Fields Summary |
public static final int | ARRAYThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code ARRAY}. |
public static final int | BIGINTThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code BIGINT}. |
public static final int | BINARYThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code BINARY}. |
public static final int | BITThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code BIT}. |
public static final int | BLOBThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code BLOB}. |
public static final int | BOOLEANThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code BOOLEAN}. |
public static final int | CHARThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code CHAR}. |
public static final int | CLOBThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code CLOB}. |
public static final int | DATALINKThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code DATALINK}. |
public static final int | DATEThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code DATE}. |
public static final int | DECIMALThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code DECIMAL}. |
public static final int | DISTINCTThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code DISTINCT}. |
public static final int | DOUBLEThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code DOUBLE}. |
public static final int | FLOATThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code FLOAT}. |
public static final int | INTEGERThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code INTEGER}. |
public static final int | JAVA_OBJECTThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code JAVA_OBJECT}. |
public static final int | LONGVARBINARYThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code LONGVARBINARY}. |
public static final int | LONGVARCHARThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code LONGVARCHAR}. |
public static final int | NULLThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code NULL}. |
public static final int | NUMERICThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code NUMERIC}. |
public static final int | OTHERThe type code that identifies that the SQL type is database specific and
is mapped to a Java object, accessed via the methods
{@code getObject} and {@code setObject}. |
public static final int | REALThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code REAL}. |
public static final int | REFThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code REF}. |
public static final int | SMALLINTThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code SMALLINT}. |
public static final int | STRUCTThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code STRUCT}. |
public static final int | TIMEThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code TIME}. |
public static final int | TIMESTAMPThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code TIMESTAMP}. |
public static final int | TINYINTThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code TINYINT}. |
public static final int | VARBINARYThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code VARBINARY}. |
public static final int | VARCHARThe type code that identifies the SQL type {@code VARCHAR}. |