
            writer = new Writer() {
                public void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
                    wrapped.write(cbuf, off, len);

                public void flush() throws IOException {
                    // nothing!

                public void close() throws IOException {

        try {
            template.process(model, writer);
        } finally {
public voidsetFreemarkerManager(org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager mgr)

        this.freemarkerManager = mgr;