StreamChunk.javaAPI DocJaudiotagger 2.0.45958Wed Mar 30 16:11:50 BST

 * Entagged Audio Tag library
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Christian Laireiter <>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


import java.math.BigInteger;

 * This class is the base for all handled stream contents. <br>
 * A Stream chunk delivers information about a audio or video stream. Because of
 * this the stream chunk identifies in one field what type of stream it is
 * describing and so other data is provided. However some information is common
 * to all stream chunks which are stored in this hierarchy of the class tree.
 * @author Christian Laireiter
public abstract class StreamChunk extends Chunk {

     * If <code>true</code>, the stream data is encrypted.
    private boolean contentEncrypted;

     * This field stores the number of the current stream. <br>
    private int streamNumber;

     * @see #typeSpecificDataSize
    private long streamSpecificDataSize;

     * Something technical. <br>
     * Format time in 100-ns steps.
    private long timeOffset;

     * Stores the stream type.<br>
    private final GUID type;

     * Stores the size of type specific data structure within chunk.
    private long typeSpecificDataSize;

     * Creates an instance
     * @param streamType
     *            The GUID which tells the stream type represented (
     *            {@link GUID#GUID_AUDIOSTREAM} or {@link GUID#GUID_VIDEOSTREAM}
     *            ):
     * @param chunkLen
     *            length of chunk
    public StreamChunk(final GUID streamType, final BigInteger chunkLen) {
        super(GUID.GUID_STREAM, chunkLen);
        assert GUID.GUID_AUDIOSTREAM.equals(streamType)
                || GUID.GUID_VIDEOSTREAM.equals(streamType);
        this.type = streamType;

     * @return Returns the streamNumber.
    public int getStreamNumber() {
        return this.streamNumber;

     * @return Returns the streamSpecificDataSize.
    public long getStreamSpecificDataSize() {
        return this.streamSpecificDataSize;

     * Returns the stream type of the stream chunk.<br>
     * @return {@link GUID#GUID_AUDIOSTREAM} or {@link GUID#GUID_VIDEOSTREAM}.
    public GUID getStreamType() {
        return this.type;

     * @return Returns the timeOffset.
    public long getTimeOffset() {
        return this.timeOffset;

     * @return Returns the typeSpecificDataSize.
    public long getTypeSpecificDataSize() {
        return this.typeSpecificDataSize;

     * @return Returns the contentEncrypted.
    public boolean isContentEncrypted() {
        return this.contentEncrypted;

     * (overridden)
     * @see
    public String prettyPrint(final String prefix) {
        final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(super.prettyPrint(prefix));
        result.append(prefix).append("  |-> Stream number: ").append(
        result.append(prefix).append("  |-> Type specific data size  : ")
        result.append(prefix).append("  |-> Stream specific data size: ")
        result.append(prefix).append("  |-> Time Offset              : ")
        result.append(prefix).append("  |-> Content Encryption       : ")
        return result.toString();

     * @param cntEnc
     *            The contentEncrypted to set.
    public void setContentEncrypted(final boolean cntEnc) {
        this.contentEncrypted = cntEnc;

     * @param streamNum
     *            The streamNumber to set.
    public void setStreamNumber(final int streamNum) {
        this.streamNumber = streamNum;

     * @param strSpecDataSize
     *            The streamSpecificDataSize to set.
    public void setStreamSpecificDataSize(final long strSpecDataSize) {
        this.streamSpecificDataSize = strSpecDataSize;

     * @param timeOffs
     *            sets the time offset
    public void setTimeOffset(final long timeOffs) {
        this.timeOffset = timeOffs;

     * @param typeSpecDataSize
     *            The typeSpecificDataSize to set.
    public void setTypeSpecificDataSize(final long typeSpecDataSize) {
        this.typeSpecificDataSize = typeSpecDataSize;