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package javax.transaction.xa;
* The XAException is thrown by the Resource Manager (RM) to inform the
* Transaction Manager of an error encountered by the involved
* transaction.
public class XAException extends java.lang.Exception {
* The error code with which to create the SystemException.
* @serial The error code for the exception.
public int errorCode;
* Create an XAException.
public XAException()
* Create an XAException with a given string.
* @param s The <code>String</code> object containing the exception
* message.
public XAException(String s)
* Create an XAException with a given error code.
* @param errcode The error code identifying the exception.
public XAException(int errcode)
errorCode = errcode;
* The inclusive lower bound of the rollback codes.
public final static int XA_RBBASE = 100;
* Indicates that the rollback was caused by an unspecified reason.
public final static int XA_RBROLLBACK = XA_RBBASE;
* Indicates that the rollback was caused by a communication failure.
public final static int XA_RBCOMMFAIL = XA_RBBASE + 1;
* A deadlock was detected.
public final static int XA_RBDEADLOCK = XA_RBBASE + 2;
* A condition that violates the integrity of the resource was detected.
public final static int XA_RBINTEGRITY = XA_RBBASE + 3;
* The resource manager rolled back the transaction branch for a reason
* not on this list.
public final static int XA_RBOTHER = XA_RBBASE + 4;
* A protocol error occurred in the resource manager.
public final static int XA_RBPROTO = XA_RBBASE + 5;
* A transaction branch took too long.
public final static int XA_RBTIMEOUT = XA_RBBASE + 6;
* May retry the transaction branch.
public final static int XA_RBTRANSIENT = XA_RBBASE + 7;
* The inclusive upper bound of the rollback error code.
public final static int XA_RBEND = XA_RBTRANSIENT;
* Resumption must occur where the suspension occurred.
public final static int XA_NOMIGRATE = 9;
* The transaction branch may have been heuristically completed.
public final static int XA_HEURHAZ = 8;
* The transaction branch has been heuristically committed.
public final static int XA_HEURCOM = 7;
* The transaction branch has been heuristically rolled back.
public final static int XA_HEURRB = 6;
* The transaction branch has been heuristically committed and
* rolled back.
public final static int XA_HEURMIX = 5;
* Routine returned with no effect and may be reissued.
public final static int XA_RETRY = 4;
* The transaction branch was read-only and has been committed.
public final static int XA_RDONLY = 3;
* There is an asynchronous operation already outstanding.
public final static int XAER_ASYNC = -2;
* A resource manager error has occurred in the transaction branch.
public final static int XAER_RMERR = -3;
* The XID is not valid.
public final static int XAER_NOTA = -4;
* Invalid arguments were given.
public final static int XAER_INVAL = -5;
* Routine was invoked in an improper context.
public final static int XAER_PROTO = -6;
* Resource manager is unavailable.
public final static int XAER_RMFAIL = -7;
* The XID already exists.
public final static int XAER_DUPID = -8;
* The resource manager is doing work outside a global transaction.
public final static int XAER_OUTSIDE = -9;