Panels.javaAPI DocExample6065Mon Aug 27 20:12:26 BST


public class Panels extends Sink
Demonstrates various panels and the way they lay widgets out.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public Panels(Sink.Images images)

    HTML contents = new HTML("This is a <code>ScrollPanel</code> contained at "
        + "the center of a <code>DockPanel</code>.  "
        + "By putting some fairly large contents "
        + "in the middle and setting its size explicitly, it becomes a "
        + "scrollable area within the page, but without requiring the use of "
        + "an IFRAME."
        + "Here's quite a bit more meaningless text that will serve primarily "
        + "to make this thing scroll off the bottom of its visible area.  "
        + "Otherwise, you might have to make it really, really small in order "
        + "to see the nifty scroll bars!");
    ScrollPanel scroller = new ScrollPanel(contents);

    DockPanel dock = new DockPanel();
    HTML north0 = new HTML("This is the <i>first</i> north component", true);
    HTML east = new HTML(
        "<center>This<br>is<br>the<br>east<br>component</center>", true);
    HTML south = new HTML("This is the south component");
    HTML west = new HTML(
        "<center>This<br>is<br>the<br>west<br>component</center>", true);
    HTML north1 = new HTML("This is the <b>second</b> north component", true);
    dock.add(north0, DockPanel.NORTH);
    dock.add(east, DockPanel.EAST);
    dock.add(south, DockPanel.SOUTH);
    dock.add(west, DockPanel.WEST);
    dock.add(north1, DockPanel.NORTH);
    dock.add(scroller, DockPanel.CENTER);

    DisclosurePanel disc = new DisclosurePanel("Click to disclose something:");
    disc.setContent(new HTML("This widget is is shown and hidden<br>by the "
        + "disclosure panel that wraps it."));

    FlowPanel flow = new FlowPanel();
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
      flow.add(new CheckBox("Flow " + i));

    HorizontalPanel horz = new HorizontalPanel();
    horz.add(new Button("Button"));
    horz.add(new HTML("<center>This is a<br>very<br>tall thing</center>", true));
    horz.add(new Button("Button"));

    VerticalPanel vert = new VerticalPanel();
    vert.add(new Button("Small"));
    vert.add(new Button("--- BigBigBigBig ---"));
    vert.add(new Button("tiny"));

    VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel();
    vp.add(makeLabel("Disclosure Panel"));
    vp.add(makeLabel("Flow Panel"));
    vp.add(makeLabel("Horizontal Panel"));
    vp.add(makeLabel("Vertical Panel"));

    Grid grid = new Grid(4, 4);
    for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) {
      for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
        grid.setWidget(r, c, images.gwtLogo().createImage());

    TabPanel tabs = new TabPanel();
    tabs.add(vp, "Basic Panels");
    tabs.add(dock, "Dock Panel");
    tabs.add(grid, "Tables");

    HorizontalSplitPanel hSplit = new HorizontalSplitPanel();
    hSplit.setRightWidget(new HTML(
      "This is some text to make the right side of this " +
      "splitter look a bit more interesting... " +
      "This is some text to make the right side of this " +
      "splitter look a bit more interesting... " +
      "This is some text to make the right side of this " +
      "splitter look a bit more interesting... " +
      "This is some text to make the right side of this " +
      "splitter look a bit more interesting... "));

    hSplit.setSize("100%", "450px");
Methods Summary
public static SinkInfoinit(Sink.Images images)

    return new SinkInfo(
        "<h2>Panels</h2><p>This page demonstrates some of the basic GWT panels, each of which "
            + "arranges its contained widgets differently.  "
            + "These panels are designed to take advantage of the browser's "
            + "built-in layout mechanics, which keeps the user interface snappy "
            + "and helps your AJAX code play nicely with existing HTML.  "
            + "On the other hand, if you need pixel-perfect control, "
            + "you can tweak things at a low level using the "
            + "<code>DOM</code> class.</p>") {

      public Sink createInstance() {
        return new Panels(images);

      public String getColor() {
        return "#fe9915";
private caption)

    HTML html = new HTML(caption);
    return html;
public voidonShow()